“One important aspect indicated by Rudolf Steiner is that Sophia is a cosmic being, whose nature embraces the whole cosmos. Thus, when we contemplate a map of the galaxy we gain insights into Sophia, who holds the blueprint for creation.”
Novalis Hymns to the Night
“BEFORE all the wondrous shows of the widespread space around him, what living, sentient thing loves not the all-joyous light, with its colors, its rays and undulations, its gentle omnipresence in the form of the wakening Day? The giant-world of the unresting constellations
inhales it as the innermost soul of life, and floats dancing in its azure flood; the sparkling, ever-tranquil stone, the thoughtful, imbibing plant, and the wild, burning multiform beast inhales it; but more than all, the lordly stranger with the sense-filled eyes, the swaying walk, and the sweetly closed, melodious lips. Like a king over earthly nature, it rouses every force to countless transformations, binds and unbinds innumerable alliances, hangs its heavenly form around every earthly substance. Its presence alone reveals the marvelous splendor of the kingdoms of the world.” Novalis – Hymns to the Night translated by George MacDonald
This is part 1 the INTRO
Part 2 (click Link) evaluates our CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL from the 5th Age of our American Perspective
Part 3 (Click Link) evaluates SPIRIT-SELF, Manas and challenges of the 6th Age
Part 4 (Click Link READY when you are) evaluates the 7th Age of Capricorn, Life-Spirit, Budhi, and the Eighth Sphere
Hitching a ride in the age of Pisces, and riding along without even an interest under which constellation our entire experiential age, our entire world is dominated by, is a typical bored passenger psychosis, a typical tired tourist apathy and indifference of the soul. No matter how many snapshots and photo ops we may take we still all ride within the hamster wheel of time like clueless mice in a cage. “Big wheel, keep on turning Proud Mary, keep on burning rolling, rolling, rolling…” (Click Link)
We are riding along, and we can raise the ante on both Rod Serling and Stephen King because they are part of the vast American legacy of our Fifth Age, The age of Pisces the Fishes. And the Fifth Age entails the Science of Imagination and the threshold of mapping out the future of our higher human consciousness.
However it is the Science of Magical Idealism and the Science of Spiritual Science and the Michael School founded by Novalis, Goethe and Rudolf Steiner that may read the accurate writing of the Stars, the great Clock of the Heavens and the Cosmic Time Panorama left by St. John in his adoration of Sophia, Queen of the Starry Worlds.
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
We verge, tiptoe and dance on the threshold of the unknown vastness of Rod Serling’s the THE FIFTH. In the geographic far West we call this place of Atavism, of sublimated American Clairvoyance and atavistic Twilight Zone Research, Hollywood. We are traveling in a very specific Space and Time, with the specific character, hazards and magic that the Constellation of Pisces offers us. It is reflected, glistening and sparkling on the rippling waters of the etheric and astral worlds of our lower devachan.
What do we mean by the lower Devachan? Pertinent to our study we can show two interconnected examples of the curiosity of the Monsters of the American Psyche that we must grapple with from now on into the future, past the Sixth Epoch. The most important measure of GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE is our ability, the literature and imaginative ability of our writers and authors, to comprehend what we are seeing with our eyes and our slumbering wits and sleeping consciousness. In comparative studies, most alert souls, would recognize the similarities between two examples of two Devachan assassins who already serve the Asuras (link).
In the course of our examination of Grappling with the Monsters of the American Psyche we will draw an occult map of The United States. We will define certain regional mysteries in the geographic structure of The United States. We will unveil, we will draw open the curtain and unveil where, GEOGRAPHICALLY, some of the Monsters that demonize the United States of America, dwell. We will understand the geographic location of Luciferic pockets of absolute soul corruption and addiction; We will locate and understand geographically pockets of absolute Ahrimanic desolation and corruption; and we will understand where and at what location the Asuric forces and the doorways to Asuric forces were cracked open and surged forth to spiritually corrupt and compromise all material existence on the Earth.
(Rudolf Steiner March 22, 1909)
“Lucifer’s influence in the Sentient Soul which has come into being through the transformation of the astral body; Ahriman’s effect upon the Intellectual Soul, which came about through the transformation of the etheric body; the influence of the Asuras is described as extending into the human Consciousness Soul and the ego, whose activities in man are based on transformation of the physical body.
“The effects of Ahriman are connected with the mirroring of the lower Devachan, that of the Asuras with the mirroring of the higher Devachan in the physical world. Here, we have a second criterion indicating that in the case of the Asuras, we are dealing with an independent realm of beings within the adversary powers.” HANS-WERNER SCHROEDER
As in Tolkien with Middle Earth, in real time, these monsters have infected the occult landscape of the Geography of the United States and polluted it with ghosts, demons and occult Devachan Assassins. So here are two examples of Asuric Devachan assassins pulled up out of the Dramatic Insights into the Science of Imagination native to the American Psyche. The first example that mirrors the second example is from the Matrix Series. There are two twin demonic Devachan Asuric Assassins who engage the Matrix Gang while they attempt to protect the Key Maker. (Click Link Twin Devachan Demonic Assassins).
The other example of the Twin Assassins comes from the early episodes of “Breaking Bad”. Hank, the brother in law to Walter, is shot and nearly killed by the two twin assassins from the cartels located in the South Western Region of the United States. These two assassins are modified versions of absolute merciless evil that have also arisen out of the strange mystical spirituality of the South West Region of the United States that Carlos Castaneda explored in his works. The mirrored example of these Devachan Assassins from the Matrix are – Tuco’s cousins from “Breaking Bad” (CLICK LINK Tuco’s Cousins).
The Matrix Series gives a pure dose, a Devachan dose, of the imaginative cognition of two Demonic Assassins (CLICK EXAMPLE 2). And following up, homegrown, out of the cartels of the South West Region of the United States, where the dark occult forces of Carlos Castaneda picked up the merciless thread of the lower Asuric forces, without conscience, with no moral centricity, save the centricity of Evil in the Core of the Earth Mysteries, which we as humanity are now obliged to face. (Example 2 of human demonically possessed human beings).
Devachan Astral Dream Assassin themes
“A few months before Freddy Krueger began stalking the sleep of American teens in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, and almost three decades before Christopher Nolan’s Inception, Joseph Ruben’s Dreamscape used the world of dreams as a battleground. Where A Nightmare on Elm Street subverted the slasher genre and Inception was an inverted heist movie, Dreamscape was a sci-fi thriller in which the very future of the planet was at stake. Very loosely based on a treatment author Roger Zelazny wrote of his novel The Dream Master (1966), Dreamscape touched on an issue very much in people’s minds at the time. With fears of the possibility of nuclear Armageddon at their height, Ruben’s movie posited a scenario in which a trained dream-assassin would murder the president in his sleep, thus killing him in real life and halting his plans to bring nuclear proliferation to a halt.”
The Big Clock is a precise Cultural and Spiritual Time Piece out of which our own daily lives and our biographies MUST share the time-piece of the stars, for the Big Clock moves 1 degree every 72 years which is the average length of one biographical human life span. Whichever constellation dominates the time of the Spring Equinox, writes the over all outline and tale of humanity into the script of every incarnation during a period of literal time, an approximate period of 2,160 years, which is marked by the laws of Sophia Herself.
“The Earth is not a perfect sphere due to the gravitational attraction of the Sun and Moon on the equatorial bulge of the Earth which causes the rotation of the Earth to wobble on its axis like a fast spinning top. This unique motion results in the precession of the equinoxes. Over a period of one year, when the Sun returns to the vernal equinox, it is fifty seconds of arc behind its last position, equal to about one degree of arc every seventy-two years. It completes a retrograde circle of the twelve constellations in approximately 26,000 years. This journey in time is known as the Great Year. A cosmic month is approximately 2160 years, the approximate time it takes for the vernal point to move through one constellation. The constellation through which the vernal point is moving has a strong influence over the age and history of the world.”
Every human being has several incarnations as either a woman or a man within the giant experiential script of the 2,160 years it takes to write another chapter in the great Divine Book. St. John read this book and all of us, including St. John must live the great Divine Chapters, and write our own poems and progress (or regress) into the script of the great Book. This is something that Novalis was fully aware of.
O Me! O Life!” by Walt Whitman
That you are here—that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.”
Spiritual Science is the School of Novalis and Sophia known as Anthrosophia. The laws of Sophia and the Stars are deeply etched into each and everyone of our own Etheric Bodies be they male or female and Shakespeare accurately recorded how a psychopath thinks as she or he impacts the walls of Time having imploded their incarnations into karmic catastrophe.
“To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage…”
We once had old upright Grandfather Clocks that had swinging pendulums that were like the visual pulse of time, like an inverted metronome. A pacemaker ticker mirrored our own rapid pulse – against the vast divine pulse of the Great Grand Father clock of the heavens, the Big Ben of the seasons, the 12 months, the 12 hours, and the 12 AGES which bring our incarnations continuously through the vast cultural and spiritual changes we record as human history. We might rather, like Novalis, tend to honor the Great Grand Mother Clock of Sophia. The wise Grand Mother of the Stars, who along with St. John, Novalis and the precise science of Spiritual Science look to the daughter of Sophia growing in the Soul of humanity, named ANTHROSOPHIA. This daughter of Sophia, slowly growing in each human soul, is the birth of the higher intelligence of the human I AM who looks up to the great wisdom of vast Cosmo-Sophia.
So each of us are very much immersed, engaged and submerged into the character of this, our own, current, Piscean Age. And each of us carry with us like a comets tail, our own personal karmic legacy and karmic history where we have TOUCHED DOWN into incarnation. Along with the 12 AGES on the Great Clock of the Heavens, we also, may NOW, through Spiritual Science and the Novalis School of Michael, focus our attention on the individual Karmic History of each unique I AM.
Time becomes far less abstract and human beings awaken our most heightened spiritual interest when we learn to FISH OUT of the stream of time the intimacies of our unique karmic contributions. When we learn to see how America has a vast Archai Fire Spirit, sub-normal Spirit of Personality three stages above our human development, struggling to bring the grotesque combinations of Archangels, Angels and our individual human ‘I’ developments into a higher consistency, we must gasp. The melting-pot is all jumbled together and mixed with our moral contradictions and the ragged rips in the spiritual and materialistic conditions of The United States of America.
The United States Archai Spirit, once an Archangel of the Egyptian People, incomplete, unfinished, imprisoned occultly in the Fiery Furnace in the core of our Earth, has come forth as the significantly challenged guiding Fire Spirit of America. Those primal planetary Fire Beings that first forged the first appearance of our human I AM, arose from the ancient Saturn Evolution. The vast American Archai, our stunted, unfinished Super Power, now struggles to atone for Egypt and attain the mission of humanity, and the Earth Herself, which is Love.
Enormous planet forces locked in the Sixth Layer of the Inner Earth (click Link) had imprisoned this Egyptian Archangel Being, and only through the birth out of the Fiery Core has this Archangel graduated to become the tormented, incomplete Archai of America Herself.
“These layers represents even earlier stages of planetary evolution (Old Saturn) and contains retarded powers from still higher hierarchies (archai or spirits of personality / time spirits).”
To peer into the core of a fiery Spirit of Personality, a planetary force of Being that now is wedded to the destiny of the American Soul, makes us gasp. All the deepest, darkest mysteries of human evolution, where Cain murdered his brother Abel, where Set overthrew Osiris now torment the unfolding super-power of this young unformed, abnormal Archai, which we call America.
Osiris “…left Isis to rule Egypt when he decided to spread his rule around the world. He returned only after civilizing the entire earth. He found that Isis ruled wisely and his kingdom was still in perfect order. However, it was at this point that his brother, Set, began plotting against him. There are many stories of how Osiris was killed. The most common is that Set held an extravagant banquet and invited Osiris. After the festivities were over, Set produced a magnificent coffin and offered it as a gift to whomever it fitted best. Of course, it had been built for Osiris’s form and when he got in it, Set shut the lid and threw it in the Nile river.
“Set took Osiris’s place as king while the grieving Isis searched for Osiris’s remains. She found the body in a far away place called Byblos, brought it back to Egypt, and hid it in the marsh. Set found it, unfortunately, and tore the body in pieces, throwing them again into the river. Isis collected all the pieces except the genitals, which had been eaten by fish.”
A little later we shall come upon the tale of “Moby Dick” and reconnect to the prophet Elijah. We can hardly imagine, provided we haven’t had training in the Science of Imagination, that hiding the Egyptian tale of Osiris in the unfathomable depths of our American Unconscious, is really an ART form that schools human intuition, vividly, under the School of Novalis and John the Baptist. Before Darwin even got his research upside down and backwards to the Evolution of Humanity, Melville had already fathomed, charted and mapped the unconscious regions where Osiris and Egypt survived in the sperm and genitals of the Age of the Fishes. Melville was already there in the Science of Novalis and the Michael School.
“Cetology” reminds the reader that Melville came before Darwin
“There are a lot of different whales. The biggest is the sperm whale. Sperm whales are not only big, but dangerous. They are commercially valuable because they have the best oil and some white waxy crap in their brains called spermaceti that gets used in all sorts of ointments and cosmetics. Moby Dick is a sperm whale.”
But how does an Archangel get the awkward promotion to the rank of abnormal, stunted Archai over the vast regions of the Geographic United States of America? There are three things we might hold fast in our consciousness. One – an interesting overlay of Spirit and Geography that places the central river of the Nile (that flowed NORTH with etheric arterial potent spirituality) and the central river of Mark Twain’s Mississippi, (which flows SOUTH) as a kind of etheric central artery. A giant geographic over laid memory system in America that resembles, in part, the kind of central mystery of Egypt and the big bad Nile River that the ancient Egyptians considered their core cultural mystery. “Sirius was a very important star to the ancient Egyptians, who called it the Star of Isis or the Nile Star. About 5,000 years ago, the helical rising of Sirius occurred earlier, around June 25.” Two – comparing the failed, crude and materialistic cosmology and striving for star wisdom of the United States, compared to – the powerful Devachan vision, mapping the journey of souls after death into the stars, with the magnificent and beneficent wisdom and blessing of Nut, who represented the vast Mothering forces of the starry Cosmos, and the cultural support to the ancient Isis Mysteries. To which, today, the Sophia Mysteries of the School of Novalis have been slowly rising again from the far West to take the place of the ancient Isis Mysteries of Egypt. Three – That the Archangel’s regeneration and resurrection to Fire Spirit, abnormal Archai, and stunted Spirit of Form, lay in the mystery of THE FISHES, Pisces and the rise of the vast American continent in the age of the Fishes, in the Far West.
Mark Twain rode the American Folk Soul, reflected the American Folk substance, the way Egyptians might have used the Nile for commerce, gambling and riverboat escapades. The untapped shadow, the double, the region that was awakened with the discovery of America brought the active concrete SHADOW into real time. The rise of the former Egyptian age did not have to deal with consequences, the conscious consequences of our human SHADOWS. The current struggle of the abnormal, stunted Archai that sends it’s vast tentacles through the entire population of the United States, must now deal with the stunted shadow that was left undealt with in Egypt.
“For a long time before the beginning of the development of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. Europe had to be protected from the influence of the Western world. This is the significant historical arrangement that was cultivated by wisdom-filled world powers. Europe had to be protected for a long time from all these influences; and it could not have been protected if the European world had not been completely shut off from America in the centuries before the fifteenth century.”
The discovery of America in the Age of Pisces, the Fifth Age, awaited the dawning of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL. The discovery of America, where the mystery of the Shadow and the human doppelganger had now to become fully conscious also required the Archangel of the Egyptian people to face the consequences and occult powers that are the real forces of the Moral Developments that both humanity and Gods must live with.
“In the depths of human souls, the Double acquires ever greater power over the unconscious life of human will, binding souls with powers that derive entirely from the earth itself— rigidifying forces of mechanization and subnature (especially gravity, electricity, and magnetism). Indeed, Steiner stated that in America those sub-earthly magnetic forces that connect the human being more closely with the Double rise up most strongly. These forces are connected with the fact that on the American continents, most of the mountain ranges run in a north-south direction.“
A promotion and a new assignment that placed the Moral Maturity of the American People in the service of an abnormal Fire Archai, Spirit of Personality, was now required payment for the Egyptian Age. A Super-Power would either grow into a mighty nation of black magicians by the 7th Age, THE AGE OF AMERICA or the souls of the human beings of the United States would break through to a New Cosmology, a New Christology, a New Cosmogony and grow inwardly to become Sophia’s Wedding Guests, dressed in White Garments and purified with clear Etheric Goodness, wrought from moral courage and conscious spiritual development.
I give you a riddle. We shall solve this riddle together ‘we shall meet this tormented abnormal Archai and premature Spirit of Form through the birth of Manhattan’. I’ll give you a clue, this is not a cliché. This is not a trite or overused expression or idea. It is a fact that requires the occult mystery of Language and the Word. It is also a fact that the decadence of the Egyptian Age has carried a huge cultural price tag that The United States of America must pay for the karma of the decadent Egyptian Age. It is the mystery of the WORD on which all things rest. Final Sticker Shock of the human cost we shall pay makes us gasp. If we knew that the crowning culmination of the final gasps of Earth Evolution ends with the epitaph and epistle of the Apocalypse pointing to THE AMERICAN AGE, we would quiver with caution as to what we are planting as deeds into the final phases of this the Piscean Age.
We must gasp, for we may compare our own American Fire Spirit to the Archai of the Sun, Michael, and the Michael School parameters of higher human spiritual development against the background of the jagged, juggling of the vast continent and Beings that are the collective we all understand as the American Soul. We shall introduce ourselves to this mighty sub-normal Archai, forged as a Fire Spirit from the very primal beginnings of the creation of humanity, who must carry the occult damage of the once grand mystery of the Egyptian Age.
We will learn to understand the geographic regions of the United States that are colored by literal Archangel Beings, two stages above humanity. These Archangel Beings give the different regional Speech dialects, colloquial modulations and accents the flavors and pulse of the very Soul of the different Geographic Regions of the United States. We can clearly zero in on Etheric Identity markers in the use of vowels and consonants, gestures, styles of dress, mannerisms of different Archangel Regions. These mannerisms, gestures and Speech Patterns arise organically and naturally from the etheric body of the different regions and are woven into the etheric body and astral nuances of persons influenced and associated with those regions. It is within immediate hearing of any voice or group of voices that we can identify strong Archangelic, Geographic and etheric influences that have formed the roots, character and souls of specific groups and colored the expressions of individuals.
As an example we can take the film”Fargo” itself and how it represents a slice of such an Archangelic Regioinal Soul flavor and behavior experience which Rod Serling correctly designated as what “lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.” It is how the School of Spiritual Science can define the middle ground where, naive and warm hearted, the American Soul of humanity dwells on the threshold between the depths of evil and the heights of wisdom.
The American Heartland is a repository, was a repository for the once easy to define Good. The occult vision of the Heartland was captured concretely HERE – (CLICK LINK). This was the Initiation we are all undergoing at the THRESHOLD. (Study this short clip carefully CLICK LINK) This was the nature of our dwelling place in America and is known in the Novalis School as the region of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL.
Frank Capra and the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL
The name “Capra”, notes Capra’s biographer Joseph McBride, represents his family’s closeness to the land, and means “she-goat”.[4] He notes that the English word “capricious” derives from it…”
American Age – Sea-Goat, Capricorn 5733 – 7893 AD
Although It’s a Wonderful Life is his best-known film, Friedman notes that it was Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) which most represented the “Capra myth.” That film expressed Capra’s patriotism more than any others, and “presented the individual working within the democratic system to overcome rampant political corruption.”[2]
The film, however, became Capra’s most controversial. In his research before filming, he was able to stand close to President Roosevelt during a press conference after the recent acts of war by Germany in Europe. Capra recalls his fears:
And panic hit me. Japan was slicing up the colossus of China piece by piece. Nazi panzers had rolled into Austria and Czechoslovakia; their thunder echoed over Europe. England and France shuddered. The Russian bear growled ominously in the Kremlin. The black cloud of war hung over the chancelleries of the world. Official Washington from the President down, was in the process of making hard, torturing decisions. “And here was I, in the process of making a satire about government officials; … Wasn’t this the most untimely time for me to make a film about Washington?”[17]
When the filming was completed, the studio sent preview copies to Washington. Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. ambassador to the UK, wrote to Columbia head Harry Cohn, “Please do not play this picture in Europe.”[2] Politicians were concerned about the potential negative impact the film might have on the morale of our allies, as World War II had begun. Kennedy wrote to president Roosevelt that “in foreign countries this film must inevitably strengthen the mistaken impression that the United States is full of graft, corruption and lawlessness.”[18] Many studio heads agreed nor did they want negative feelings about Hollywood to be instilled in political leaders.[19]
Nonetheless, Capra’s vision of the film’s significance was clear:
The more uncertain are the people of the world, the more their hard-won freedoms are scattered and lost in the winds of chance, the more they need a ringing statement of America’s democratic ideals. The soul of our film would be anchored in Lincoln. Our Jefferson Smith would be a young Abe Lincoln, tailored to the rail-splitter’s simplicity, compassion, ideals, humor, and unswerving moral courage under pressure.[20]
Capra pleaded with Cohn to allow the film to go into distribution and remembers the intensity of their decision making:
Harry Cohn paced the floor, as stunned as Abraham must have been when the Lord asked him to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac.[21]
Cohn and Capra chose to ignore the negative publicity and demands, and released the film as planned. It was later nominated for 11 Academy Awards, only winning one (for Best Original Story) partly because of the number of major pictures that were nominated that year, including The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind.[13] Hollywood columnist Louella Parsons called it a “smash patriotic hit” and most critics agreed, seeing that audiences left the theaters with “an enthusiasm for democracy” and “in a glow of patriotism.”[18]
The significance of the film’s message was established further in France, shortly after World War II began. When the French public were asked to select which film they wanted to see most, having been told by the Vichy government that soon no more American films would be allowed in France, the overwhelming majority chose it over all others. To a France, soon to be invaded and occupied by Nazi forces, the film most expressed the “perseverance of democracy and the American way.”[2]
Our humanity is set to be challenged from now on, into the future times, with coming to meet in ourselves and in our individual karma the Monsters of the American Psyche. If the Heartland is to survive Ahriman’s crushing consolidations and advanced genetic, psychic and pharmaceutical modifications that will be imposed as humanity, all humanity are herded toward “The Singularity”(Click Link IF you wish to walk richly through Noam Chomsky’s POV it is lengthy and rich), of the merging of our psychic and social melding of technology with our Astral, and Etheric and even the corruption of our ‘I’, the Heartland must find the courage to gain insight into the wisdom and vision of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL.
Garrison Keillor, planted firmly in the Geographic Heartland represents what we once called the GOOD. The Good, which the Shepherds heard the Angels Sing to MEN OF GOOD WILL and which inspired Frank Capra, also is and was invested in Keillor’s spirit. We find in the same region of Fargo North Dakota and under the same Archangelic Region, that Garrison Keillor, as one of the many Initiates of the Heartland, we find the literal geographic region of the Prairie States, known to United States audiences as “A Prairie Home Companion”.
In terms of the American Soul substance we can find the complete fictional opposite of Garrison Keillor in the brilliant American Soul and psyche explorations of Stephen King. The geographic region of the Prairie States, have a particular regional accent and character that is very, very different than the Archangelic region of the American South West. We can see this clearly and it is indisputable in terms of understanding the Etheric Character of the different geographic regions of the United States.
“Lake Wobegon” are the episodic chapters of the limited and naive central mystery of watered down Lutheran American Goodness who remain too shy, too backward, and too misinformed to come to terms with the sub-normal Archai, Fire Spirit of Personality, that dominates the foundations of the American Psyche. Stephen King sometimes comes much closer in his sketches and writings than anything imagined in “Lake Wobegon”.
Watered down goodness alone cannot appreciate the human wholeness that radiates from Michael the Archai and Time Spirit of our Age who stands firmly next to the Risen Etheric Christ Being. These Powers and Beings scare the timid, shy and cowardly Christian into shrinking into the shadows cast by the rigid traditions of goodness.
“In earlier times it was sufficient to speak to people about the super-sensible world in the way in which the religious faiths (click link) still want to speak. Today this will no longer do. Today people often get themselves into difficulties precisely because they wish to promote eternal bliss in an egoistic way through the religious faiths.”
And we need vast human pockets of new erupting and conscious goodness, arising all through the Heart of America. We need our Goodness raised gradually to the heights of spiritual courage and Frank Capra and the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL. We need Lake Wobegon and Stephen King and the Schooling of Novalis and Spiritual Science to penetrate the vast dark mysteries of America.
These Monsters of the American Psyche that we can identify clearly, erupt from the unrecognized shadow and black hole in the central core of the human ‘I’. The human being, as an immortal participant in the unfolding of Divine Evolution, as a member of THE TENTH HIERARCHY, one level below the Angel Kingdom, we are required to monitor, contain and confront our shadows.
As Rod Serling, Rudolf Steiner, Novalis, Goethe, St. John and Nietzsche demanded, we are destined to encounter and study everything that lies at the pit of humanities fears, to the height of humanities wisdom. This is indeed the region of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL that must be explored and encountered NOW. The Consciousness Soul is our overall lesson plan, that meets every human being over the face of the Earth who are incarnated now under the vast zodiacal time frame of THE FISHES.
Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts
“184. This makes it urgent for man to find in conscious experience a knowledge of the Spirit, wherein he will rise as high above Nature as in his sub-natural technical activities he sinks beneath her. He will thus create within him the inner strength not to go under.”
“…the possibility of finding a true relationship to the Ahrimanic civilization has escaped man. He must find the strength, the inner force of knowledge, in order not to be overcome by Ahriman in this technical civilization. He must understand Sub-Nature for what it really is. This he can only do if he rises, in spiritual knowledge, at least as far into extra-earthly Super-Nature as he has descended, in technical Sciences, into Sub-Nature. The age requires a knowledge transcending Nature, because in its inner life it must come to grips with a life-content which has sunk far beneath Nature — a life-content whose influence is perilous. Needless to say, there can be no question here of advocating a return to earlier states of civilization. The point is that man shall find the way to bring the conditions of modern civilization into their true relationship-to himself and to the Cosmos.”
The pit of humanities fears and the Monsters from the depths of the American Psyche are running renegade operations, torture centers, Rendition Schools over the globe, where impure Asuric and Sorathian Evil schools train souls to embrace the region where the Monsters of the American Psyche and the Global Psyche dwell. But the United States is a festering breeding ground for the incubation of these global monsters.
This devastation that we must face as we penetrate deeper and deeper into the psychic structure of humanity requires, mandates the School of Spiritual Science, to midwife our human spiritual development through and over the Threshold where actual Powers, and Beings dwell side by side with humanity.
It is strictly because our universities, our education, our religious naivety, our psychology have all failed miserably to advance towards the challenge that Novalis, Goethe, Rudolf Steiner, St. John and Rod Serling presented us with, that we find ourselves on a real journey to the HEART OF DARKNESS.
Art and Imagination, the Risen Etheric Christ and Michael, have stood steadfastly beside humanity. Novalis presented the Science of the Poet with the richness of a Painter and the accuracy and vision of a Prophet to the treasures of Spiritual Science. The Fifth Age, The Sixth Age and the Seventh Age will bring to a culmination vast impulses that lay submerged, awaiting the dawning of our CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL.
We as humanity are required to plunge into the depths of the Divine Workshop in the deep dark cellars where the ancient Gods dwell in order to follow the path of the Christ Being. Our human education on Earth, bar none, no one is excluded, is to learn to see into the workings of the hierarchies of the heights to balance our plunge into the depths. Our moral integrity must rise to the challenge of holding our higher humanity intact through the next three Ages ahead and it must start now in The Fifth Age, the Age of Pisces.
The Descent of the Human Spirit into the Heart of Darkness (click link)
In the film, shortly before Colonel Kurtz dies, he recites part of T. S. Eliot‘s poem “The Hollow Men“. Not only is Kurtz in the novel characterized as “hollow at the core”, the poem is preceded in printed editions by the epigraph “Mistah Kurtz – he dead”, a quotation from Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
In addition, two books seen opened on Kurtz’s desk in the film are From Ritual to Romance by Jessie Weston and The Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer, the two books that Eliot cited as the chief sources and inspiration for his poem “The Waste Land“. Eliot’s original epigraph for “The Waste Land” was this passage from Heart of Darkness, which ends with Kurtz’s final words:[12]
Did he live his life again in every detail of desire, temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment of complete knowledge? He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision, – he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath –
“The horror! The horror!”Colonel Kurtz is based on the character of a nineteenth-century ivory trader, also called Kurtz, from the novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
Briefly let us cast our eye over the great State of Missouri. At least three major incarnations of three distinct individuals who give three spiritual points of view (POV) of the I AM and the Consciousness Soul of America arise from the geographic region in the United States, known to us as Missouri.
“I see the path of progress for modern man in his occupation with his own self, with his inner being, as indicated by Rudolf Steiner.” T.S. Eliot
(Dec. 26th, 1959, in the context of contrasting Goethe’s scientific consciousness and that employed in atomic research. An extract from a longer quotation cited in: Colin Wilson. “Beyond the Occult,” Caxton Editions: London, 2002 (pg. 335f.)
Thomas Stearns Eliot OM (Sep. 26th, 1888–Jan. 4th, 1965) was an essayist, publisher, playwright, literary and social critic and “one of the twentieth century’s major poets.” [1] Born in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States, he moved to the United Kingdom in 1914 (at age 25) and was naturalized as a British subject in 1927 at age 39.
T.S. Eliot, Mark Twain and Harry Truman, all out of Missouri, set the stage for the Asuric, Ahrimanic and Sorathian Monsters of the American Psyche to rise up out of the depths of our Consciousness Soul and confront us all with their unrecognized horror. It only becomes the science of literature and part of the science of humanity when we become conscious of the shadows in the depths of our Consciousness Soul.
T.S. Eliot in his “The Hollow Men“ reveal the true Black Hole in the psyche where the I AM and Consciousness Soul dwell. Eliot reveals the pathways by which the Asuras gain entrance and slowly begin devouring the rich center of the immortal I AM buried deep in the uncharted regions of our Consciousness Soul.
Mark Twain in his “Mysterious Stranger” (CLICK LINK), long before the Rolling Stones drew their prophetic and powerful “Sympathy for the Devil” into a portrait of Ahriman, (not Lucifer), Twain had captured the rising Ahrimanic shadow Being. It was the Ahrimanic Beings in each of us that were fore-shadowed by Missouri born Mark Twain in his Consciousness Soul gift to the United States, “The Mysterious Stranger”(Click Link). Here the pedigree of Ahriman/Mephistopheles and the true shadow of the American Psyche, a mini-potent portrait raised it’s icy features before our eyes. Goethe’s “Faust”, and “The Mysterious Stranger”(click link) by Twain managed to isolate for our astute study the ancient adversary of Divine Intelligence, Ahriman.
This monster of “The Singularity” (Intense Research CLICK LINK) of the merging of the Divine forces of the Psyche of Humanity with computerized intelligence is aimed at strangling and suffocating the higher potential of human spiritual development in the tangled knots of Ahrimanic, icy efficiency.
Rudolf Steiner’s statue where Ahriman and Christ are depicted, along with Lucifer, reveal that Ahrimanic forces claw, clutch and grab at human intelligence like a demonic feeding frenzy, that ties humanity, and humanities Spiritual and Soul forces into binding technological, computerized, chains, knots, and the pornography of psychic torture and spiritual dominatrix humiliation. Unconscious desires for the enslavement of our human spirits and massive Bondage cravings and hungers are being driven by Ahriman and the Asuras.
In the carved statue of “The Representative of Humanity” we see Ahriman below the Christ Being, tied in knots. But Ahriman in the West and in all Western university education has been breaking through the shimmering surface ripples of human intelligence, stirring beneath the waters of The Age of Pisces and creating pornographic, erotic, cravings to be bound, imprisoned, and repeatedly tortured. Why? Because “The Singularity” that merges the human psyche with fallen Devachan Technology, will enchain, enmesh and infect the psyche of humanity with such overwhelming enhancements of refined evil, that the future Spiritual Unfolding of every human spirit will be sucked under into Ahriman’s dominating sphere of imprisoning human freedom, human intelligence, human compassion and human love within a web of coldly efficient spidery venom that will suck out, numb and eviscerate all higher human spiritual potential. (Which leads over to The Culmination of the American Psyche and the EIGHTH SPHERE click link)
While T.S. Eliot described the state of human “Hollow Men” where the Consciousness Soul in us, women and men, had just begun to rise into the unmapped and uncharted region of the Devachan, we became vividly aware of what ‘I’-less human beings are like. Ahriman longs to fill that vacuum of SELF with sterile, icy intelligence. And they have!!!
The Asuras, who take pleasure in sadistic pain, torture and Bondage, wish to expedite the complete extinguishing of the I AM, after they have infected and parasitically fed off the I Am, turn over and offer the juicy immortal and poisoned I AM as food for the chromosome and matter corrupting anti-Sun, Sorathian Beings. The Sorathian Beings, the demonic shadow of the all embracing, life giving Sun, command the three different categories of sub-sensible beings. The Sorathian category and contingency of beings dwelling in the depths of the American Psyche, slime and slither in the immortal corruption and wreckage of the I AM. These awful beings of “horror-horror” that are the heart of darkness, directly oppose the aims of the Risen Etheric Christ Being.
The World Abyss of the I and the Horror of Hollowness
“Christ submerged into the personality of Jesus; Jesus, borne aloft by the Christ force, became Jesus Christ. The Doctor pointed to the cross of two-fold suffering, to the agonies in both relations: Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus. Before ‘its union with the Logos, the personality of Jesus experienced the black-hole of the world within the center of his “I,” his ego; the world abyss of the I, a concept commensurate with that of the Copernican universe. Jesus prior to the baptism — an “It,” . over which the Ahriman-emptied universe is torn asunder. So — under the double cross of “Jesus Christ” — while the “Christ,” Who in freedom had left the realm of spirit-light in order to be drawn into the narrow hole of personality, had to endure the horror and pain of an incomparable constriction, beside which any form of insanity would be — a nothing. He had to endure this torture so as to become “Christ Jesus,” so that He could live within Jesus.” Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner by Andrei Belyi
President Harry Truman from Missouri and Oppenheimer plunged the United States and the globe into the Sorathian genetic corruption of literally poisoning matter. Chromosome and cellular matter, Life, Etheric Life and The Living Bread of Life, (click link) Life Spirit forces in matter, where the Sun Being and the Resurrected Christ could transubstantiate divine forces through matter, were breached. Light was raped and holy mater, matter and Light itself, was corrupted by an Anti-Grail technological assault team and hit squad.
True Assassins of the Sun were deployed to the South West Region of the United States with the gruesome task to rip open the gateway to lower Sorathian forces. Sorathian forces that oppose the gift of the Risen Etheric Christ Sun Being. Christ, who had through Golgotha, resurrected Fallen Matter to renewed etheric Life now had to contend with multitudes of domed cathedrals and nuclear reactors over the face of the Earth, and those that worshiped the destruction of matter, Light and Love.
The Novalis School of Schöne Wissenschaften
Rudolf Steiner, Novalis, Goethe, the Transcendentalists (including Hawthorne, Longfellow, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau) and the Inklings (that including Owen Barfield, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams), poets, songwriters and explorers of the new realm of the Consciousness Soul were all gathered under the spirit of Novalis. Rudolf Steiner and the Michael School has invited all our artists, writers, poets to – (including the Christ/Lucifer Woodstock generation) to – (Steiner) “…-what in France is called ‘belles-lettres.’ I don’t know whether the expression is still used. No? What a pity! In Germany they spoke of ‘Schöne Wissenschaften’ up to the nineteenth century, and then the term lapsed. The ‘beautiful sciences’, sciences which brought beauty into human knowledge, aesthetics, art.” R.S.
Three Missourians that are included in the dawning science of the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL AGE and all linked together through the illustrious state of Missouri brought to us preliminary and devastating insights into the work of Ahriman, the work of the Asuras and the first rift of the influx and tidal waves of Sorathian light devouring monsters.
Speech and the imprint in the etheric body of Instant Etheric Geographic Identification
“Which spiritual beings are especially active in America, and what is their nature? It is important to remember that, wherever an individuality incarnates on Earth, whether he/she is born in that location or moves there, two factors play an important role. One factor concerns the etheric geography of that location; the second factor is centered upon the mystery of the Double.”
Our Angels have placed us in Northern Regions where specific Archangelic influences color the character, SPEECH (Click Link etheric visible coloring of Archangel substance) and living etheric substance of our human soul. Our Angels have placed us in South Western regions of The United States where specific regional Archangelic influences color the character, speech and living etheric substance of our human souls. Our Angels have placed us in the North East, The East, the South East, The Deep South, where specific Archangelic influences have colored our character, our SPEECH (Click Link regional Etheric soul colorings) and the living etheric substances that flow through our souls. Our Angels have placed us in the West, the North West, Alaska, Hawaii, and the desert West where specific Archangelic influences color the character, speech and living etheric substances of our human souls.
Behind each of you stands his Angel,
Softly laying his hands on your head.
This Angel gives you the strength that you need.
Above your heads sweeps the circle of the Archangels.
They carry from one to the other what each has to give to the other.
They unite their souls, thereby you get the courage you need.
In the movements they make as they weave from one to the other
They form a chalice.
The light of wisdom is given us by the sublime beings of the Archai.
They do not clothe themselves into a circle
But coming from eternal beginnings, manifest themselves
And vanish again into the eternal distances.
They reach this space only in the form of a drop of light
Which fills for a moment the chalice
Formed by the movement of the Archangels.
(The Founding Verse of the First Waldorf School in Stuttgart (1919) by Rudolf Steiner)
We carry the karma of America around with us to all parts of the world. The future of our humanity and the future of the world, all hang in the balance of how we penetrate with our Spirits and our Consciousness Soul down to the heart of our darkness. The character and conditions of our incarnations will be shaped by the Goodness, Greatness and Courage we create from now until the 7th Age, when The Culmination of THE AGE OF AMERICA completes itself (Click Link) .
The vernal point where the Sun “crosses” the Earth’s equator gradually cycles through the constellations. Taking 25,920 years to complete each cycle taking approximately 2,160 years to pass through each Sign. Our Earth’s “wobble” was known to the ancients, who divided the Great Year into twelve Ages or aeons, each of approximately 2,160 years in length. Thus we get the Age of Aries, the Age of Pisces, the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Capricorn.
Currently the Age of Pisces is the coloring and water we are drenched in, soaked in, swimming in. It is the mandatory learning, without exception, for every single human being incarnated in this, the Fifth Age. Everyone into the pool. At every university, with every earned degree we are boxed in, immersed and drowned in the pool of massive materialistic indoctrination. Vast systems and fragments of, Intellectual lack of cohesion, have opened the gates for immoral, isolated, special branches of specialized concentrated, one sided, career opportunities, severed from the whole integrated map of the Cosmos and severed from the moral roots of origins that WE the Tenth Hierarchy, carry.
We have failed to guide, map and outline the terrain, even if we have attempted in our explorations to map the bottom of all of the vast oceans, their deep trenches, and locate the lost ships, like the Titanic in its deep grave. The map of our human Genome; Our maps, photos, studies of the heavens, including the arch priest of materialism sitting in Newton’s chair of science, Stephen Hawking; Our maps of Black Holes and the Big Bang of the Starry Heavens; Our maps of the Atomic Table and our fall into Nuclear Nightmare with Oppenheimer and President Harry Truman; Our maps of the Periodic Table of the Elements and how whole family and karmic groups become literal fallen Black Hole systems as in “Breaking Bad” and how karmic destruction works when in search for the perfect astral blue Meth.
Think of the Pharmaceutical black magic industries that create drugs that invade the astral body, cripple it, addict it, poison it, and become part of our vast Multi-National Corporate Conglomeration that serves the Whore of Babylon enterprises of DuPont, Monsanto Inc and the global plague of unnatural genetically modified seeds.These are all maps, studies and vast human collaborations amassing immense contributions to the over all system of knowledge known as the working system of the spiritual faculty of the un-mapped region of our Consciousness Soul. Otherwise intimated by Rod Serling as his very own explorations of the TWILIGHT ZONE in service of the American psyche.
However the map of the terrain of the moral and spiritual journey and soul-scape of the Soul and Spirit of America, the United States, is as vitally important and precise as were the expeditions of Lewis and Clark.
“We are only seeing the surface of things, for the most part. Behind the scenes, vast forces are jockeying for position and behind those forces is something even more vast and incomprehensible. Given the enormous reach of time that stretches from end to bending end, it is difficult, if not impossible, for the conditioned minds, of those engaged in the processes, to grasp what the meaning of it is.” Les Visible
We are set to chart an outline that leads us through the Giant Clock, all the way to the 7th Age, where Capricorn will rise in the Spring and the Age of America will have come to fulfillment. The Age of America will have come to fulfillment by what we have planted in the soil of Science, technology, genetics and the advanced development of human spirituality in this the Fifth Age.
America and the Science of Cosmogony
“Anglo-American civilization is conquering the world. But, in conquering the world, it will need to absorb what the conquered parts of the world have to give — the impulse to Freedom, the impulse to Altruism; for in itself it has only the impulse to Cosmogony. Indeed, Anglo-American civilization owes its success to a Cosmogonic Impulse. It owes it to the circumstance, that people are able to think in world-thoughts.
“These are the three things which are acting within our civilization as forces of decline and fall: — Lack of a cosmogony, lack of a sound foundation of freedom, lack of an altruistic sense. But without a cosmogony, do you see, there is no real science, or system of knowledge. Then there is no real knowledge — then all knowledge ultimately becomes a mere game, in which the worlds and the civilizations of man are toys.”
Our American failure to awaken in our universities a solid science of cosmogony, cosmology or embryology is spiritually catastrophic to the Mission of America and the goal of The Age of America. Our grotesque, ham-handed loping along, never asking, never showing interest, or never feeling connected to the science of the cycles of Time has stagnated and choked the entire progress of humanity.
Dumbfounded, we arrogantly don’t care that in the previous age of the Ram, when the Spring Constellation rose in the hard horned skull of the Ram and Christ was crucified on the hill of the skull, and it was the Age of the quest for the Golden Fleece, we were never taught to reorder our thinking into the science of the vast perspectives of Living Time. We hardly gave Michelangelo (see link) the credit
of defining Moses with Rams Horns because of the culmination of the constellation of Ram rising in the Spring.
We didn’t mark it on our calenders and look to the sky and the Spring Constellation of the Ram and marvel to ourselves that the culminating mystery of the age of the Ram, out of the Constellation of Aries, was that the Lamb of God was crucified on the hill of skulls, on Golgotha. It never entered our common education that the achievement of THE GOLDEN FLEECE was the perfect Incarnation Science of Jesus (Click Link) that brought about the Earthly gift of the Golden Sun Drenched Risen Etheric Christ.
The age of the Ram brought the achievement of Golden gift of Spirit-Man, Atma, the Risen Etheric Christ, into our own human Earth evolution.
The Egyptian Age arose when the Spring Equinox rose in the constellation of Taurus. Language Arts, the Devachan where the Egyptian Sciences tracked the journey of Pharaohs after their deaths were part of the details of the Egyptian Age.
The Egyptians literally supplied the IMAGE and physical reality of a Barge, a Boat to be used as a vessel and vehicle for the dead to journey their way back into the stars. The hieroglyphic picture arts of the Devachan, the foundations of language and the vivid links that connect our FIFTH AGE OF PISCES to the Egyptian THIRD AGE are laced in the language of Images and Imaginations moving in the fluidity of our infatuation with film and cinema and the location of Hollywood on the powerful, shifting-fluidity, of the fault lines and fissures of the West Coast of The United States.
The projected vast imagination from the Egyptian Age reveals a Pyramid Scheme of power that was once a great divine mystery in Egypt, which has become today in this our Fifth Age, merely the Corporate Common Denominator of every materialistic multi-national dynastic empire whose CEO and President merely reign over Pyramid Schemed Empires across the globe. This Pyramid scheme has surfaced from the ghosts of ancient Egypt. Our Pyramid schemes have been stripped of Egypt’s profound understanding of the journey our souls take after death, back into the world of the Stars.
“A pharaoh is a supreme ancient Egyptian ruler. Pharaohism follows the same principles of totalitarianism, where the sole ruler has absolute power and control. Henry Ford also, according to J.P. Morgan, “resembled Seti I, the father of the great Ramses and the best-preserved mummy to have been unearthed from the necropolis of Thebes in the Valley of the Kings (Doctorow 143).”
We do not reveal in our universities and our educational history that when the Sun Rose in the Spring under the sign of Taurus, when the clock of the Stars and the incarnation lessons of Babylon,Summaria, Egypt and the deep journey of language that was crafted from the STARS, the foundations of the WORD (click Link) were, during the Egyptian era when the Sun Rose in the Spring under the Sign of Taurus, it was the Time of learning the Devachan Mysteries of THE WORD.
In this our Fifth Age, Osiris genitals, procreative cosmic forces devoured by The Fishes, have arisen under the Super-Power we fondly call The United States of America. Deadly, occult, Egyptian karma of Archangels and Archai run undercurrent, like the Great White Whale swimming deeply under our current Piscean AGE.
How the coffin and the mystery of the sarcophagus, the mystery of how the ancient Egyptian culture explored the hidden and veiled secrets of the Devachan and Life after death, now swirl under the surface of our unfathomed collective group soul of our own collective American unconsciousness .
The dark brother to Osiris, Set, dominates the cosmology of the United States and the western science of the stars. Immortality and life after death are choked to death in their cribs and still born in the medical sciences of the United States of America. Monstrous falsity is taught at every university. The living reality of how humanity and the stars are integrated in our pre-embryological developments (click link) are suffocated and strangled so that they do not awaken in our Consciousness Soul.
Absolute Ahrimanic lies and distortions are trumpeted far and wide as Set/Ahrimanic dogmas of doomed and darkened materialism. The only way you will ever get a degree or diploma out of United States Universities, is to surrender to the immense avalanche of propaganda and extortion that materialism has placed as a price-tag for achieving spiritual decapitation. We are surrounded by vast occult Perilous Pyramid Schemes, swirling like ancient Egyptian ghosts and devachan demons in the subconscious of the American Psyche clearly hidden in plain sight.
“Henry Ford pays a lunch visit to J.P. Morgan in his elegant home on Madison Avenue. They tour the library, and sit in front of the fire. Ford makes an anti- Semitic comment. They begin discussing Ford’s assembly line principles, and soon their conversation shifts to the subject of religion. J.P. Morgan asks Ford about his religious beliefs, but Ford hesitates to answer. Morgan gives Ford a tour of his collection of ancient Egyptian and Greek artifacts, expressing his belief that science has been a “devilish conspiracy to destroy our apprehension of reality.” Morgan invites Ford to join him on a trip to Egypt. Although the idea of reincarnation fascinates Ford, he only has interest in it to the extent that he feels it explains his genius; he assumes he has lived more times than others, and thus has the engineering know-how which has brought him such success. Ford declines the invitation to the trip, but Morgan will go alone anyway. However, after their discussion about Egypt and reincarnation, they found “the most secret and exclusive club in America, The Pyramid, of which they were the only members.”
Call me Ishmael is the Piscean Age Parsifal that all of us in the Piscean Age are required to emulate. (CLICK LINK) It was Ishmael floating on the coffin from the unresolved mysteries of the Egyptian Age of the Sarcophagus of Osiris that set the tone and terror that currently grips our Fifth Age and will terrorize our Sixth Age and come to devastating fruition in the Seventh Age.
“Queegqueg, one of the harpooners, suddenly decides he is going to die and has a coffin made which he decorates with carvings based on his own extensively tattooed body. When the ship sinks, this still-unused coffin floats to the surface enabling the only survivor, Ishmael, to remain afloat until rescued by the ship which is just coming into view on the horizon.”
It is our un-awakened Consciousness Soul that must learn to read the star maps written in the language of our Imaginations. Art and Spiritual Intuitions work deeply on our subconscious until they are brought to the surface and made conscious. The Michael School sorts out the vast complexities of where the Spiritual World has entwined with the subconscious regions of the so called Jungian Unconscious realms.
Spiritual Science students are part of the new explorers who map the still unexplored regions of the world. These are the new frontiers, not our distorted materialistic cosmology that creates an intriguing cartoon of the explorations of deep space. It is rather the deep uncharted recesses of the roots of all of our collective human spirits that Spiritual Science and the Novalis school recognizes as the dawning discoveries of the vast uncharted regions of our Consciousness Soul.
In this our Fifth Age, The Age of Pisces and The Consciousness Soul, we are required to learn to confront, define and map the regions that mark “the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge” and track and outline the course of the occult birth of ever more PERILOUS meglomaniacal psychopaths. For these shall arise and perilously unfold their powers in the future ages yet to come.
The unfathomable depths of our unfathomable lack of Consciousness Soul education in the United States of America, in the very age of the true CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL, provides the rest of humanity with a Golden Opportunity that only The Michael School can deliver. Melville’s Moby Dick still surpasses the sales and reading of the Bible in the whole world wide market.
In our Michael School studies (CLICK LINK) of Novalis, John the Baptist and the foundations of Spiritual Science, we are able to see in Melville’s “Moby Dick” how Elijah the prophet sets the entire tone of the tale that Melville created for America and the Age of America. (CLICK LINK Elijah, John the Baptist and the Science of Imagination) The American Age will fall into the trap of tyrannical dictators of the Will Forces aimed at the Incarnation of a full Ahrimanic Possession that was foreshadowed in Captain Ahab. The Michael School and the School of Spiritual Science embody the unfolding Cultural Science of Elijah the prophet, Novalis and the revelation of St. John (IMPORTANT LINK).
“The first, and very framing, prophecy of the story occurs directly after Ishmael and Queequeg have signed on the Pequod, when they meet Elijah. After learning that Ishmael and Queequeg have already signed aboard the Pequod, Elijah declares, “what’s to be, will be; and then again, perhaps it won’t be, after all…Some sailors or other must go with him, I suppose…God pity ’em!” (126). Elijah seems to predict the fate of the Pequod. Declaring that God should pity the sailors who board the ship is to say that something terrible should befall the voyage. Elijah makes a prophecy, thereby predicting fate.”
Ahab and the black magic of BAAL (CLICK LINK) are confronted by Elijah and the very depth of the Magical Idealism of the Science of the Michael School, formed by Novalis, Goethe, Rudolf Steiner and hundreds of thousands who work diligently daily in defense and exploration of the Spirit of humanity are part of concrete educational impulses of The School of Spiritual Science and the Consciousness Soul.
Our current universities and educational institutes follow the model of Ahrimanic matriculation, accreditation, certification to the letter of the law and dominate through association the indoctrination of materialism against the comprehension and logic of the Spirit. Our current convoluted circumstances of the United States of America are tied to the megalomaniacal psychopaths who have pledged their undying allegiance to Israel and the black magicians of BAAL. Melville got it right. The profile of the Incarnation of Ahriman and the portrait of Ahab as captain of the ill-fated Pequod is in truth part of the Spiritual Science of the Michael School of the Novalis/Elijah mystery of The United States of America. Melville had been part of the Michael School before he incarnated as Herman Melville. He brought with him a deep, deep vision of the character, portrait and the fatality of how the MONSTERS SPAWNED FROM THE AMERICAN PSYCHE arise.
Just as the Age of the Fishes that we are in now reveals a fish in an upward and a fish in a downward direction.
The Age of Pisces and the Tragedy of Karma
” – the destiny that works itself out between anthroposophists and non-anthroposophists, — casts its waves even into the worlds of the Angeloi. It leads to a parting of the Spirits, even in the world of the Angeloi. The Angel who accompanies the anthroposophist to his next incarnations learns to find his way still more deeply into the spiritual kingdoms than he could do before, while the Angel who belongs to the other man — to the one who cannot enter, — descends. It is in the destiny of the Angeloi that we first perceive how this great separation is taking place. To this, my dear friends, I would now direct your hearts. It is happening now, that the comparatively single and uniform kingdom of the Angeloi is being turned into a twofold kingdom of Angeloi, a kingdom of Angeloi with an upward tendency into the higher worlds, and with a downward tendency into lower worlds.
“While the Michael community is being formed here upon earth, we can behold above it the ascending and the descending Angeloi. Looking more deeply into the world today, one can perpetually observe these streams, which are such as to stir the heart to its foundations.”
We are now experiencing how family, friends, colleagues and our Angels are being either sucked down into the darkness and the deeds we do, such as Monsanto GM seeds that will plant evil into the strata and foundations of nature from this the Fifth Age, the Age of Pisces, seeds of human catastrophe will be planted into the vast soil of the future.
What we do now under the Age of the Fishes will reverberate and have vast repercussions on into the far distant future of the Manicheanism of the Sixth age, when the Sun rises in Aquarius in the Spring. And as reincarnating human spirits we will be there when the MOON rejoins the Earth in the far distant age, the 7th Age, when the Sun Rises in Spring from the constellation of Capricorn.
Rudolf Steiner
“Now we must ask: What causes such utterly different conditions on earth? This is connected with the progression of the spring equinox. About 800 years before Christ the sun in spring entered the constellation of Aries, of the Ram. Every year at the vernal point it shifts a little. Because of this the conditions on the earth are always slightly changing. Eight hundred years before Christ the sun stood in the constellation of Aries. Earlier it stood in the constellation of Taurus, still earlier in Gemini and still earlier in Cancer. Now already for some hundreds of years it rises in the constellation of Pisces. After this comes Aquarius. The advance of civilizations is also connected with the progression of the sun from one constellation to the other.
“At the time when the sun rose in the constellation of Cancer the ancient Vedic culture of the Indians, the culture of the Rishis reached its highest point. The Rishis, those still half-divine beings, were the teachers of men. The Atlantean civilisation had met its destruction; a new impulse broke in. In occultism this is called a ‘vortex’ (wirbel). This is also why, in the age in which the sun stood in the constellation of Cancer, the sign was made in this way:
“Cancer signifies a breaking in of something new, a ‘vortex’ (a double spiral).
“The second cultural epoch is named the constellation of the Twins. At that time the dual nature of the world was understood, the opposing forces of the world, Ormuzd and Ahriman, Good and Evil. Thus the Persians also speak of the Twins.
“The third cultural epoch is that of the Sumerians in Asia Minor and of the Egyptians. The constellation of the Bull corresponds to this epoch. This is why in Asia the Bull was venerated and in Egypt, Apis. At that time in Babylon and Assyria the Sumerian language was the language of wisdom. Then the Bull fell into decadence and the Ram came into the ascendant. The first indication of this is the Saga of the Golden Fleece.
“The fourth culture is that of the Ram, or Lamb; Christ stands in the sign of the Ram, or Lamb; hence he calls himself the Lamb of God.
“As fifth culture the external materialistic civilisation follows, in the constellation of the Fishes.
This developed principally from the 12th century on-wards and reached its climax about the year 1800. This is the culture of the Fifth sub-race, the present time.
“In the constellation of the Water-Man in the future, the new Christianity will be proclaimed. ‘Water-Man’ is also the one who will bring it, he who has already been here: John the Baptist. Later he will again be the forerunner of Christ, when the Sixth, the spiritual sub-race will be founded.”
In this our Fifth Age we are planting psychopath, genetic and immoral seeds that will reverberate into the far distant future AND/OR we are slowly also learning how to harvest supersensible food from the gardens of our very own Angels. We are all on the clock and the clock can be read with clarity.
In this study from the American West, and in specific the continent of the United States of America we will find our orientation to some of the vast forces that are at play under the surface of our continent.
We are on a vast journey together and without a doubt we may mark the trail of our journey into the future of America with richer and clearer markings than Lewis and Clark had made. In the Lewis and Clark expedition it was called ‘perilous’.
Rudolf Steiner (click Link) “This [WE] can only do if [WE] rise, in spiritual knowledge, at least as far into extra-earthly Super-Nature as [WE HAVE] descended, in technical Sciences, into Sub-Nature. The age requires a knowledge transcending Nature, because in its inner life it must come to grips with a life-content which has sunk far beneath Nature — a life-content whose influence is perilous.”
But meeting and exploring the Spiritual, Moral, Regional Beings, supersensible and subsensible beings that make up the map and soul-scape of the United States of America is equally perilous.
“The Lewis and Clark Expedition, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was the first American expedition to cross what is now the western portion of the United States, departing in May, 1804 from St. Louis on theMississippi River, making their way westward through the continental divide to the Pacific coast.
“The expedition was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson shortly after theLouisiana Purchase in 1803, consisting of a select group of U.S. Army volunteers under the command of Captain Meriwether Lewis and his close friend Second Lieutenant William Clark. Their perilous journey lasted from May 1804 to September 1806. The primary objective was to explore and map the newly acquired territory, find a practical route across the Western half of the continent, and establish an American presence in this territory before Britain and other European powers tried to claim it.
“The campaign’s secondary objectives were scientific and economic: to study the area’s plants, animal life, and geography, and establish trade with local Indian tribes. With maps, sketches and journals in hand, the expedition returned to St. Louis to report their findings to Jefferson.”
“The French émigré, Jean de Crèvecoeur, popularized the idea that America was a “melting pot” and that Americans constituted a new race. The settlers of North America entered a land free from a preexisting dominating folk soul, where new social ideals could be established.6 The three western nations that played the most significant role in the colonization of North America also represented the three soul types spoken about by Rudolf Steiner: The Etheric Geography of North America by David Mitchell (search RIDDLE OF AMERICA pdf file)
“The Spanish — representing the Sentient Soul, settled in Mexico, as well as the American South and West. They brought horses, established ranches, and nourished a rich family life. Their initial interest was the earth, in collecting gold.
“The French — representing the Intellectual Soul, settled in the North and explored the Midwest, opening up the continent’s interior as trappers and hunters. Their initial interest was in the animals. They collected fur for fashion apparel.
“The English — representing the Consciousness Soul, settled along the East Coast and gave to the new nation form, government, and commerce. Their initial concern was with the plant realm. They planted seeds and established farms.”
Perilous because The United States of America hides a vast seed bed of morally unsound, Genetic, Military, Social, Viral and Spiritual deeds and events that will take root, grow and become the most severe challenges already in this our Fifth Age; a more refined evil coming in the future Sixth Age; and the potent and devastating finale, the crescendo of the vast cosmic, musical symphony of humanity, the 7th Age, shall bring to a culmination all that America was and has become, during these three specific periods. These three specific star periods, The Age of Pisces, The Age of Aquarius and The Age of Capricorn , will bring to a culmination point, what is called THE AMERICAN AGE.
The 7th Age, the Age when the Sun will rise in Capricorn in the Spring, is when all our chickens come home to roost. Of course under the earth, in caves, the night craving bats also live in their roosts. But wonderful and terrible things that we are executing and doing right now, will come to fruition in THE AGE OF AMERICA. Our job, like Lewis and Clark, is to map some of the coming attractions using a far more advanced foundational science than is allowed in our current university curriculums.
Coming Attractions, previews and the precise Time on the Big Clock of the stars, is extremely accurate. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what TIME IT IS and what Time it will be. We have the big clocks for a reason. We have the big TWELVE on the big board and the big Ferris Wheel of Time for a reason. We know how we got suspended in the infinite, at the top of the Ferris Wheel looking down on the small objects, people, cars, below that it is all a matter of Divine Perspective. But not all of it that we see from the top of the Ferris Wheel has sunk into our sense of Consciousness Soul Perspective.
“Anthroposophy speaks about the SEVENTH cultural epoch, after the Russian, as being the American epoch. This will be the end of the post-atlantean age. This will be the most materialistic, preposterous, occult downfall, of this whole age. And this great downfall is named after America. In this epoch, all those dark forces will reach ultimate concentration and influence. For the non-spiritualized part of humanity, those connected to the dark and retarded forces, will come to full-flower in the SEVENTH epoch. In the sixth post-atlantean epoch, begins the real work of the transformation of evil into good, under the leadership of Mani. So here we have some perspectives on the future.” Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon (Author)
Cultural Age/ Dates/ Civilization
Cancer 7227-5067 Indian
Gemini 5067-2907 Persian
Taurus 2907-747 B.C.E. Chaldo-Egyptian
Aries 747-1414 C.E. Greco-Roman
Pisces 1414-3574 European
Aquarius 3574-5734 Russian-Slavonic
Capricorn 5734-7894 AmericanThe Brilliant Logic Behind the Vast Clock of the Zodiac
Atlantis = Physical body
Indian = Etheric body
Persian = Sentient or Astral body
Chaldo-Egyptian = Sentient Soul
Greco-Roman = Intellectual or Mind Soul
Present = Spiritual or Consciousness Soul
6th Cultural Era = Manas or Spirit Self
7th Cultural Era = Buddhi or Life Spirit
After Catastrophe = Atma or Spirit Man
Our Consciousness Soul is tasked with and has the abilities now, to redeem ancient Isis and NUT star wisdom, and transform the fallen cosmology of the current stunted star stupidity operative in the WEST and update it to the Christology and star wisdom of Sophia. To those who revere Stephen Hawking as a saint and are happy in the groove of arbitrary materialism and the poisoning of our minds with utter craven, insensitive nonsense, you will not soon be heading into anything that even resembles the upward thrust of our Angels.
The current Ahrimanic Cosmology of the West have never placed the advancement and unfolding of HUMANITY itself, in conjunction with the evolution written into the entire Zodiac as a real part of EDUCATIONAL COMING ATTRACTIONS. What the Earth and the inhabitants of the Earth have to do with the learning curve of the mighty constellations has been ripped from the curriculum’s in all our universities. A complete dumbfounded gap of intelligence has been deliberately wedged in, to block any information as to how humanity is on a progressive learning curve that coincides with the unfolding patterns of the rhythmic ticking clock of the enormous star studded constellations.
“The Equal Age Theory purports that each of the 12 Great Ages last the same amount of time: about 2,160 years. This figure is based on 1/12th of the time for the precession of the equinox to make a complete cycle of about 26,000 years. This theory is in contrast with those who believe that great ages are irregular and that some great ages may last longer than others depending on the real estate they occupy along the ecliptic. For instance, Pisces takes up more room along the ecliptic than Aquarius, so some believe that the Age of Pisces should last hundreds of years longer than the Age of Aquarius.”
For approximately the next 1560 years we shall complete our journey through the constellation of Pisces. We shall have time to digest Consciousness Soul paradigms and higher intelligence. Currently the constellations are beginning to feel the approach of Sophia Star Wisdom. The magnificent Divine Star wisdom of Sophia is the cosmic bride of the Christ Being. The Risen Etheric Christ tied the knot that binds humanity to the progressive unfolding of our immortality, at Golgotha. The higher educational unfolding of our grand human drama is directly linked to the binding of Christ to the unfolding of the future of Earth and Humanity. The Grand Wedding of the Bride, Sophia, to the Bridegroom, the Risen Etheric Christ, is all part of the COMING ATTRACTIONS.
6th Cultural Era = Manas or Spirit Self
7th Cultural Era = Buddhi or Life Spirit
After Catastrophe = Atma or Spirit Man
These COMING ATTRACTIONS are approaching in three potent stages. These three potent stages of the wedding of the Bride Sophia to the Risen Etheric Christ are the key mystery of how we as humanity are to arrive as Wedding Guests all along the way to the 7th Age. The 7th Age is when the Spring Equinox rises in the constellation of Capricorn. These three phases of our future bring to the whole Earth Evolution the culmination known as the AGE OF AMERICA.
In the Science of Novalis/St. John we can trace distinctly the vast swirling of Osiris and Egypt, Elijah and the Black Magic of the priests of BAAL in the tale spun by Herman Melville, “Moby Dick” and the White Whale.
The Novalis School of the Archangels in the University of Sophia
“We have to look in the Far East for that stream of peoples whose Archangel was the first one to attain the rank of a Spirit of the Age. It was that stream of peoples who formed the ruling class of that land and laid the foundations of the first post-Atlantean civilization after their Archangel had become the Spirit of the Age, after he had been promoted to the first Spirit of the Age or Archai of the post-Atlantean age of civilization. Now this Spirit of the Age guided the primal sacred culture of India and made it the leading one in the first post-Atlantean age of civilization. The other peoples of Asia who were gradually developing, were for a long time under the guidance merely of Archangels.
“Those peoples of Europe who had remained behind when the migration from West to East took place, were also under the guidance of Archangels for a long time after the Archangel of India had risen to the rank of an Archai and then acted through intuition upon those Great Teachers of India, the Holy Rishis, who because they were aided by this exalted and important Spirit were able to fulfill their high mission in the manner already described. This Spirit of the Age worked on for a long time, whilst the people lying to the north of ancient India were still under the guidance of the Archangel. When the Spirit of the Age of India had fulfilled his mission, he was promoted to the guidance of the entire evolution of post-Atlantean humanity.”
‘The Saptarishi (from saptarṣi, a Sanskrit dvigu meaning “seven sages”) are the seven rishis who are extolled at many places in the Vedas and Hindu literature.
The White Whale reveals the Resurrected wisdom of Osiris and Isis hidden in the unfathomed depths of American psyche in the age of the FISHES. The White Whale and the hunt for the White Whale is how the American Psyche learned to plunge into the depths of global Spiritual Cosmology.
The Beatles (click link) themselves were unconsciously led to the massive mature Archai Being that had been promoted from India to guide the entire sweep of the evolution of Post-Atlantean Humanity. The entire wisdom of the Holy Rishis was transplanted in the human being we have tracked through time, from the raising of Lazarus to the initiation of Christian Rosenkreuz. Christian Rosenkreuz carries the entire wisdom of the Holy Rishis within his higher human spiritual bodies.
How do we know we are headed for a Wedding of the vast Sophia Wisdom to the Risen Etheric Christ? There are four profound clues that place the dawning of the Age of the Consciousness Soul as a preparation for the Wedding. We shall be the Wedding guests. However, as the research we have presented so far reveals, this is no easy journey. It is perilous and fraught with dangers as the Rising Super-Power of the United States wrests itself free of the Ahrimanic Materialism we have succumbed to.
Wedding Guests and the Garments of the Wedding Guests are all about THE COMING ATTRACTIONS. No one is going to walk into this Wedding without having Resurrected Sophia/Isis, as ANTHROSOPHIA, in our inner being, as the objective transformed forces of our human knowledge that appears radiant and shining at the fulfillment and culmination of the 7th Age, THE AMERICAN AGE. ANTHROPOSOPHIA, THE CHILD OF SOPHIA, has to be awakened to be a member of the Wedding Guests contingency.
Which means that no one is getting into the Wedding without having passed through Manas – Buddhi – and Atma. No one is getting into the Wedding as Wedding guests without struggling through to SPIRIT-SELF; LIFE-SPIRIT; and SPIRIT MAN. Which means we had better learn about what these COMING ATTRACTIONS (click link) are.
First Clue
1 Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying, 2″The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
4 Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
5 But they paid no attention and went off–one to his field, another to his business. 6 The rest seized his servants, mistreated them, and killed them. 7 The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9 Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.12 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13
Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
“On an evening before Easter Day, I sat at a table, and having (as my custom was) in my humble prayer sufficiently conversed with my Creator, and considered many great mysteries (whereof the Father of Lights his Majesty had shown me not a few) and being now ready to prepare in my heart, together with my dear Paschal Lamb, a small, unleavened, undefiled cake; all of a sudden arose so horrible a tempest, that I imagined no other but that through its mighty force, the hill on which my little house was founded would fly into pieces.
“But inasmuch as this, and the like from the Devil (who had done me many a spite) was no new thing to me, I took courage, and persisted in my meditation, till somebody in an unusual manner touched me on the back; whereupon I was so hugely terrified, that I dared hardly look about me; yet I showed myself as cheerful as (in such occurrences) human frailty would permit.
“Now the same thing still twitching me several times by the coat, I looked back, and behold it was a fair and glorious lady, whose garments were all sky-coloured, and curiously (like Heaven) bespangled with golden stars; in her right hand she bore a trumpet of beaten gold, on which a Name was engraved which I could well read but am as yet forbidden to reveal it. In her left hand she had a great bundle of letters of all languages, which she (as I afterwards understood) was to carry to all countries. She also had large and beautiful wings, full of eyes throughout, with which she could mount aloft, and fly swifter than any eagle.
“I might perhaps have been able to take further notice of her, but because she stayed so little time with me, and terror and amazement still possessed me, I had to be content. For as soon as I turned about, she turned her letters over and over, and at length drew out a small one, which with great reverence she laid down upon the table, and without giving one word, departed from me. But in her mounting upward, she gave so mighty a blast on her gallant trumpet, that the whole hill echoed from it, and for a full quarter of an hour after, I could hardly hear my own words.
“In so unlooked for an adventure I was at a loss, how either to advise or to assist my poor self, and therefore fell upon my knees and besought my Creator to permit nothing contrary to my eternal happiness to befall me. Whereupon with fear and trembling, I went to the letter, which was now so heavy, that had it been mere gold it could hardly have been so weighty. Now as I was diligently viewing it, I found a little seal, on which a curious cross with this inscription, IN HOC SIGNO VINCES, was engraved.
“Now as soon as I espied this sign I was the more comforted, as not being ignorant that such a seal was little acceptable, and much less useful, to the Devil. Whereupon I tenderly opened the letter, and within it, in an azure field, in golden letters, found the following verses written.
“This day, today
Is the Royal Wedding day.
For this thou wast born
And chosen of God for joy
Thou mayest go to the mountain
Whereon three temples stand,
And see there this affair.
Keep watch
Inspect thyself
And shouldst thou not bathe thoroughly
The Wedding may work thy bane.
Bane comes to him who faileth here
Let him beware who is too light.”
Fourth Clue – Spiritual Science Schooling and Christian Rosenkreuz (click link)
“When Christian Rosenkreutz awakes he knows that he is allowed to make the journey and he arrays himself in his wedding garment. This is a white linen coat (we are reminded of the wedding garment of the guests in the parable). He wears a red stole crosswise, as a priest wears his.”
America misinterprets, confounds and falsifies GOODNESS, depth, mercy, compassion. It starts in our pulpits and our churches and our group soul congregational mind numbing. We go to church because we have been duped into believing this is an easy cake-walk, just believe in the Child Jesus, quote scripture and ask everyone you meet, “have you been saved?”. It doesn’t work like that in real life or in the real understanding and comprehension of the scriptures.
Of the Four Clues above, Christians find themselves too cowardly to go beyond clue # 1. Goody, goody two shoes, all frozen in the fallacies of dead traditions and morally on lock down in the cement death armor of Biblical dogma, Christians cannot conceive of the Spirt-Selfhood transformation, penetration and illumination of the depths of our astral bodies that will clarify and cleanse us with renewed Angelic Thinking from now past the 6th Age.
The Wedding Guests must plunge down to the depths and awaken the Sophia in us. The objective forces of all humanity and all science and all love, that is every human beings ANTHROSOPHIA, is the wisdom, right and possession of the spiritual essence of the daughter of Sophia Herself. ANTHROSOPHIA is the hidden possession of each human soul who carries an I AM. This platform of Spiritual Intelligence and the Consciousness Soul will draw toward us the higher phase of Spirit-Selfhood that rises with the coming of the 6th Age. Upon the foundation of ANTHROSOPHIA we will build Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. Upon the foundations of ANTHROSOPHIA we may build Manas, Buddhi and Atma through the Fifth – Sixth – and Seventh age. It is the awakening of the central core of the cognitive conscious moral substance by which the laws of the whole universe are built. This is the cornerstone and The Foundation Stone (Click Link) of the wise. This was part of Psalm 118 and what we discover here:
Mark 12:10
And have you not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected
has become the head of the corner:
Isaiah 28:16
So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a
tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who
trusts will never be dismayed.”
Yet it is the law, it is unarguable, it is immense, we all must find ourselves on the journey through the Fifth, the Sixth and the Seventh Age and so far we are completely clueless of the stages and the phases through which we must endure and develop. We are being measured on the big clock of the world and we will be required to awaken our higher selves along the great learning curve of the COMING ATTRACTIONS, without exception.
Adriana Koulias
“This being that was intimately seen by the Greeks as Sophia and by Dante as Lady Philosophy was unveiled by Rudolf Steiner in our times as Anthroposophia.”
“The loftiness of the Cosmic Sophia, precluded her direct descent into the soul of humanity, this meant that another being had to take up the task of being the mediator of this wisdom to man. Who was this being?
“Rudolf Steiner first spoke about this being’s place in our times, some months before the laying of the foundation stone for the first Goetheanum. In his inaugural lecture at the First General Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society in 1913[3] he told Anthroposophists that they were to think of ‘Anthroposophia’ as a living being, a being with an evolution and a biography.[4] In a different lecture[5] he indicated that Anthroposophia was an invisible human being, whose destiny and path had followed that of humanity, only in an accelerated way. We were asked to come to a relationship with this being, to go to her with all our questions, our hopes and our fears that we, as Anthroposophists were to do nothing before consulting with this being.
“But who was this illusive being, what was her nature and what have been and continue to be her tasks?
“Rudolf Steiner gave us indications that in the beginning, Anthroposophia had the nature of an Archangelic being; that she was of the same substance as Michael and ‘developed in accordance not with earthly laws but with the laws of the Sun[6]. This suggests that Anthroposophia was possessed of the nature of an archangel…”
Clue # 2 brings us to the dawn of the Consciousness Soul Age and the mission of the Consciousness Soul, to prepare for the Wedding we shall be invited to. Clue # 3 reveals some of the real nightmares and trials of the path of Initiation. The Ancient Mariner of the Pisces Age is magnetically, in terms of SPEECH AND THE WORD and in terms of the Devachan Sciences of Magnetism, Electricity and Laser and Nuclear fallen light, possessed of a Sixth Epoch Initiation empowerment.
The Ancient Mariner has an occult compass and navigational cosmic magnet connected to the powers of Speech, the Angelic laws of karma and destiny, that draws him to souls who never even imagined in their wildest dreams that on a certain day, unforeseen, their entire world would literally change because of a startling unplanned meeting.
He went like one that hath been stunned,
And is of sense forlorn :
A sadder and a wiser man,
He rose the morrow morn.
All superficiality would drain out of their souls and Horror-true Horror and facts would alter forever the fixed certainty of their goals to highest trivial pursuits and enticements to materialistic fantasies of bliss.
Clue #4, if you are lucky, has brought you here, to the schooling of Spiritual Science and the awakening to the Sophia and Novalis science studies of awakening ANTHROSOPHIA consciously. The science of learning to unlock the Coming Attractions that everyone, without exception will be challenged to attain, Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. And if all the above clues have been for naught we may have the left overs if that is what you desire. Here are what the left overs are like. (click link).
The COMING ATTRACTIONS have everything to do with a reuniting of Isis and Osiris. The key to Clue # 4 and the foundations of Spiritual Schooling – has been roughly outlined by Rudolf Steiner for your convenience HERE, (Click Link). The COMING ATTRACTIONS are all about our wresting from ancient SET/(current Ahriman) a resurrected Cosmology and from the far West a Cosmogony that is fit for the unfolding of the higher spiritual potentials of humanity. Starting in the FIFTH AGE, this current Age of Pisces we must wrest from our cold Ahrimanic intellects, that view the cosmos as a void unrelated BIG BANG THEORY, we must win for ourselves and humanity a new, vivid and ensouled Cosmos, that once illuminated all of the ancient Egyptian culture.
In the first phase of the approach, Sophia/Star Wisdom begins to radiate and return, refreshed and reinvigorated to the awakening of our Consciousness Soul. New and resurrected Zodiacal wisdom that was lost to us since the Egyptian Age of Isis and Osiris starts stirring with inner invigorated life.
The Consciousness Soul and the approach of Sophia/Isis star wisdom (click Link)
“Just as the eye is the expression for the power of sight, so to the Egyptian the Sun was the eye of Osiris, the embodiment of the Spirit of the Sun. All this had been experienced at one time by the soul of Copernicus, and it was the unconscious memory of it that impelled him to renew, in a form possible to a materialistic age, this ancient idea of Osiris, which at that time had been entirely spiritual. When humanity had sunk more deeply within the physical plane, this idea confronts us again in its materialistic form, as the Copernican theory.
“The Egyptians possessed the spiritual conception and it was the world-karma of Copernicus to retain a memory of such conceptions, and this conjured forth that “combination of bearings” that led to his theory of the solar system. The case was similar with Kepler, who, in his three laws, presented the movement of the planets round the sun in a much more comprehensive way; however abstract they may appear to us, they were the result of a most profound conception. A striking fact in connection with this highly gifted being is contained in a passage written by himself and which fills us with awe when we read it. Kepler writes: “I have thought deeply upon the Solar System. It has revealed to me its secrets; I will carry over the sacred ceremonial vessels of the Egyptians into the modern world.”
In the second phase of Sophia’s approach, the entire Elohim, the six Elohim of the Sun and radiant Michael Wisdom begin to redefine the outer and inner appearance and features of human beings based solely on their spiritual content (CLICK LINK). This is the reverse engineering of what Ahrimanic materialism intends.
Our inner spiritual contents are in preparation, as we elaborate our Consciousness Soul foundations, to outwardly redesign the appearance of our human features based on the cohesion of our inner spiritual content. Ahriman will attempt to control, modify and standardize a new caste system and impose outer genetic locks on all human beings hidden spiritual potentials. This is one of Ahriman’s powerful imperatives and is vividly outlined in SOMNI 451 (click link). This 6th and 7th age paradigm shift from Ahriman to higher Michael Sun Forming Power is part of the so called Wedding Guest Mysteries. (Click Link)
We are challenged in The United States of America and by the backward Super-Power, abnormal, sub-normal unfolding development of the ancient Archangel from Egypt that dynamically hovers over the United States of America, like a cock-eyed, twitchy, nerve impaired, uncoordinated mother hen, trying to hatch a deformed Sun Egg of human spiritual beings. This crazy Mother Hen is now an arising Archai that will over come it’s Parkinson like tremors and seek the wholeness of an Archai in the higher service of the developments of cosmic evolution.
The Education of the American Folk-Soul and The Christ Impulse
“But this Spirit of the Age of our fifth post-Atlantean age of civilization worked in a very unique manner. He had to make a kind of compromise with one of the old Spirits of the Age who worked before the Christian-impulse, viz., the Egyptian Spirit of the Age, who, as we have heard, had in a certain respect risen to the rank of a Spirit of Form. Thus it comes about that our fifth post-Atlantean age of civilization, in which we now are, is really ruled by a Spirit of the Age who is in a certain way very much under the influence and impulses of the old Egyptian civilization, and of a Spirit of Form who is only at quite an elementary stage.
“That caused the many rifts and divisions in our age. Our Spirit of the Age in the fifth post-Atlantean age of civilization is striving in a certain respect to raise himself up to spiritual heights and to raise the fourth post-Atlantean age of civilization to a higher stage. But that includes the materialistic tendency and inclination, and according as the various Archangels, the various Folk-souls, have greater or less inclination towards this materialistic tendency, does a more or less materialistic people arise under the guidance of this Spirit of the Age of the fifth post-Atlantean age of civilization, and the people itself gives a more or less materialistic shade to the Spirit of the Age. On the other hand an idealistic people is one which gives the Spirit of the Age a shade which is in the direction of Idealism.”
Presently this distorted Archai is using humanity to achieve it’s maturity in the future 7th Age. We, who partake of the culture of the United States of America are challenged to resist consciously the Ahrimanic redesigning of humanity. We, who partake of the cultural and spiritual development of the United States of America, are called upon to assist this awkward Archai/ potential Spirit of Form, in aligning itself with the highest goals of Earth Evolution and the Tenth Hierarchy. Our Ahrimanic, cloning, genetics and patented gene code sciences will interfere, disrupt and de-rail humanities alignment with Sophia and the starry Incarnation Sciences. The 5th, 6th, and 7th ages will give birth to catastrophic nightmares and monsters if we fail to regain Sophia and Incarnation star wisdom, starting right this very day. By lifting this buried wisdom into our Consciousness Soul we prepare ourselves to learn the science of Angels. In discovering our moral depths and recovering our conscious courage we earn the right to become Wedding Guests.
Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon
“Luciferic beings enliven our egohood. Quite exciting. Ahrimanic beings develop this group, national egotism. More than exciting! Now the Archai, those beings who did not attain egohood on Old Saturn, also called the Asuras, are tempting the ego on cosmic proportions today. The Asuras were kept away from us for a time. The Luciferic beings were the first to approach us, because they are the smallest. So God said, let humans first be tempted by the Luciferic beings, give them the individual ego. But don’t tempt them with the Ahrimanic Archangels. Then came a time, when human beings were strong enough, when the Ahrimanic Archangels could intervene. When it was not enough to have just individual egotism, the Archangels joined the play.
Only in the last century, when the time of their captivity ran out, could this last group join in. The American Indians knew about them. These are the Titans bound to the Earth. These are backward Archai beings from Saturn and beyond. They are huge beings. They are cosmic, terrible, horrific monsters. These are the High Tor beings. And they can definitely take an Archangel and twist him into a salamander, no problem. They are beings that can destroy planets. When we speak about atomic energy, the capacity for destruction and corruption on such titanic scales, this is beyond group egotism. This is a planetary egotism.”
Each of our individual Angels are presently in a horrific conflict in the foundations of the whole of global human karma, with all of us who have chosen to reject the imperative of awakening of our Consciousness Soul. And on the other-side of the equation stands our resolve to awaken our higher spiritual forces against the decadent genetic drag-down of the chaotic/corporate rape of the human genome.
We are called upon to become co-workers in the unfolding revelation of the Risen Etheric Christ. In so doing we assist the ripening and maturity of this abnormal, stunted Super-Power, our own American Archai, who needs our blessing to secure it’s higher development within the evolution of the gods themselves. We are called upon to educate and befriend our vast American Archai so that it and we achieve our highest goals for humanity and the Earth.
Spiritual Geography and laying the foundations for Part 2 of GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE
The third phase of Sophia’s approach to the Consciousness Soul of humanity, is that her daughter, Anthrosophia, residing within humanity, will experience the event of the return of the Moon, that had separated from the Earth in early geological time.
The third phase brings Sophia within the closeness, and nearness of the Moon. All of nature and all of humanity will feel the titanic tug of the Elohim, the 7th Elohim known to humanity as Yahweh, Jehovah or DIANA of EPHESUS, who had resided in and with the hidden science of the Moon. Cruel Yahweh or biological Mistress of the Moon, Diana of Ephesus, was Queen and law giver over all earthly heredity, gestation, and reproduction lineages of Kings and Pharaohs. All of the ancient warring, contested and now, the utterly depleted current blood lines are the last vestiges of the wreckage of a now defunct Lunar Majesty.
What do we know about the Monsters of the American Psyche? We know that such vampire reemerging of clinging to decadent, debauched and black magic blood lines, (Click Link) and all other vampire sagas, are the cravings, hungers and longings for all that once ruled over all kingdoms of the Earth. Decadent earthly science now salivates to create aberrations in the human DNA, fostered no longer by the ancient wisdom of Luna, but sought and funded by human militaristic opportunism that wishes to rob the treasure troves of the ancient Elohim of the Moon. The lofty wisdom of an ancient Elohim is now transitioning to a criminal hostile take over by the Monsters of the American Psyche, psychotic, ahrimanic, asuric, laboratories of bloodthirsty genetic scientists now working under the paymaster and dominatrix known as the Whore of Babylon (SEE LINK).
Definition of ‘Hostile Takeover’
The acquisition of one, older, ancient and traditional company (called the target company) this being the ancient Moon Elohim who had guarded and guided the distribution of karma, talents and abilities, is currently being assaulted, attacked, raped and taken over by another being, who has had insider cosmic trader information and further more, hidden occult information. The only reason, as investors, we blindly walk into a cosmic trap, is because we have insidiously kept our university education and research under Ahriman’s claw of the Wolves of Wall Street. Ahriman knows full well that the ancient Moon Elohim is handing her/his reign over to humans (called the acquirer).
Now this hostile take over is currently being accomplished, not by coming to an agreement with the target company’s management (comprehending consciously the position and role of the Moon in the market place of human heredity, karma, destiny and the genetic protection of humanity), but rather by going directly to the company’s shareholders, (Ahrimanically possessed human beings) who unconsciously prefer and instill into it’s human agents a desperate desire for tyrannical control and administration of what was once the domain of Cosmic Intelligence.
The Tenth Hierarchy must suffer the fall of our own human goals and our higher potential position of maintaining conscious alignment with Cosmic Intelligence because Ahriman entwined and twisted in our humanity blocked all human education into the divine system of cosmic intelligence. Management, leadership, corporations, political demonic agendas, murder, bribery and scandal were used by Ahriman in order to insert new management of cosmic intelligence with strict Ahrimanic agendas and goals.
Through our self-glorified and self proclaimed ignorance of humanities noble position in the hierarchies, our deepened and immense star wisdom, incarnation sciences and etheric sciences, Ahriman has been allowed to corrupt human intelligence and gain approval from human beings themselves, for the acquisition of the genome and the hostile take over of the vast system of Luna enterprises.
A hostile takeover can be accomplished through inserting an overwhelming ignorant, stupid debasement of divine wisdom as Ahriman has succeeded in doing; OR humanity awakens, resists Ahrimanic Deception with a full, fresh and invigorating frontier fight for Michael Intelligence with the courage to fight for our Angels and for Cosmic Intelligence and place Ahriman under strict house arrest.
So many horrific assaults on Cosmic Intelligence by Ahrimanic humanity, reveals that we, as humanity, have been unprepared to confront our ignorance, or our failures in education. We will gladly fall down and worship Ahriman over Christ as Ahriman has used Identity Theft on a cosmic scale to replace the Risen Etheric Christ with Ahriman’s icy deceptions and materialistic idolatry. In our education, our medical sciences, in our militarism, our societal and political ploys, Ahriman has out gunned, out maneuvered, out matched and infected masses of humanity with ideals of literally fallen, decayed and grotesque materialistic lies. Direct attacks against divine Cosmic Intelligence has put Ahriman in human hearts, large and in charge, of the hostile take over of every branch and brand of human endeavor including the genetic sciences offered as a wise and free gift to humanity.
Humanity has failed to comprehend any of the wise and free gifts offered by the Divine Spiritual Worlds. Nickola Tesla’s free gifts were confiscated by military and corporate powers of greed. The vast Etheric Sciences of the Risen Etheric Christ were abused by the Churches. Starry wisdom has been betrayed into heroic explorer cartoons. The I AM of humanity, of each individual I AM is a tangled psychological wriggling snake pit of confused instinct, motives and vague unconscious realms that defy astral, etheric laws. The scaffolding of the laws of childhood development are arbitrary Ahrimanic constructs of failed informational cramming a suitcase and stuffing a mind with unrelated abstract items that will be unusable on the journey that the human soul takes through life (CLICK EDUCATIONAL CUL-DE-SAC) . The amazing Divine Gifts for the Tenth Hierarchy can be given, but Ahriman has the majority of humanity in a head-lock.
It was the Moon who had volunteered to separate from the other SIX ELOHIM of the Sun in order to set the correct calibration and regulation of Form, Matter and living etheric distribution of human talents and nature’s gifts. This lawful calibration held in check by the mathematical distance the Moon maintained between the Sun Elohim and the Earth, regulated all genetic life on Earth. If the Moon moved closer gigantic forms would overwhelm LIFE. If the Moon moved further away, forms would shrink. But there is an inner reality to the Moon Beings and their Divine Timing as to when the Moon is once more called back to rejoin the Earth. That timing is clearly set at the end of the 7th Age, the Age of America.
The powerful Moon, that we continue to blaspheme as nothing but a slag heap tossed from the Earth in it’s early evolution, was actually the hidden regulator of the precision of all former genetic integration in the planning of human incarnation and in the numerical, cellular patterns of the gestation cycles of animals, insects, tides, plants and female menstrual cycles.
Earth Geology and the Expulsion of the Moon
John Davy, O.B.E., M.A. (1927-1984), was co-director of Emerson College, Forest Row, England, and had particular responsibility for the foundation year program, a requirement for the Waldorf teacher training. He was also an international lecturer and chairman of the Anthroposophical Society of Great Britain. After studying zoology at Cambridge, he became science editor of the Observer in London. He was awarded the O.B.E. (Order of the British Empire) in 1965 by Queen Elizabeth II for his achievements in writing on science.
This article was first published in “The Golden Blade”, London, 1957.
“If one looks at a cliff face containing convoluted layers of rock which seem to have been twisted about like plasticine, it becomes almost impossible to believe, as orthodox geology would have it, that ordinary hard rock was slowly bent into such shapes simply by enormous pressures. It is much easier, for the naïve observer at least, to imagine a time when the rocks had a more toffee-like consistency, and the whole surface of the earth was far more active and flexible3.
“The strata known as Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic belong to the middle part of the Lemurian epoch. During this period, according to Rudolf Steiner, an extremely important event occurred – the separation of the moon from the earth. In the part of the earth where the Pacific Ocean now is,
a kind of infolding of the earth’s crust occurred, and a separate planetary body was formed, which was then ejected to become what is now the moon. Into this body were concentrated all those substances and forces which had tended to make the solidification and hardening processes of the earth go on too fast. The departure of the moon left a huge ‘wound’ in the earth, and many of the geological revolutions of the period were caused by the whole earth’s crust trying to ‘grow’ over from the western pole of the earth, in order to ‘heal’ this wound. The whole Pacific basin is today surrounded by mountain ridges which provide evidence of this process, and the constant volcanic activity and colossal chasms which still exist in the floor of the Pacific show that the wound is still not healed.4
“Through the steady precipitation from the thick colloidal atmosphere, a hot watery earth surface, with islands of denser material floating in it, gradually formed. The core of dense fiery material was constantly breaking through the very thin crust. The atmosphere itself was still extremely heavily laden with water, but was thinning slowly all the time.
“The swampy regions of the tropics today are a kind of echo of conditions during the final part of the Lemurian epoch, after the departure of the moon. But one must imagine everything mineral in a more plastic state, temperatures higher, the air still much thicker, and volcanic activity, often on a tremendous scale, going on all the time. Above all, one must remember that all matter was still far more intimately woven through with spiritual forces. The Lemurian epoch ended when the Lemurian continent – roughly on the site of the present Indian Ocean – was destroyed by a fiery volcanic catastrophe, and the principal scene of evolution, as far as mankind was concerned, became Atlantis, where the Atlantic Ocean now is.”
Without the Regulation and Coordination of the 7th Elohim of the Moon the full achievement of the human form, the maintaining of the form that lawfully gave Jesus/Zarathustra the foundations of heredity and the capacity to bring our human mortality into alignment with Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man, the Christ Event on Earth could not have taken place.
And here is the devastating meaning of the future karma of humanity. That once the Fifth Age, the Age of Pisces shattered the Moon Lock, the entire fallen and mis-directed black magic of genetic manipulation and the map of the genome and our interference into the foundations of Repro-Technology, shattered Jehovah’s, Jahve, Jahweh, Jahwe (ˈjɑːveɪ, ˈjɑːweɪ) realm and assaulted, raped the once holy precincts of Mater herself. Ahriman is hungering to become humanities new Alma Mater. We bow and worship at the cold fiction of the university of Ahriman.
We began mixing and mangling, mismanaging and manipulating seeds, cells, plants, animal/plants, animal/human, insect/human, plant/insect, immoral, illogical and Corporate Patented distortions, Chimera and monsters. Nature was raped by trained scientists who fornicated with matter and were taught to disregard the magnificent divine integration of the higher and lower spiritual/material cellular and formative substance that allows each human to carry the potential of the Divine. The Ahrimanic sciences of the Fifth Post-Atlantean Age rejected the divine in humanity, down to the foundations of cellular and genetic materialism and refused to maintain lawful, moral-protective arrangements that had been safeguarded since the destruction of Atlantis.
The Pharmaceutical monopolies, global multi-national corporations tore into the once stable fabric of humanity with an avarice scent for blood and for profits. Universities and Corporations became one and the same and directed a straight and narrow path lit by Ahrimanic Science directly to the doorstep of the neon blinking sign that announced, welcome to Whore of Babylon Enterprises (CLICK LINK) cosmically known as Arachne International for graduate study and admission to the exclusive domain of the fallen and rejected corpse of the cosmos, of the NASTROND (click Link) known as the EIGHTH SPHERE. More on that in the final Culmination of the American Psyche and the Eighth Sphere (Click Link).
“But there will be another hall on Nastrond, the shore of corpses. That place in the underworld will be as vile as it is vast; all its doors will face north. Its walls and roof will be made of wattled snakes, their heads facing inward, blowing so much poison that it runs in rivers through the hall. Oath breakers and murderers and philanderers will wade through those rivers. Nidhogg, too, will outlive the fire and the flood and under Yggdrasill he will suck blood from the bodies of the dead.”
The 7th Elohim of the Moon had completed her mission within nature and the human cellular structure that produced the Risen Etheric Christ and Atma or Spirit-Man for the benefit of Earth evolution. Mission accomplished through the agency of wise humanity before the explosion of the nihilism and cynicism of the military industrial complex of Ahriman. As in ancient Atlantis before the catastrophe and the reason for the catastrophe of the sinking of Atlantis, humanity once more resorted to creating aberrations and abominations out of the mix of nature’s magic numbers. We will review some of these aberrations in part 2.
In this the Fifth Age, the Age of Pisces we have once more broken the contract that we held with the RAINBOW and the great Pythagorean Harmonies of Matter and Light and have in the majority rejected the Spiritual structure of the higher human being and the vast consequential history and tragedy it had taken to arrive at the quintessential Christ Event at the mid-point of Earth evolution.These are part of the rising insights of all those who carry a healthy Consciousness Soul.
The Christ event and the Christ Sciences reveal one of the most monumental moments of the physics laws of the adjustment of PARITY, of Earth and humanities equilibrium that literally defines the historic incision of why and when the Christ event took place. The pivotal balance of the Christ event, occurring when it did, against the background of ancient Atlantis before Christ and the pivotal balance for humanity and the Science of the development of the Earth, after A.D. hinges on the event of Golgotha. Humanity achieved Parity at the mid-point of Earth Evolution at 333 A.D. But what exactly was achieved for the PARITY POINT by the Christ Event, that was locked in and fixed by 333 A.D.?
That is a question that reveals the unprecedented ignorance at the very heart of every flawed university and science degree that has been handed down to every student and every teacher that must abide by the Ahrimanic treachery in every aspect of our education. What the Christ knew about Earth Evolution and what humanity pretends to know shatters our arrogance in one fell swoop. The issue of the achievement of dangerous PARITY in Earth Evolution is completely unknown to the educational establishments because they have not included any, nada, nothing, of the Christ Sciences within their curriculum’s.
“Before the year 333, the greater part of the astral body had been active essentially in the upper human being and its smaller part in the lower body of the human being… In the year 333, the two parts became EQUAL. This was the critical situation 333 years after the coming of Christ, and since then the upper part of the astral body has been continuously decreasing…. If all human forces after the year 333 had remained as they were, men on Earth would have become weaker and weaker, increasingly powerless. And earthly life would have come to an end through this complete decadence of mankind.” The Evolution of Consciousness by Rudolf Steiner
Because we have all been diverted from comprehending the Christ Sciences as part of human education we couldn’t possibly have known that the Astral Body had reached PARITY in the vicinity of 333 A.D. We have never been asked to study the construction of the human being, with it’s etheric, astral and I AM structure. We could never have guessed that the entire equilibrium of Earth Evolution and the survival of humanity depended on the Christ Event, to help guide our human astral bodies, as our human astral bodies were set, (Egyptian SET) to plunge, down into the depths of sub-level Earth Sciences and down into the Monsters that dwell in the depths of the American Psyche.The plunge point, down into the depths of the sub-earthly mysteries occurred just past the mid-point of Earth Evolution in 333 A.D. This pivotal PARITY POINT of teetering on the brink was reached for all of humanity at about 333 A.D. From that point on the temptations of our astral body would be unprotected as we plunged into the depths of humanities uncharted soul and spiritual regions.
There is no course study in the vast insights of the Christ Sciences and why the Christ Event needed to be completed before, and accomplished, spread and in movement before the year 333 A.D and before 666 A.D. because there are no Christ Sciences in Ahriman’s domain of university education. We may only acquire Christ Sciences through the University of Spiritual Science and the global Michael and Novalis school of the awakening of Anthrosophia in the human soul.
The devastating materialistic damage the Fifth Age of Pisces shall cause on, into, and towards the Sixth Age and the final Seventh Age will be part of the unbearable nightmares and horror that the AGE OF AMERICA will engender. The Bride is coming and the wisdom of the stars announces her dawning arrival.
“This point in time of Sophia’s entrance into the local part of our galaxy coincides with the founding of the United States of America in 1776. There is a very deep connection here between these two events, which it is not possible to go into now because it is too complex. However, it can be said that there is a relationship between the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the descent of Sophia to unite with our cosmos – …
” The coming of Sophia was revealed to John on the island of Patmos over 1900 years ago when the Ascended Christ showed him the unfolding of the future of evolution. In the middle of this unfolding, in this series of visions that he received and wrote down in Revelations, in Chapter 12 he suddenly beheld Sophia appearing. John was seeing into the future. He was seeing a certain moment in time. He saw that Divine Sophia was going to appear on the world stage.
“We can ask the question: When was this, or is it still to come in the future? The answer is that the appearance of Sophia onto the world stage is happening in stages. The first stage has to do with Sophia coming into our cosmos represented by the realm of the zodiac, symbolized by the twelve stars around her head. The second stage has to do with Sophia coming into our solar system and connecting with the Sun. This is why John saw her in vision “clothed with the Sun”. In the third stage he beheld her with the Moon under her feet.”
Cosmogony and Cosmosophy
Rudolf Steiner – “In the age of the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL, with the full unfolding of self-consciousness, we have grown accustomed to focus our attention on the spatial magnitude of the Universe, and to look on the Earth as a speck of dust, insignificant compared to the great universe of physical space. Hence it will seem strange, to begin with, when spiritual vision unfolds the true cosmic significance of this alleged ‘particle of dust.” (In the Michael Letters-Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts- with his last breath he called for a Cosmogony)
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
The advanced Geography studies and Science of the human soul, the Cosmogony and Cosmology Sciences, embryology and Cosmosophy studies, that reveal the mystery of the unfolding reality of Earth, are just beginning to dawn in the United States. The United States and the far West have a mission within the healthy (click link) Threefold Structure of the World. The gift and capacity of the West is to identify, present and unveil an advanced Cosmogony of the origins of the Earth and the genetic structure of the human being.
The New Cosmogony Science
4. Findings from the planet-embryo – morphological and genetic traces
“Before, in the Precambrian global ecosystem many Prokaryotes are able to perform horizontal gen-transfer. All genetic information from the gen-pool can be combined and collected in stem-cells of the planet-embryo. Endosymbiosis is an important step developing Eukaryotes with a cell-nucleus conserving huge amounts of DNA. Endosymbiosis, multicellularity, development of ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, the forming of heads and segmentation are important steps in higher development. Coelenterates are on a stage comparable to a gastrula, Cephalopods to the neurula. Non-segmented animal phyla like Molluscs develop many kinds of organs in the central part of their body which can be functionally considered as a head containing the centre of their nervous system. The segmented animals develop out of nonsegmented ones keeping the centre of their nervous system at the cranial end…..
“….Vertebrate-embryos start the development of the head with a primordial embryonic spherical form. Humans conserved the primordial spherical shape throughout their entire evolutionary development, only disappearing on adult apes and adult early humans. Children of apes have round heads as the primordial shape.
“Only a small part of the DNA is used in the lifetime of an organism. The rest never gets expressed for various reasons. A genome is an assemblage of possible characteristics partially not getting realized. Characteristics can be reactivated appearing as atavism or in the course of higher development. The term “biological species” is defined as entirety of individuals able to have common descendants. As the worldwide colonies of prokaryotes can exchange and collect genetic information by horizontal gen-transfer, the planet-embryo is identical with the hypothetical common ancestor of all living beings. Cell-nuclei contain the complete genome for the whole individual. Therefore there were cells in the planet-embryo containing information to build the shape of an embryonic head. In some early phase of planetformation silicium can have been a carrier of information…”
It is common understanding that the dumbing-down of what amounts to a university degree, or having the vaguest understanding of what the true mission of the West is, in regards to global higher education, is completely lost on the majority of ‘educated’ U.S. citizens. In fact all we have before us is a shark tank and bloody bear-pit of political egotism masquerading as ‘intelligent’ people. The price-tag to fund a university education where our children will be “dumbed-down”, assimilated and have their divine intelligence squandered is an arrogant, egotistical competition. Parents have been trained to pay and to play the high stakes game of job opportunity linked to higher education (CLICK LINK educational black-hole, cul-de-sac) . The Ahrimanic forces outsourced all the jobs that spoiled Ken and Barbie were supposed to get. The Ahrimanic forces manipulated and deliberately crashed global economy so that a third world, leveling of all jobs allows spoiled Barbie and Kens from the U.S. to become stars of the Service Industries and have their parents and themselves saddled with an enormous debt load for a non-education. Cosmogony and Cosmosophy and the incarnation of the human spirit means zip in higher education so this quote has some validity.
“The primary reason so many people are stupid has to do with the state of the world in the time zone it is occupying, like Paleolithic, Jurassic, Mesozoic. This period would probably be called Dumbassic, Retardian, Cluelessiferous or some such.” Les Visible (Smoking Mirrors)
Overcoming the Ahrimanic blockades , the armed and arrayed battalions of status-quo propaganda, armed to the teeth, prevents students from coming to the confidence bearing human spiritual comprehension of how the Earth and how each human Embryo were designed. The secrets of how our origins are keyed, whether we appreciate it or not, to the position of how the Earth sits as an entity within the cosmos, how it spins, the degrees of its axis and the number of 23 chromosomes in our DNA, has been catastrophically obliterated, buried and eviscerated out of education.
These realities make the Earth a Living Being. Each human being who incarnates within the Earth must obey the laws of how 23 degrees of the Axis of the Earth, the Sun’s shift off the equator above by 23 degrees and below the equator at 23 degrees, make these realities an extremely consequential revelation.
Such an educational revelation reveals how the cell, the human cell divides and splits itself when 46 chromosomes are achieved. The cell divides at 46 and starts the process again with 23 chromosomes. This continues until the Template and Blueprint of the human form and the incarnating design codes of the individual human spirit have stamped their 3D printing into the recesses of the womb. At least that is how it had been done for thousands of years.
The numerical fields of cellular development and the position of the Earth between Vega and the North Star (see link) have been an invisible writing, etching and etheric sketch and design needle that creates the magnetic fields of the Earth as well as the genetic and cellular script of all Life, and all genetic codes that are the SIGNATURE value of the Cell and the Earth Herself.
We live in the vastness of the Starry Heavens before birth. We live in the Law of the Heavens and Devachan planetary and star worlds before we incarnate. We shrink and are shrunk to cellular size, and in this case, the work room of the cell with 46/23 ratio corresponds directly to Vega and the North Star. We’re right at home either within the Cell or the starry gateway mysteries of why the Earth spins in the cosmic family. Both are our home and we bring this wonder with us, this certainty above us, as a child. On Earth we discover the meaning of uncertainty and from the heavens we bring with us the substance of joyful spiritual certainty.
The axis and spin of the Earth are also the needle point that stitches and inserts the codes used for the division of the cell. The incarnating individual human spirit is a collaboration between the Template of the Stars and the Cell and genetic codes. The lab of the cell and the lab of the Stars are part of Cosmogony and Cosmosophy that should be the gift of revelation from the Greatness of the Schools of the Far West.
The Last Days of Rudolf Steiner’s Life “…THE EARTH IN ITS UNITY IS AN EMBRYO — the seed of a macrocosm newly rising into life.”
The Geography of the Earth and of the United States mirrors as well, both the mysteries of the human form embryonically and the mysteries and numerical values of the Earth Herself (Cosmogony Study). Each human being, each fetus and fully upright human form is clearly and without exception designed on the Template of the Constellations. (Cosmosophy Study)
So we are required to bring to birth a Cosmogony which sustains the vast Starry Origins and design intentions of the Immortality invested in each human I AM. This would be one of the base supports of the foundation stone of Paul’s New Kingdom and one of the three great Foundation Stones upon which the pillars of The Tenth Hierarchy could rest.
This would be a potent addition to the mystery of Peter and Pauline Christianity.We are given the opportunity to become Co-workers in the community of The Tenth Hierarchy and work directly with the mission of the Risen Etheric Christ Sciences. Cosmogony can be brought as an educational, universal and divine gift from out of the higher strivings of the Novalis School of the “Beautiful Sciences”, the ‘Schöne Wissenschaften’ of the awakening far West.
The Three Kings brought gifts to the child Christ but the East, the West and the Middle of the Globe, where human spirits dwell, were intended to produce their unique offerings for the benefit of humanity and the unfolding wisdom of The Tenth Hierarchy. The depth, intent and meaning of Steiner’s efforts HERE (CLICK LINK) were to stir and inspire humanity to awaken and offer our THREEFOLD GIFTS before the great Logos and Risen Etheric Christ. The West has the mission in the world to present a Living Picture of both the origins, mathematical clarity and spiritual veracity of the Earth and how the birth of each human being within the Earth Sphere and our genetic unfolding, is the very revelation and meaning of the Earth Herself.
Some secrets of the Moral Geography of the United States can now be added to the explorations made in THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL age of Pisces towards the Novalis School of Spiritual Science and the Cosmogony Sciences of the West.
Geographic Anomalies in the Soul Regions of the United States
To build on Jung’s idea of a country’s spiritus loci, every culture could also be said to have at least one dominant archetypal energy at its core which “permeates everything.” It can be sensed in the language; in the land; in the music; in the mythology; and in its past and current history. As such, each culture offers a special gift to the whole of human existence and to the evolution of humankind – a special gift that is offered by almost no other culture and which is often determined, in part, by the land itself.
Dense regions of Perilous Geographic Mysteries “…every great locality has its own pure daimon [presiding spirit], and is conveyed at last into perfected life.” D.H. Lawrence
Rudolf Steiner
“When the Initiate of the Middle Ages wanted to present in picture form what he had to learn in order to permeate with the new wisdom the part of his soul that had remained living, he spoke of the Castle of the Holy Grail and of the new wisdom — which is in fact the “Grail” — that flows out from it. And when he wanted to indicate that which is hostile to this new wisdom, he pointed to another domain, the domain wherein dwelt all the beings and forces which had made it their task to gain access to the part of the body that had become dead, and to the part of the human soul that had become unconscious. This domain, into which were justly transferred (“justly” is here used in an occult sense) all the successors of the evil spiritual beings of earlier times who had preserved the worst forces of oriental magic (not the best forces, which also had remained) — the domain which was the most vicious and hostile to the Grail was Castle Merveil, the gathering-place of all the forces which attack man in this part of his body and soul and have undergone a karmic fate such as has been indicated. Spiritual wisdom can be carried anywhere to-day, because we have reached a transition stage leading towards the Sixth Epoch and these things are no longer tied to particular localities, but in the Middle Ages it had to be sought in certain definite places, as I have shown in my book, The Spiritual Guidance of Man and of Mankind. Hence when in earlier times it was said that one had to travel to a particular neighbourhood in order to receive a certain teaching, this was not meant in any figurative sense. In our own time it must be said that wisdom has less of a local character; for we are living in a time of transition from life in space and time into more spiritual forms of time.”
Assassins of the Sun
Light was raped and holy mater, matter and Light itself, was corrupted by an Anti-Grail technological assault team and hit squad. True Assassins of the Sun were deployed to the South West Region of the United States with the gruesome task to rip open the gateway to lower Sorathian forces.
The resulting fireball that scorched the desert formed a depressed crater 800 yards in diameter, glazed with a light olive green, glass-like substance where the sand had melted and solidified again. The following excerpt is from Time Magazine, Sept. 17, 1945: “Seen from the air, the crater itself seems (looks like) a lake of green Jade shaped like a splashy star, and set in a sere disc of burnt vegetation half a mile wide. From close up the lake is a glistening encrustation of blue-green glass 2,400 feet in diameter, formed when the molten soil solidified in air.” Chemical tests have confirmed that it is nearly pure melted silica with traces of Olivine, Feldspar, and other minerals which comprise the desert sand. The crater was buried for security reasons not long after the explosion and, as a result, Trinitite has remained relatively difficult to obtain.
Trinitite (click link), a new formation in the silica and crystal structures of the Earth is named after THE TRINITY. However it is the lower trinity, the Trinity of Beings known as Asuras – Ahriman – Lucifer.
Trinitite is composed of all the decayed Light and Matter mysteries of fallen nuclear radioactivity and poisoned, deformed light. The fallen mysteries of Magnetism as a product of decayed light, of electricity, as fallen, decayed aspects of light, formed a new crystalline contract in the mineral structure of the Earth known as TRINITITE. The Sorathian under-lords and opponents of the Sun Being Christ, forged their TRINITITE Silica contract, with vengeance, down into the atomic table of elements.
When Spiritual Science reveals calcite crystal substance formed from the pineal gland (Click Link) secretions and how the Christ Being forged the contract of Spirit-Man, Atma, the quintessence of human evolution that comes about after the 7th Age and on, forward and beyond into the Venus and Vulcan development of humanity, we would be well advised to make this startling comparison part of our Consciousness Soul education. The entire meaning of Earth Evolution was the Deed of Love that fashioned from within the human being, the divine anchor point of Spirit-Man.
This crystalline element was formed out of the higher forces dormant in the human I AM. This anchor point of the calcite crystal formation was part of the cast off substance wrought from the courage and LOVE of the Risen Etheric Christ’s pineal development. The anchor point of Spirit-Man in Earth Evolution (STUDY LINK) was wrought by an entirely different type of human FIRE FORCE. The crystalline pineal development of Christ from the events of Golgotha, were forged out of the fire of Atma, of Spirit-Man, from the Hierarchies from whence humanity have it’s origins. That crystalline pineal substance was radiated from the forces of the Risen Etheric Christ and built on the foundations of our human physical, etheric, astral, I AM, Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit; and Spirit-Man. And this Trinity and this comparison and this FIRE SUBSTANCE should be reviewed over and over again. (LINK)
The Age of Americium
“Existing americium is concentrated in the areas used for the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted between 1945 and 1980, as well as at the sites of nuclear incidents, such as the Chernobyl disaster. For example, the analysis of the debris at the testing site of the 1st U.S. hydrogen bomb, Ivy Mike,, revealed high concentrations of various actinides including americium; due to military secrecy, this result was published only in 1956. Trinitite, the glassy residue left on the desert floor near Alamogordo, New Mexico, after the plutonium-based Trinity nuclear bomb test on 16 July 1945, contains traces of americium-241. Elevated levels of americium were also detected at the crash site of a US B-52 bomber, which carried four hydrogen bombs, in 1968 in Greenland.”
From Trinity New Mexico the Triad, exactly like the THREE CROSSES ON GOLGOTHA’S HILL, an anti-grail, scientific, technological assault team, Assassins of the Sun collected themselves in the Southwest region of the United States and with much heroic, historical fan-fare and the launching of physicists and top-secret research departments funded by the United States government, universities of future black magicians and Light Assassins devoted their lives to the revelation of matters demons.
That is the Trinity of Asuras, Ahriman and Lucifer were once more released from the Earth and given a vast educational platform for the destruction of matter and the corruption and degradation of Light. The absolute opposite of what Grail Sciences strive for.
Now these sudden shifts in the scales of balance have forced THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL and the United States of America to awaken rather abruptly from our slumbers. Humanity caught off-guard, is challenged to experience the full force of the new cognition of the monsters we have awakened and the moral pivot and axis of Michael Cognition and Michael Courage it takes to hold the balance of Spiritual Cognition, against the onslaught of the renewed thrust from the underworlds.
Chthonic underworlds which we have now fused together as a disguised university study, an elite language of matter and star substance, that was forged in the blast zone, and melded together in the new elements known as TRINITITE and AMERICIUM. Chthonic Underworld Science aberrations have now hypnotized students into imagining an exotic world of formed particle physics that go down ever deeper and deeper into abstract layers of materialism and reach far, far out into the distant reaches of space.
“This wound, this unconsciousness has opened up the human being to the sub-ethers – the fallen etheric forces that relate to Lucifer, Ahriman and Asuras working on behalf of their supreme counter ego Sorath. This counter grail stream works in such a way today that it rises up via the etheric body – through the limbs – into the human soul and that is why evil today seems to be so individualised and without sense (because it occurs below the level of the consciousness in the will). For this reason it is not necessary anymore for it to come from ‘outside’ through ideology and programs and indoctrination. It comes from within the human being through the will.”
This standardized anti-grail university corruption and demonization of matter, places electricity, magnetism and nuclear glorification as glorious and worthy causes with an “An olive-wreath” crown for succeeding in the true aim of higher education in service of our Ahrimanic Brand Name. A mighty masters degree for excellence of achievement in the professional career determining path of the science of abstract materialism. In reality the scientific materialism of this Fifth Epoch, Age of Pisces, in germinal form, has created a future school of black magicians and genetic scientists that will catastrophically implode, divide and rip apart humanity from now and on into the 6th Age when the Spring Sun rises in Aquarius and the 7th Age when the Spring Sun rises in Capricorn.
The two Initiates who had a justified right to stand in the midst of the swirling forces of Chthonic underworld were Christian Rosenkreuz and Nikola Tesla. Our immoral education has been accelerated and our moral ethical education partially hijacked. Certainly the free energy that Nikola Tesla (Below global Wi-Fi use over night and day) offered humanity and the world has been hijacked by the absolute monsters who have grown out of the United States in this Fifth Age of Pisces. The vast Military Industrial Complex of the Super-Power, subnormal Archai of the United States and the failed Intelligence and Morality of humanity, to consciously and clearly face the Etheric Christ event as a Science, has ripped open an ever widening abyss in human consciousness. This abyss continues to widen and continues to challenge The Tenth Hierarchy, us, humanity, to use this abrupt opportunity to lift our vision and SEE THROUGH the depths of matter to the Spiritual Beings behind matter and the Earth.
Novalis – Hymns to the Night
“Like a king over earthly nature, it rouses every force to countless transformations, binds and unbinds innumerable alliances, hangs its heavenly form around every earthly substance.”
The results of the occult devastation of the New Mexico region of the United States has brought the Artists who are able to SEE with imaginative clairvoyance, to a doorway and one of the gateways that lead to the abyss of where the Monsters of the American Psyche have breached the wall.
For those who can see, an attempt was made to describe the process of an ever expanding moral sink-hole, a karma devouring Black Hole, that devours entire karmic streams. It appears in a specific geographic location of the American Southwest. It appears within the outline, aftermath and geography of the location of the first Sorathian Mystery of the Anti-Sun. All humanity have been forced prematurely into the shattering karma of vast planetary beings.
“The history of the Jornada is in itself quite fascinating, since it was given its name by the early Spanish colonists of New Mexico. The Jornada was a short cut on the Camino Real, the King’s Highway that linked old Mexico to Santa Fe, the capitol of New Mexico. It is also interesting to note that in the late 16th century, the Spanish considered New Mexico to include most of North America west of the Mississippi!”
The Assassins of the Sun prematurely, under vast Global-planetary-Fire egotism, under pressure of historical, catastrophic and contrived, even manipulated global events, wrought by the darkest monsters in the depths of the Earth, humanity, and the United States felt compelled by unknown forces beyond them, to seize the unconscious lie of matter. Science had an opportunity of shaking the concepts of matter to it’s core. Ahrimanic, Asuric and strategic forces and powers never before seen on Earth were within reach. The minds that had the most intimate understanding of abstract materialism ever in the history of the aims of Sorath, were assembled together for a truly anti-grail, ancient mythic and apocalyptic moment.
It was feasible, possible, doable and would establish, greater than Darwin ever could, the foundation for Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics “THE GOD PARTICLE” and give Ahrimanic Doubles the legitimate ploy of an acceptable vocation as a black magician for advanced theoretical materialism. This anti-grail quest would legitimize the materialistic core of the heart of darkness and give humanity sterile and immoral permission to embark on expeditions into the depths of matters core. It was a vast conspiracy from the depths of the Earth to get humanity to unlock prematurely the imprisoned planetary Titans and the Ahrimanic Archai level regents, who hold command over vast armies of global human Doubles.
The Human Double and the Army of Darkness
Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon
“Now these twice-retarded archangels have double the power of angels. These fallen archangels also want to make up their ego evolution through us.
“Here we are not just the petty, selfish, I am that I am, living through my daily life, crushing individual competitors on my way to bliss, which are the normal gifts of intervening luciferic angels. Here comes something totally different. Here you find those great individuals who are leaders of nations, corporations, and soccer teams. For these great ones, they have a fallen archangel working through them. Their selfishness of party, nation, corporation, not merely an individual one. In these groups you find the fire spirits working, trying to go through their human stage, in which they failed on Old Sun. To allow fallen archangels to express their ego through us, it must be done through a group, through group egotism. Through this group egotism, the fallen archangel can gain, for the first time, a strong enough sense of self. The individual sense of self, that we experience, is nothing to these beings. These fire spirits need a corporation, an institute, a state.”
There was no legitimate cognitive reality left in the fully depleted religious life, so materialistic science had free reign, becoming the new church and the new god to bow down and worship. As Goethe, Mark Twain and T.S. Elliot had warned, we let the Ahrimanic, Luciferic and Asuric Doubles out of their captivity. We built them a church at every university and we funded and applauded our moral nihilism.
These released parasites, invisibly fed off the energies and intellects of their host subjects. Super Power Multi-National corporations with vast Pyramid Systems, CEO’s overseeing economies larger than the economies of major countries, were easy marks because they had zero bottom-line self-reflective moral objectivity. Ahrimanic Archangelic beings found human egotism, in stadiums, sports teams and flag waving nationalism a double-blind against the human soul suspecting that they were being subtly possessed. And so the United States unleashed, prematurely, and slightly ahead of an awakening of vivid Christ Science cognition, vast infestations of bio-regional, occult and geographical pockets, where Ahrimanic, Asuric and Luciferic Doubles, gained strength from our unconscious American soul junkyard.
At that point in time, in the Southwest the Michael School and the Novalis School were not fully available to counteract the onslaught of Ahrimanic forces into the human double. It was the rise of the army of the Orcs but with splendid, well paid university professors popping up everywhere. It was MAD, (Mutually Assured Destruction), holding the globe as hostage in an Ahrimanic Archai infestation and power grab. It was retaliation from the realm of fallen Angelic Beings that Michael had booted out which caused the direct result of the rise on Earth of THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS into a glorious season of immoral Ahrimanic proliferation.
It was the story of Walt, the good man, the scientist, the founder of a billion dollar company called GRAY MATTER, that he sold prematurely for a mere 5,000 dollars (30 pieces of silver) to become a high-school teacher and get cancer for all his genius. His son, his family, his wife, his love, all smashed, flattened by finding himself left behind and out of the loop of the billions of dollars of profit that were generated from his own seminal ideas.
And his Ahrimanic Double festers, gnaws and eventually rises up and begins devouring whole regions. He nicknames himself, his street handle becomes HEISENBERG. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle was at least one of the most honest and mystic messages of how quantum theory and quantum mechanics are clearly and spiritually tied to the properties of human thought.
Heisenberg was the handle, name for the key nuclear scientist who prevented the Nazis from getting and using the Atomic Bomb first, (because the strategic cunning of the monsters of the abyss) had cunningly maneuvered vast, immense and naive United States of America, into placing the doorway to hell, in the Southwest Region, opening the Geographic Gateway to the underworld. The actual historical relationship between Heisenberg and Danish physicist Niels Bohr can be studied at (THIS LINK).
Our present, puny human ideals, are out-gunned, out-matched and we are ignorant of the massive entities that are now toying with our unconscious humanity. War mongers bring us peace. Orwell captured and entered the underworld where deep in the 8th layer of the Inner Earth (Click Link) and in the reversal layer of the Inner Earth, Orwell revealed how all human ideals are now reversed, catastrophic, Ahrimanic, Asuric and Luciferic corruptions of divine human ideals.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.… [L]anguage that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., “downsizing” for layoffs, “servicing the target” for bombing, making the truth less unpleasant, without denying its nature. It may also be deployed as intentional ambiguity, or reversal of meaning (for example, naming a state of war “peace”). In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth, producing a communication bypass.
Orwell explored this region and brought back insights into the deep kingdoms of the Earth. We don’t study like this.(CLICK LINK FOR STUDY) We don’t think clearly as to where Orwell went and how did he comprehend the divisive, reversal of all spiritual and true ideals into their poisonous opposites. We refuse to teach this in our universities, explore it, map it and counter-act it or anti-dote it for the benefit of the future of our children. We like being hood-winked slaves and teaching watered down junk so our children also learn to enjoy being the pets to vast karma shattering beings.
To these vast, cruel, underworld entities, we are merely doormats to wipe human blood and viral contamination off their hooves and claws. These are no longer little cartoon Mephistopheles or card-board cut outs, these are operative demonic beings. These beings are growing for themselves and with our naive tax payer funding and our deluded permissions, growing a crop of demented black magicians and feeding their little pet mice, bits of greed and power and morsels of pleasure and materialism, so that we remain unaware, and continue to wander in our well-educated, clueless cosmos.
But the wonderful diploma in the coming 6th Age and the 7th Age, coming up on our event horizon, will be the planting of THE NEW RULES of the black magicians guild, which entails, with our help, sealing off and walling up the hierarchies of heaven and controlling all excarnation and incarnation of human spirits. Talk about Border Guards! Their vast goal is to control all psychic and spiritual systems. Their goal is to manipulate and control all, of the fallen Devachan Kingdoms, and develop their own sub-realm hierarchies who long to become rulers of the 8th Sphere, simply by using humanity as their bait.
The Ahrimanic Double in Walt rises unconsciously and slowly devours Walt from the inside and we see, up close and personal, the catastrophic moral demise of another Oppenheimer. It is a vivid example of a self-styled implosion, of moral suicide and spiritual suicide. Those elite members of the Assassins of the Sun, through their cultural and moral emptiness, were seduced to commit cosmic and planetary murder and destruction. These martyrs were enablers that pushed-up the time table of humanity, accelerated our confrontation with the abyss, and forced the immature moral reserves of humanity, to awaken to Michael’s battle in the realm of sub-nature.
We are pathetic babies without any educational or moral maturity when we isolate the concept of a Black Hole out in space, as the matter swallowing, Sun and planet swallowing, gorge of invisible gravitational density. Rather the mature grasp of understanding how the Father in “Breaking Bad”, Walter, living in the region of Trinity New Mexico, (a simply brilliant artistic/spiritual template) becomes a revelation of the all consuming Black Hole, where the entire family unit, their Angels, and the entire karmic development of families are devoured, swallowed into the gravitational abyss, of a swirling karmic nightmare. Whole chunks of Starry Citizenry sucked into the abyss because we refused to explore, comprehend and awaken in ourselves the vast dimensions of the region of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL.
Parting of the Paths and the Dividing of Ways In the Age of Pisces
“For after all, there can be no question but that they who in this time of great decisions do not find their way to the Spirit, will suffer harm in their soul-life for the next incarnation. Great as their qualities may be, they will suffer harm. And when we see how through their karma a number of human beings today have the inner impulse to spirituality while others cannot come near to it, — when we behold this contrast — our karmic living-together with such as I have here described should find a deep response within our souls. It should touch us and move us with a sense of tragedy. Until it does so, we shall never come to terms with our own karma. For if we sum up all that I have said of Michaelism, (if I may now so call it) then we shall find: the Michaelites are indeed taken hold of in their souls by a power that is seeking to work from the Spiritual into the full human being, even down into the Physical. I described it yesterday as follows. I said: these human beings will put aside the element of race, — the element which, from natural foundations of existence, gives the human being such or such a stamp. If a man is taken hold of by the Spirit in this earthly incarnation inasmuch as he now becomes an anthroposophist he is thereby prepared in future to become a man no longer distinguished by such external features but distinguished rather by what he was in the present incarnation. Let us be conscious of this in all humility: The time will come when in these human beings the Spirit will reveal its own power to form the physiognomy, — to shape the whole form of man.
“Such a thing has never yet been revealed in the history of the world. Hitherto the physiognomies of men have been formed on the basis of their nationality, out of the Physical. Today we can still tell by the physiognomy of men, where they hail from, — especially when they are young, when the cares of life or the joys and divine enthusiasms of life have not yet left their mark. But in the time to come there will be human beings by whose physiognomy and features alone one will be able to tell what they were in their past incarnation. One will know that in their past incarnation they penetrated to the things of the Spirit. Then will the others stand beside them, and what will their karma then signify? It will have cast aside the ordinary karmic affinities.
“My dear friends, in this respect he above all who knows how to take life in real earnest will tell you: One has been karmically united, or is still karmically united, with many who cannot find their way into this spirituality. And however many a kinship may still be left in life, one feels a more or less deep estrangement, a justified estrangement. The karmic connection, as it would work itself out in ordinary life, falls away; it goes. But it remains for something different. I would put it in this way: — From the one who stands outside in the field of materialism to the one who stands in the field of spirituality, nothing else will remain of karma; but this one thing will remain, that he must see him. He will become attentive to him. We can look to a time in the future, when those who in the course of the 20th century are coming ever more into the things of the Spirit, will stand side by side with others who were karmically united with them in the former life on earth. In that future time the karmic affinities, the karmic relationships, will make themselves felt far less. But of all the karmic relationships this will have remained: Those who are standing in the field of materialism will have to see and witness those who stand in the field of spirituality. Those who were materialists today will in the future have to look continually upon those who came to the things of the Spirit. This will have been left of karma.
“Once again a shattering, a deeply moving act, my dear friends. And to what end? Truly it lies in a far-reaching Divine cosmic plan. For how will the materialists of today let anything be proved to them? By having it before their eyes — by being able to touch it with their hands. Those who stand in the field of materialism will be able to see with their eyes and touch with their hands those with whom they once were karmically united, perceiving in their physiognomy, in their whole expression, what the Spirit really is, for it will have become creative in outer form and feature. In such human beings it will thus be proved, visibly for the eyes of man, what the Spirit is as a creative power in the world. And it will be part of the karma of anthroposophists to demonstrate, for those who stand in the field of materialism today, that the Spirit truly is, and proves itself in man himself, through the wise councils of the Gods.”
Each human being, child, relative, in “Breaking Bad”, each incarnating starry being who carries their karma into incarnation may be swallowed whole and their Angels sent down into the harrowing horror of Karmic Devastation. We see that the Geographic Region where the first Sorathian strike cracked the cosmic egg-shell that opened the gates to the subterranean, trapped and imprisoned Monsters in the depths of the American Psyche occurred. “Breaking Bad” reveals the repercussions into the double and shadows of each of us, that now eat away at each unconscious, unaware family and individual over the whole Geographic map of the United States.
Of course the beauty of “Breaking Bad” is that there are deliberately no signposts or extreme red-flags that announce the DOUBLE, our doppelganger or our Shadows. Because in point of fact, the moral education of the infantile and pathetic American and U.S. family never have had an education into the DOUBLE, the Ahrimanic shadow, that clings, invades and infests every human being. There are no moral or educational manuals, except KNOWLEDGE OF THE HIGHER WORLDS, and various film and movie studies that concretely address the Geographic Double of a specific region, which just happens, in the case of “Breaking Bad” to be the region where the Nuclear Age breached the depths of the underworld. Well if you are a Michael School and Novalis School participant, “Breaking Bad” is very instructive.
Nagual and the Shadow mysteries of the Western Hemisphere
Patrick White (September l5, l948 / Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada)
“You want the virtues of your noble enemy?
Slay yourself and eat your own heart.
This is your nagual, your tulpa, your mirage,
your nightmare, your doppelganger,
your reflective familiar, your shadow
holographically projected in 3D by the pineal gland
of your third eye tattooed on the skin of a black hole
that is neither an ignominious exit through the grave
or the celebrated entrance into a secret garden,
and it can’t be any more empowered than you are,
and there are no walls to walk through
if it wasn’t you that built them to keep the poor
from vaulting them to steal your apricots
like the hungry ghosts that haunt
the orchards of your abandoned thoughts.
“Savage homeopathy, perhaps, a holy war
of starmaps torn out like pages of sacred text
against the leaves who think they’re responsible
for keeping the whole tree they both spring from intact.”
Torn from the beneficent Etheric Sun, in the Southwest Region there were human sacrifices and a school of black magicians training for the future. They tore the beneficent elemental kingdoms of the geographic region out of their sanctuaries and hiding places, enslaved them and turned them into distorted vicious shadows. This school of black magicians were set in the Southwest region, and by demonic human sacrifice put the Carlos Castaneda Cloak over the Nagual Initiates of the Double.
In “The Fire From Within,” we find the following statement concerning the Toltec tradition, and in particular the mastery of awareness:
“In this case the action at hand was, naturally, the elucidation of the mastery of awareness. Don Juan understood the mastery of awareness as being the modern-day version of an extremely old tradition, which he called the tradition of the ancient Toltec seers.”
Don Juan, Castaneda’s teacher, and a true nagal of this Toltec tradition goes on to clarify: “Ages before the Spaniards came to Mexico,” he said, “there were extraordinary Toltec seers, men capable of inconceivable deeds. They were the last link in a chain of knowledge that extended over thousands of years.”
Castaneda then continues; “Don Juan explained then that his use of the term “Toltec” did not correspond to what I understood it to mean. To me it meant a culture, the Toltec Empire. To him, the term “Toltec” meant “man of knowledge.”
“He said that in the time he was referring to, centuries or perhaps even millennia before the Spanish Conquest, all such men of knowledge lived within a vast geographical area, north and south of the valley of Mexico…”
Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere complex Geographic mysteries evolved two different tangents. One tangent, learned to tame and co-exist with the geographic elemental beings. In the Eastern Hemisphere geographic and local elemental beings and spirits of Flora, Fauna, Foliage, Springs, Mountains, oceans intermingled with human beings. Herbs, cures, medicinal insights, etheric and astral entities were explored, welcomed, integrated and understood. And these vast Eastern Hemisphere, folk, regional and geographic encounters and awakenings were part of the mysteries of penetrating into matter and recovering the science of the spirit.
“In those delicious times, when deities and demigods appeared familiarly on earth, mingling with its inhabitants as friend with friend,–when nymphs, satyrs, and the whole train of classic faith or fable hardly took pains to hide themselves in the primeval woods,–at that auspicious period the lineage of Monte Beni had its rise. Its progenitor was a being not altogether human, yet partaking so largely of the gentlest human qualities, as to be neither awful nor shocking to the imagination. A sylvan creature, native among the woods, had loved a mortal maiden, and–perhaps by kindness, and the subtile courtesies which love might teach to his simplicity, or possibly by a ruder wooing–had won her to his haunts. In due time he gained her womanly affection; and, making their bridal bower, for aught we know, in the hollow of a great tree, the pair spent a happy wedded life in that ancient neighborhood where now stood Donatello’s tower.”
In the core tale of “The Marble Faun” by Nathaniel Hawthorne (CLICK LINK study chapters 26 and 27) we encounter a relationship between the Nymph of a pure spring and an etheric elemental Faun, that hints at precisely how the landscape, the springs, waters, flora and fauna devolved once humanity staggered into the deadly desert of our dried out intellect. To study chapters 26-27 of “The Marble Faun” prepares us to investigate how our United States massive Fire-Folk Archai/Spirit of form, evolved from it’s captivity as a Salamander Spirit. One has to comprehend the esoteric forces of Etheric Geography from both the standpoints of the Eastern Hemisphere and those of the Western Hemisphere.
The ancient Etheric Geography of the Earth, includes “Pan’s Labyrinth” (study link here)
Eastern Hemisphere and Middle Europe or Middle Earth of the Celtic worlds of the vast elemental kingdoms, etheric and astral beings that populated the regions and were documented before Roman Rationalism reduced spiritual clairvoyance to the grotesque Pharaoh’s of Caesarhood and the abstract puppets and Idols of materialism were all part of the Etheric Geography of Europe.
“The important book [the Novum Organum] which gave Bacon of Verulam’s doctrine of the idols to the fifth post-Atlantean epoch inaugurated this way of looking at the world; it is the classic source. And such a book shows us how the very thing that, from a certain point of view, must be resisted, nevertheless can make its appearance in the world in accordance with the rightful cosmic plan. The fifth post-Atlantean epoch had to develop materialism. Therefore the programme for materialism had to be introduced from out of the spiritual world. And the first stage of the programme of materialism is contained in the doctrine of the idols, which did away with the old Aristotelian doctrine that words refer to categories which have real significance.”
Science got “PLAYED”, higher education got “PUNKED” we were set-up. Ahriman and our Western university education were designed to serve the hunger and craving humanity had for the materialism of the Fifth Age of Pisces. That is indeed world karma, but it is only within the I AM of the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL that we can check our fall into the abyss. Ahriman used Francis Bacon (see link) and nailed us to inductive reasoning, while Bacon’s intuitive reasoning was mysteriously dumped. We lost the etheric and rejoiced in the Physical World, Yeah team! Bacon’s inductive reasoning became the new song that supports the slant-wise, Ahrimanic Soul of Science. Ahriman rejoiced in the Idols of materialism formed from Bacon’s New Atlantis of the West.
All around him, in the desert,
saguaro dream like green giants
In the Western Hemisphere, for the last 8,000 years the Saguaro, tall, reversed etheric suits, have been standing like the last vestiges of an Etheric Sun Army. Mars thorns of the I AM, reversed, pointing outward, all that makes the I AM have thorns, why we study the Rose and why the Rose has thorns and why we internally see the Burning Bush of the I AM that Moses saw. Painful, protecting spikes and spindling spines of porcupines, character traits of the introverted, defended fortress where our I AM dwells, is characteristic. Lying in the lonely desert wastes, the Saguaro, the tall ghostly empty suits of armor were the dwelling places of the ancient Initiates of the Sun. These tall Etheric Elemental mannequins, majestic etheric sentinels left behind, are remnants that were torn from the Etheric Sun, from a massive battle fought in the far West, between White and Black magicians over the future fate of the Western Hemisphere. The ancient School of the Assassins of the Sun once flourished and infected the elemental topography of the Toltec Mysteries of the Western Hemisphere.
Rudolf Steiner and the battle for the Western Hemisphere
“As a result, the power of these mysteries was thereby broken so far as the fourth post-Atlantean epoch was concerned. It was subsequently revived, however, and history tells of the fate suffered by numerous Europeans who went to America after the discovery of that continent. Many Europeans met their death at the hands of Mexican priest-initiates who bound them to scaffold-like structures and cut out their stomachs with expert skill. This is a matter of historical knowledge, and it was an aftermath of what I have been describing to you.
“By these means the ahrimanic impulse was inculcated into the etheric nature of the Western world. As I have said, this impulse in the fourth epoch was broken as a result of the crucifixion of the great initiated black magician by the deed of Vitzliputzli. Nevertheless, so much force remained that a further attack could have been made upon the fifth epoch, having as its aim so to mechanize the earth that the resulting culture would not only have culminated in a mass of purely mechanical contrivances but would have made human beings themselves into such pure homunculi that their egos would have departed.”
What our normal studies in Geography fail to reveal about the historical horrors that polluted, infected and deliberately saturated vast pockets of the American Southwest Region, makes us gasp. A tremendous battle ensued between White and Black magicians over the Gateway to the Sorathian, Asuric and Ahrimanic forces that literally injected the overwhelming power of the HUMAN DOUBLE into the magnetic sub-continent of human etheric incarnations arriving in the far West. The lower magnetic field of the double was so powerfully enhanced, that it distorted and prepared the semi-devastated elemental worlds, the flora and fauna of the West, prepared the Topography for the malignant cruelty and frenzy of all our incoming human doubles. Nagual shadows, our vivid doppelgangers attach themselves to every incarnating human birth in the West.
All births in the Western Hemisphere are subject to the intense attachment of a magnetic double. Rather than study this phenomena carefully, the Pharmaceutical Industries in conjunction with the Military Industrial Dementia began mass producing Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. These are known as SSRI’s. If young people found themselves, and most do, struggling with an intangible obstructing force that was operating below, in the sub-spheres of human consciousness, well johnny on the spot, if you want to kill without conscience and suffer for future incarnations by having PTSD future nightmarish flashes, the military and the pharmaceutical companies have just the thing for you. (click link)
This psychotic throwing off the higher I AM forces, throwing in the gutter any Consciousness Soul Super Cognition, allowed Ahriman to develop a whole host of pharmaceutical enhancements that made torture even more gruesome. The pharmaceuticals that Ahriman developed gave the massive army of our human double’s, struggling for their parasitical psychotic lives, an edge. Western Science have given Ahrimanic – Luciferic – and Asuric entities an opportunity to thrive below the surface of our consciousness. Oh, if that wasn’t enough, false-flag terrorist attacks were blamed on the mentally deranged “loan gunman” hyped straw man, Oswald, delusional, fabricated by black ops and swallowed whole by the pimped media of the WEST.
The fascism of the Military Industrial Dementia and the Pharmaceutical Industries joined forces to produce young, insane patsies that were schooled and trained in “CLOCK WORK ORANGE” clinics. Doctors who took oaths to help humanity were enlisted to serve actually possessed, military approved, torturing maniacs. These are MONSTERS. U.S. Ahrimanic fascism, could always find a scapegoat, a patsy and a punk for what ARE, merely ahrimanic tools who have been dispossessed of their humanity.
This tenderizing and preparing humanity for an Ahrimanic Incarnation requires that we become comfortable with MONSTERS. Shaping political, military and law enforcement staged terrorist shows, to provoke and pepper the ground for martial law and shock the naive into forfeiting and forking over weapons of self-defense, is an old ploy. Ahrimanic Beings are here to intimidate and cower the public, they are sent out to the world with malicious intent. Because of the current state of this Western Super-Power we are enabling and partaking in a MONSTER CELEBRATION and communion with our fallen Ahrimanic Genius. We have been entrusted rather, to Temper and Prove that we are truer and stronger in spirit than our formidable shadows. We have been entrusted with our Freedom to stand up for the divine in our fellow human sisters and brothers.
“…summarize some spiritual scientific background information from Rudolf Steiner that is related in Carl Stegmann’s helpful book, “The Other America.” Stegmann depicts a tragic inner battle being fought within the unconscious soul depths of America: between the possibility of humanity being chained to the earth and its true longing for the spirit, ultimately between the Michael-Christ forces of spiritualized heart thinking and the Ahrimanic forces that would direct human beings one-sidedly toward the earth through materialistic thinking and willing.
“Stegmann describes a number of factors that, more than in other regions of the world, work to connect American humanity more strongly with the forces of the earth below. In general, the metabolic-will nature of the human being, the psychosomatic aspect within which Americans tend by nature to live most strongly, is more closely connected with the physical organism and, thereby, with its earthly surroundings. The impulse of the pre-Christian Ahrimanic mystery center among the ancient Aztecs, as described by Steiner, has united with the elemental forces of the western world and even today rises up out of the subsensible inner depths of the earth in America. Another factor concerns the especially strong American presence of the human Double, an Ahrimanic astral being with no ego that lives below consciousness awareness within every incarnated human being from just before birth until just before death. Although the Double had the originally beneficial task to help us as spiritual beings to harden and adapt to the earthly world, today the Double is completely penetrated by Ahriman and works to make dense the human body and to bind human beings to the lower powers of the earth.
“The Double subconsciously opens human beings to those elemental earth forces to which it is intimately related, attempting to make human beings into materialistically-oriented beings not led by their own egos but guided from outside by Ahrimanic powers. In the depths of human souls, the Double acquires ever greater power over the unconscious life of human will, binding souls with powers that derive entirely from the earth itself— rigidifying forces of mechanization and subnature (especially gravity, electricity, and magnetism). Indeed, Steiner stated that in America those sub-earthly magnetic forces that connect the human being more closely with the Double
rise up most strongly. These forces are connected with the fact that on the American continents, most of the mountain ranges run in a north-south direction.” David Adams (google) Riddle of America
Few people have captured this mighty mystery in such a distinct occult picture, or hinted at it as Quentin Tarantino or the artist Rick Romanowski have. Together along with Stegmann, Steiner, Adams, Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon and hundreds of Spiritual Science students of the west, brought the intuition of the subsensible forces hidden beneath the etheric geography of the deep South West Region of the American Western Hemisphere. If we in the West refuse to bring curriculum studies of our Geographic Double, we literally cripple the courage and the cognitive potential of university students to comprehend the political and nightmarish forces that fuel the Super Power Monster we call the United States of America. And the ramifications into the unfolding future epochs of humanity will be catastrophic.
Rudolf Steiner and Anti-Grail Mystery Centers
“…the domain which was the most vicious and hostile to the Grail was Castle Merveil, the gathering-place of all the forces which attack man in this part of his body and soul and have undergone a karmic fate such as has been indicated.”
In the middle ages there were regions, places, where etheric and astral entities and forces, choked, inhabited, invested a locality and a region with a kind of poison. This poison is that which seeks to infect the dead parts of the human soul and possess and inhabit them. This is why Rudolf Steiner discussed Castle Merveil. These polluted regions of temptation, with the exact potent intent that Castle Merveil had, that seduced, infected the dead parts of the human psyche and inhabited them, were anti-grail mystery centers. In the Far West, in the United States, pockets of seduction, fallen mysteries of Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuras can be found thriving in certain geographic locations.
Walt Disney went to Europe and took away hundreds of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and brought them back to the United States in a changed, but interesting form. How the United States digested the wisdom of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and changed the Michael Impulse to Mickey Mouse or Mighty Mouse was part of Disney’s showmanship, sharp business acumen, American ingenuity and Luciferic genius. Production Line, mass saturation, distribution and marketing of Childhood, marketing of fluid, celluloid hyper-hysteric, kinetic astral imagery inundated the floors and foundations of the delicate buds of imagination. It came at you, every Saturday morning with no effort. Disney and Edison had helped unleash part of the New Atlantean Flood. It came in an evolving, torrential downpour which we now SURF. We have become skilled surfers who have learned to swim in the fluid media that has flooded and inundated our senses.
What was wedged and lodged into critical layers of the Imagination that arise as delicate buds and etheric forces of childhood suffered a kind of atrophy. Nothing resembles so clearly the American Folk-Spirit as our collective sense of humor, combined with a stinging materialistic realism.
The first honorary mention for Socratic, profound, and deep swells of stinging American irony and U.S. humor is held with distinction by George Carlin. NEWS and the realism of the Intellect, the sur-realism and our love of the inept lie of materialistic deceptions, are nobly corrected “Daily” and confronted by Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert try to antidote our imprisoned intellects against the full thrust of Ahrimanic political assaults.
But as far as Inner Cartoon elasticity, Robin Williams channeled hyper-etheric mobility and etheric elasticity through his being, to the point of Rehab. He refused to have portions of his soul be murdered or put to death. They were in there and he could dig them out and show them. The result of cartoon infusions and injections allows us to pedagogically witness astral meteor showers impact and take immediate form in cartoon etheric comedic expressionism via Robin Williams performance ART. Robin Williams, when he was jacked and juiced could be compared to the Sprung Sonnet form of Gerard Manley Hopkins. (CLICK LINK). Williams and Hopkins leaped over restrictive forms of rigid behaviorism. That is a healthy and beneficial Lucferic trait.
Injected into our United States and global world MEDIA the active, living, loving and joyful etheric imaginations of western childhoods, were overwhelmingly turned into the sour harvesting fields of cynical skepticism. Because a form of Jujutsu in the soul must be practiced against the dead etheric cartoon corpses that arise and turn into Ahrimanic zombies from the un-deadened U.S. graveyard of our unconsciousness. The subconscious terrain of the Monsters of the American Psyche can rise up into a ferocious force and Rod Serling and Twilight Zone the Movie were correct in their diagnosis. (SEE LINK) But we have failed in our education to grasp with spiritual clarity the sub-human animation of the corpses of dis-incarnate cartoons and their effects on the unused portions of our psyche.
The moral hypocrisy of Luciferic sensual fires that sent the innocent Michael warrior, Joan of Arc, through her higher Salamander Initiation, trial by fire reveals the hypocrisy of Luciferic Priests, who from the intense dogmas of the church promoted insanity as Christian doctrine. (FIRE, Luciferic Temptations disguised as Sensual Fire DISNEY CLIP, (see link). The portrayal of the operatic hypocrisy of the Luciferic insanity of the Church has been captured brilliantly but with no clarity as to a distinct Luciferic attack on the soul. And this hypocrisy of Luciferic Possession exists as strongly today in our United States and American fundamentalist churches as it did back in the time of the trial and the burning of Joan of Arc. The problem for us is our immaturity. We fail over and over again to clearly identify Luciferic repulsion and entanglement in power and sensuality as part of Lucifer’s temptations as opposed to Ahrimanic or Asuric possessions of our enhanced human doppelganger.
But wait! Surely the fact that America was introduced, ‘en masse’ to outstanding Fairy Tales of Central Europe and the East must count in Uncle Walt’s favor? It is an astonishing revelation of the difference between how the U.S. digested Etheric vision and nourishment for the foundations of childhood and how Europe digested it. In America we highly appreciate the Luciferic Schools of Initiation, enjoy them, but also validate and investigate the Etheric Christ mysteries. Thank you Walt Disney.The Consciousness Soul is tasked with appreciating the many Initiation Schools. We are looking presently at part of the Luciferic Mysteries of America.
To the American Soul-Substance and our American pragmatism, Etheric vision, the true Science of the Novalis School and the science of imagination, were just a game, a trivial toy, a distraction. It was no more living than the dead cartoons lying as Imagination’s Corpses in the basements of our childhood. The Media flood that was unleashed in the Western Hemisphere, in the Age of Pisces was an addictive layering in, sealing over, cementing over, entombing of all our literal elastic, mobile Childhood etheric dexterity. This dexterity, allowed to ripen with the Soul-Breathing that is built into Waldorf Education, allows our human souls to grow, what we need as adults, a healthy, mature and organically grounded, living tool for Moral Imagination. This Moral Imagination is the very essence of the Novalis and Goethe School Moral Fantasia, Moralischen Phantasie or Magical Idealism.
Die Esoterik der moralischen Phantasie
Der Begriff der moralischen Phantasie ist der Fachwelt, soweit sie ihn überhaupt wahrgenommen hat, rätselhaft geblieben, und auch mit der praktischen Verwirklichung steht es nicht zum besten. Was ist das Wesen der moralischen Phantasie? Hat sie, als Fähigkeit betrachtet, eine esoterische Seite, und wenn ja, worin besteht diese? Die Ausführungen in diesem Buch enthalten erhellende Gesichtspunkte für die Wertung der moralischen Phantasie in einer Sammlung von Aufsätzen:
Die Entwicklung der moralischen Phantasie in Rudolf Steiners Philosophie der Freiheit
Die Vertiefung der moralischen Phantasie im Vortragswerk Rudolf Steiners
Die Perspektiven der moralischen Phantasie für die Zukunft
Der Papst und die Aufklärung
Die Esoterik der moralischen Phantasie
Der ethische Individualismus als Ideal
Lebensweg und Geistesschulung – Von der initiatorischen Lebensführung
Disney bequeathed, through the very nature of the Western Hemisphere and through our unique American-Doppelganger -Corporate Franchise Disney- handed over to America and the World, a superficial brand-name and counterfeit replication of what was once a potent and sacramental Rosicrucian Mystery. The difference that we are drawing pertains only to our collective Luciferic Double. We are drawing a tight cognitive circle around the etheric forces that surround the clarity of the Risen Etheric Christ and contrasting it to our happy-go-lucky counterfeit Luciferic impressions.
That which is impressed, like wax, into our Etheric bodies can take Luciferic, Ahrimanic, Asuric or Risen Etheric Christ concreteness. In other words the Novalis School understands the critical difference and enjoys the difference between the real living forces that operate in our souls versus cartoon copies. This is part and parcel to the schooling of the Consciousness Soul that we comprehend clearly Luciferic Initiation Schools.
Childhood and The Fairy Tale Mood
“Rudolf Steiner has explained how the true European fairy tales spread by the minstrels from about the eighth to the thirteenth centuries originated, in fact, with the Rosicrucians (or, better said, their immediate ancestors) “It is a superficial view to believe that such tales can be invented by human fancy,” he says. “The old tales which give expression to the spiritual secrets of the world came into being because those who composed them gave ear to others who were able to impart the spiritual secrets.” David Adams (google) Riddle of America.
Disney did indeed plunder the European schools of Grimm, Novalis, Goethe, that were rich with Moral Imagination and Magical Idealism. (CLICK LINK) What makes the American Luciferic Double so slippery, is its over all immaturity, our over all immaturity in every domain, and our critical failure to consciously carry the limberness of Childhood Imagination into the maturity of concrete Moral Imaginations.
The invasion by Disney into the Luciferic Castle Marveil, helped to distort the region where the treasure of the Living Etheric substance of Childhood had remained as fountain and reservoir for human innocence. Yes, and thanks to Uncle Walt, we got to experience some of these astonishing Rosicrucian parables and germinal seeds of future Etheric vision. In these tales the seeds of our collective etheric treasures, The Snow White of the Soul and Spirit, the SEVEN planetary dwarfs, were meant to be planted into the reality of our higher human education. Then, like Jack and the Bean Stalk, we would be nourished in our etheric bodies and rooted to the Earth but would be able to rise up, with Moral Imagination, to the lofty Beings of the spiritual world where the giants truly dwell.
Disney met the reverberating spirit of Goetheanism in Europe and robbed Goethe with Disney’s version of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”. The epic tale of how Mass Production of either printing money by the trillions from the Federal Reserve or over producing and flooding markets with products, advertising and corporations that cannot survive without the bargains and close out sales of mass generic products from Pharmaceutical Corporations, Dow, Dupont, GE, Monsanto to pathetic and useless trash that litters world garbage dumps. Like “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” corporations must churn out profits, profits and more profits. Proliferation, proliferation and more proliferation.
Disney brought to children everywhere the wiggly, wobbliness of the elasticity of Etheric Cartoon mobility. This etheric elasticity, resurrection, recovery from any manner of violence and injury, etheric invincibleness was inculcated by repetition and repeating over and over again, the instant recovery and immortal elasticity of cartoon beings. (Click Link)
Yet this Etheric Elasticity was not a toy and plaything but one of the chief treasures of Childhood. This ripened and mature Etheric Elasticity is one of the core secrets of the Moral Immensity of the Golgotha Event ( Study Link-Thetis-Peleus and the Etheric Christ.) The science of the Resurrection, the double and Etheric Geography itself are part of the very secrets in the core of our human etheric body.
Walt Disney was very extravagant and the United States very receptive to Castle Merveil. Any trip to Orlando or Disney World is a commercial Black Hole for devouring, destroying and demeaning the human etheric life of childhood and turning it into a Luciferic, acid bath of the etheric life of the soul. (For Instance CLICK LINK)
The embodiment of the esoteric mystery of Cartoon Life was aptly presented in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” there we meet the Black Magician behind the legacy of Disney. (CLICK LINK) We might also give an honorable mention to “MonkeyBone” a near-death-experience for out-of-the-body fans of Kama Loca.
“Most of our imagination of the spiritual dimension is Luciferic fluff and figments, not least today. He always tried to hide his hideousness from us and made the best out of his appearance and what he had left from Eden of glare and fancy. And so, in time, our own vague memory of the spiritual world became unrealistic and embellished too, and the egoistic tendency we learned from Lucifer flattered us completely and caught us in illusion and false reflections of Lucifer’s reflection, even if we had got the gift with us from Eden to tell right from wrong. Could not help it, could we – always this gloss over, because the show must go on.”
In our Etheric Geography studies we find that certain regions of the United States lead to escape passageways for the splintered aspects of how each human shadow, double, doppelganger, Nagual, is absorbed into, grafted onto and attaches itself to our Etheric and Astral bodies.In other words there are distinct regions of the United States where the intense fallen forces of our Luciferic Double, our Ahrimanic double and our Asuric Doubles, can be finally trained to become the grotesque magicians and servants to full fledged Sorathian Evil.
The United States, being so new, actually has places, specific locations where initiation and contagion of further enhancements of how the various layers of our Double can be infected and focused for powerful food substance, for beings of the Asuras, Ahrimanic beings and Luciferic beings, can feed off the desires, thoughts and will impulses produced by the instinctive, unreflective and compassless chaos that is the raw substance of the American Folk.
“There is only one place on earth that can beat the Disney World to kitsch and tack – Las Vegas. That does not make this unashamedly plastic creation any less fascinating. The sheer audacity of building a make-believe world in the middle of a parched desert is admirable.
A 10-mile-long street of casinos create enough cash flow to provide two-odd million people with a livelihood in the place that under normal circumstances could sustain just a bunch of lizards and an odd armadillo. Estimated 22 million flock here every year in hope of quick riches or a celebrity glimpse: singers and performers too tired to go on tour end up giving shows in Las Vegas. For many it is the only way they can afford to see the (fake) Eiffel Tower, (fake) Venice or the (fake) pyramids.”
Addiction and pockets where geographic locations attract human flies to a vast theme park that truly is, precisely, as an occult moral imagination, a Venus Flytrap (CLICK LINK) for the soul and spirit, is how we may rightly define the Luciferic Mystery Center of Las Vegas. The astral stench, is something we don’t smell externally when we come to the glitter, glamour and the Luciferic Occult, astral-placebo, but our already infected astral body already knows and is attracted by the astral stench. Our job in the Consciousness Soul is to define, appreciate and marvel at certain unique Mystery Center Locations.
It is indeed a rarity and an opportunity, for any conscious human being on the path to spiritual training, who wishes to study a specific Luciferic Mystery Center, located in a specific geographic region of the United States, to visit Las Vegas. We still retain the privilege of an unobstructed study of the addictive forces of Lucifer as the Venus Fly Trap for astral insinuation and infestation at the Mystery Center of Las Vegas.
We may at any time, book a passage to a Mystery Center. We have been too ignorant to grasp that Mystery Centers of various kinds are right under our noses and in plain sight. That is if we had the guts, the clarity and the observational skills to saturate our schooling and cognition with a True Luciferic, up and running, operative Mystery Center. Providing that we knew what we were looking at, we could apprehend vividly astral parasites and the vivid unconscious immersion of herds of unconscious human beings, shuffling around and becoming the food of Luciferic astral beings feeding and feasting on the unconscious portions and dead stinking regions of our decaying astral bodies. We could study intensely how humanity has made our foaming, frothing desires into a decadent Science catering to the lunch habits of Luciferic Fallen Beings.
Las Vegas is a true Mystery Center for the study of fallen Luciferic and infected beings. Human beings are the meal, we are the cuisine on the menu and we are what’s for dinner for whole hosts of fallen astral beings who have collected themselves around the altars that humanity built for the worship of corrupt astral infections, diseases and hungers. All forms of future addictive behavior can get their start here. It is not the only place but it is a massive occult portal where humans, having arisen to their full-blown and bloated unconscious, ripeness and willingness to be consumed arrive by the bus loads.
These ripened, degenerate, decaying astral corruptions smell like delicious food to astral entities that of course, the deadened portions of the human spirit, the stinking, decaying forces of astral, etheric, and I AM forces that are unused, un-illuminated, unaware, uneducated and unexplored, come flowing in from all points of the globe. The Venus Fly Trap stench of decay and the human beings own stench of decay draw vast human masses of the unconscious conglomerations of decaying food stuffs to the sacrificial feeding frenzy of pernicious, rabidly infectious demons. Here they feast and here we may take our Initiation insights to a demonic altar and study intensely how Luciferic Entities insinuate themselves into humanity.
History, humanities immense pathway through time, have regurgitated upwards, The Pyramids of Egypt, The Renaissance Art and magnificent achievements of humanity, through the in-pouring glory of the Renaissance, new and wondrous achievements, were all based on real spiritual human beings and their victories and tragedies in the immense flow of time.
The Eiffel Tower is the emblem of Paris. Paris who abducted Helen and for whom the Trojan War was fought, is the absolute foundation of Western Civilization (Click Link). The tale of Hector, Achilles, Paris, Aeneas and the founding of Rome, hinge and pivot on Paris and Helen. Because of Helen and Paris, humanity chose Aphrodite over Hera and Athena that set the stage for the evolution of the human soul. Love triumphed over Athena (thinking) or Hera (power). Venus, Aphrodite, Love, Freya celebrated by humanity as GOOD FRIDAY, the day of Venus, is where LOVE TRIUMPHED over death. And Vegas is a Venus fly-trap, Luciferic Initiation location, formed of empty historical monuments, up-chucked from the bowels of a decimated and vacuous humanity.
The Eiffel Tower, where Nazi Germany, in another sweep of time, invaded, occupied and took over and marched through Paris and the image of the Eiffel Tower, was another, vivid, sweeping catastrophe, for both the living and all those that died on “Saving Private Ryan” battle fields. The Risen Etheric Christ, within these immense catastrophes of humanity, rose and became visible in his Etheric Form in 1933.
The hidden horrors that were faced, the catastrophic disruptions of destinies on Earth were absorbed, behind the Threshold, by the Risen Etheric Christ. From such moments in history the most amazing tale of love, “Casablanca” starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, recalled massive historical tragedies, courage and heroism and monstrous acts of War, Murder, Torture and destruction, saw human beings turn into beasts and human beings heroically standing against the onslaught of horror, of raw horror!
“Visitors can always move to Egypt without any trouble. A 30-storey onyx-colored pyramid marks the entrance to Hotel Luxor, named after the ancient city of Luxor in Egypt, known for its temples.
Inside the pyramid, the Luxor casino resort unfolds the Egyptian grandeur in all its glory. A museum houses King Tut’s tomb and treasure. It is a historically accurate reproduction of the original burial chamber and has been painstakingly recreated by leading Egyptologists, specializing in pyramids and tombs.”
It is the most incredible part of the entrapment of a pure Pagan Luciferic modern Mystery center like Las Vegas that literally vomits upward onto the desert sands, an engorged, emptied and devoured, decimated history of humanity and leaves a shell, a carapace, an empty cartoon effigy of the immense sacrifices undertaken by humanity. Here the idols of history and the valueless-ness of human karma are celebrated at the casinos, where the unconscious roulette wheel reduces human life and human destiny to a crap shoot.
Lucifer and Las Vegas are not even the worst of the demon altars that have sprung from the geography of the United States. But here we must become still, reverent and whisper. Here we come, and we are in the midst of discovering the path of Jesus and the solemnity of despair. We are near, hovering, delicately close to the comprehension of THE FIFTH GOSPEL.
We are in sublime, dangerous, and as we have indicated, PERILOUS PLACES. If we stay on the path of Initiation we repeat, recollect, reawaken the journey Jesus took. The privilege of passing along a path of intimate observation, under the protection of the FIFTH GOSPEL, designed for humanity, to uphold us through the darkest times, we bow reverently, as we are in the proximity, of the holiest of holy sorrows.
It is a bitter truth that we gain insight into Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuric mystery centers because we choose to discover the depth of the Risen Etheric Christ Schooling. The Risen Etheric Christ Schooling has mystery centers and the other beings fully engaged in Earth Evolution, along with humanity also have pockets, portals and places where they thrive and dwell. Luke Gospel 9:58 “Foxes have dens, and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.” Our human hearts are the location of the Mystery Center for the Risen Etheric Christ schooling.
Which brings us to one of the holiest, sacred and most profound Mysteries of The Tenth Hierarchy. Heart wrenching reverence as an antidote and contrast to Asuric, Ahrimanic and Luciferic sanctuaries confront us in a whisper that reaches down into the core of our hearts. In the Consciousness Soul, it is all about conscious spiritual comprehension. We are now intimately sharing an Initiation Event in the heart of Jesus.
“I have to testify that when the priest was enacting the rites of the cult at many a heathen altar and Jesus of Nazareth witnessed the whole act of worship, he saw that numbers of demonic beings were attracted to the spot. He discovered that many idols worshiped by the people were, in reality, images not of the good spiritual Beings of the higher Hierarchies but of demonic powers. He also perceived that many a time these demonic powers passed over into the believers participating in these rites. For reasons easy to understand, these things have not found their way into the other Gospels. And indeed it is only now, within our spiritual Movement, that such things can be disclosed, because it is only in our time that the human soul is ripe enough to understand the deep and overwhelming experiences which came to Jesus of Nazareth while he was still a young man.
“These journeyings continued on through his twentieth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth years. It was always with feelings of bitter sorrow that he witnessed the power wielded by the demons — by the demons issuing as it were from Lucifer and Ahriman — that he witnessed how the heathen peoples had in many respects actually come to the point of taking the demons for gods, even of having in their idols the images of wild, demonic powers which, attracted by these images and rites, entered into the people while they prayed, and obsessed them. Many bitter experiences fell to the lot of Jesus of Nazareth. And these experiences led up to a certain culmination.”
The United States, arising as it has, after the events of Golgotha, under the Age of Pisces, in the war zone of the Western Hemisphere, is now challenged to re-live and re-experience everything, in gigantic geographic dimensions, of the hidden mysteries of the journey humanity must make to consciously reawaken, and stir into life an entirely new Christology. The United States is destined to fathom and plummet down into the depths of the Earth and repeat the trials of initiation and the paths that the Christ took to become the Super-Power of Love in the Earth.
This awesome PERILOUS journey forces us to confront the character, personality and genesis of the Being, the Super-Power we worship currently, that truly, step by step, must drag the burden of unconscious America, kicking and screaming, towards the goal of Initiation Science. Burdened with our deformities and faults, our courage and our compassion, a new fledgling Archai, unfinished Spirit of Form, must bring our reluctant American Psyche to the awful price and perilous cost of the mysteries of human immortality.
Our American Folk-Spirit has until the end of the 7th Age, The Age of America, to instruct humanity in the shattering moral lessons of how Good triumphs over Evil. Therefore the Archai/Spirit of Form that has been given the task of guiding America, and the regional Archangels overshadowing the different etheric regions of America, must awaken titanic catastrophic underworld dimensions in order to transform humanity and the Earth into co-workers in the School of Love. Good luck to you if you think this journey we are going on is some sort of flag-waving cake-walk to Golgotha under the protection of baby-Jesus. America is destined to become all too familiar with Asuric, Ahrimanic, Luciferic Beings and their gruesome temptations while comprehending unfathomable, disturbing and shattering Esoteric Mysteries of the Risen Etheric Christ.
Humanity is called upon to consciously identify the tempters of the I AM, the tempters of the Etheric body and the Tempters of the Astral body and know what LOVE knows. Therefore the Western Hemisphere is riddled with regions of horribly polluted and infected occult forces and beings. Therefore from now, through the Sixth Cultural Epoch and the culminating 7th Age of America, humanity is set to plunge into the most hidden mysteries of the School of the Etheric Christ.
It is a perilous journey that presents our I Am with shattering, unprecedented challenges. We will be defined by these challenges. We will either fall into the snares of possession and formidable evil in our etheric, our astral and our I AM, or we will struggle valiantly towards a Risen Etheric Christ Schooling that masters the Luciferic schools, the Ahrimanic Schools and the Asuric Schools. THESE ARE OUR PRESENT AND COMING ATTRACTIONS.
Manna (Hebrew: מָן) or Manna wa Salwa Arabic: مَنّ, Kurdish: gezo, Persian: ترنجبين
Archaically spelled manna, is the name of a food that God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert
Matthew 4:4 And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” 4But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.'”
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, “And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.”
The Six Native American Nations called the place Mannahatta. It meant to the Native Americans, a point of land surrounded by rushing, tempestuous, demonic waters.
Leonard Bernstein
New York, New York —
A hell of a town,
The Bronx is up and the Battery’s down.
The People ride in a hole in the ground.
New York, New York —
It’s a hell of a town.
Manhattan women are dressed in silks and satins,
Or so the fella’s say,
There’s just one thing that’s important in Manhattan,
When you’ve got just one day.
Gotta pick up a date — maybe seven or eight
On your way.
In just one day.
Frank Sinatra
New York…New York
I want to wake up, in a city that never sleeps
And find I’m A number one, top of the list
King of the hill, A number one….
These little town blues, are melting away
I’ll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you, New York..New York New York!!!
“I am sure, now, of these men—authorities: they came much in contact with chiefs of the Six Nations—there were five of them first, then another asked permission to come in—hence the name, Six Nations. Mannahatta meant to these, a point of land surrounded by rushing, tempestuous, demonic waters: it is so I have used it—and shall continue.”
Lenapehoking is a term for the lands historically inhabited by the Native American people known as the Lenape in what is now the Northeastern United States. Today, some Native Americans not limited to the Lenape or Delaware tribes live in the Northeast Corridor or Eastern Seaboard. Many of them arrived in the 1920s to 1960s from the Iroquois Confederacy. They were employed as skyscraper construction workers. They had been nicknamed the “Mohawks”. They played an important role in building the skyline of Philadelphia and New York City.
In the dialect of Lenape: manahachtanienk(“place of general inebriation”), manahatouh (“place where timber is procured for bows and arrows”) Manhattan is derived from Manna-hata, a Dutch version of a Lenape place name. The name Manhattan derives from the word Manna-hata, as written in the 1609 logbook of Robert Juet.
“…there was a different element among the Native Americans on the East coast, because of the Iroquois confederacy. This confederacy resulted from a strong impulse of spiritualization in the ninth to tenth centuries, and by the fifteenth century it had developed into a six-nation confederacy. This was a transformation of consciousness preparing for the confrontation with the white man, preparing for the coming of the European. The Iroquois confederacy was highly modern. They already had the consciousness soul in an inner way.”
The Assassins of the Sun gathered themselves under the Ahrimanic signature of MANNA. One of the three grueling temptations in the desert was Ahriman’s challenge to Christ to turn stones, metals, minerals into bread or Manna. The definition of Manna was raised by Christ to that which nourishes the human soul and spirit through the Living Word. That living WORD, maybe Art, it may be prayer, it may be a conversation that fully replenishes the heart and spirit. It certainly may be Eurythmy. It may be the silence of the Bio-Dynamic farmer. Spiritual Nourishment trumps Ahriman’s fast food industry.
Mannahatta is the East Coast geographic island center for Ahrimanic Mysteries for the training of the sterility of the intellect needed to order murder, chaos, poverty, robbery, bribery and hostile take overs of spiritual and geographic wealth through the channels of global international finance. We have followed, spot point checks, in the United States, of various geographic locations where open wounds at various locations reveal portals where enhanced Luciferic, Asuric and Ahrimanic forces can swarm and swirl around unaware human beings.
In these specific locations souls become accustomed to a kind of poison, a kind of climate, atmosphere and degradation of the soul that gradually becomes the norm. The U.S. educational system is too immature to consider Mystery Centers where Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuric entities can infiltrate and enter easily into unaware human impulses. And that is the whole point. The whole point is never to study and apprehend the very mysteries, in their details, that the Christ faced concretely in the desert. If we study them consciously we can stand up to them in our inner being.
The MANHATTAN PROJECT was a top secret Ahrimanic enterprise that covered Canada, Chicago, New Mexico, Washington D.C. It spread it’s cunning virus over the globe and through every major university. The name it adopted to cloak itself was the very icy challenge that Ahriman flung at Christ during the Temptation in the Desert.
The MANHATTAN PROJECT took place at more than 30 sites across the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. The MANHATTAN PROJECT was Ahriman’s attempt to make all of humanity criminals and guilty of horrific crimes and spit in the face of Christ for his faint and feeble response to the charge of TURNING STONES INTO BREAD.
The Spirit is not nourished by Bread alone, it is only 1/4 of the equation. As time progresses and humanity develops further the equation shifts more and more to the Spiritual Uplifting forces of conscious nourishment. Humanity gains the capacities to discover for themselves more and more etheric nourishment, devachan streams of light-ethers and develops Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. This is why this Fifth Age and the Discovery of America has been critical. From now on humanity is on a path to develop these higher forces of the human soul that are truly HIGHER MANNA. From now to the culmination of the 7th Age we’re gonna be dancing with very big Beings our education failed to warn us about.
The other-side of the equation, gross materialism, allows an opportunity for Ahriman’s deception and aptitude for taking matter and changing it into falsified poisoned light and glorified global citadels of nuclear energy and power, an opportunity. Ahriman creates a dependency and vulnerability in every human soul that keeps the hives of bustling humanity humming his tune. Ahriman is ecstatic, if such an icy-cold Archai and ancient master of the cold, cunning of cosmic intelligence, could feel joy, but he can’t.
Ahriman’s true joy would be in wasting vast human energies on making, testing, more and more efficient instruments for instant incineration, torture and nuclear death. Vast riches poured down the drain of human fear of annihilation is nourishment for Ahrimanic Beings. Ahriman liked the MANHATTAN assault on MANNA. Ahriman loved the living association of TRINITY NEW MEXICO (CLICK THIS LINK) to the sub-sensible attack he has been waging on the Higher Trinity. Ahriman’s gnarly trinity, don’t like each other one bit. They have completely different aims and goals. Yet they require each other, the trinity of Lucifer, and the Asuras, along with Ahriman are bound together with the human soul. Ahriman calls Trinity and The Manhattan Project honest advertisement and a vital competitive-cosmic market share in owning and enslaving humanity.
Well, east coast girls are hip
I really dig the styles they wear.
And the Southern girls
with the way they talk,
they knock me out when I’m down there.
The midwest farmers’ daughters
really make me feel all right.
And the northern girls
with the way they kiss,
they keep their boyfriends warm at night
Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon
“Where materialized spirit has been captured by the Earth-forces, where human consciousness is fixed to the physical materialistic level, this is where the spirits of the depths have done their work. If you look at this place, Manhattan, this place of the depths, you will see the evil spirits that I described here. They are the keepers of jewels, precious stones and metals. They are transforming spirit into metals and so on. This is the accumulation of wealth. They take universal, free, cosmic energy from the stars, from the planets, from the universal ether, and they are continuously condensing it into jewels, money, gold and silver. Metals are condensed star forces and spirits. Ahrimanic beings condense them and accumulate the universal spirit and transform it into Mammon. They are the Mammon beings. This is capital. Mammon is the evil god of the future; he is the inspiration for the whole monetary system. This ahrimanic spirit works within gold.
Mammon is the greatest adversary of Michael in this particular Michaelic age and Mammon’s place is here. It is through Mammon’s work that universal spirituality is transformed and condensed into metal, and is accumulated as capital.
“The uniting of these forces into a World Trade Center is something that is really taking place globally. Many centers around the globe have been built by the inspiration of Mammon. There are world trade centers in Israel and in Asia who are serving the same network, doing the same work. So the gospel is spreading, it’s not only in the U.S. If you go out into the rest of the world, you’ll see that they practice the same art of transforming spirit into matter and binding human consciousness to metal. But this originates in Manhattan. This is the secret of Manhattan, and this is what the High Tor legend is all about. So if we want to penetrate into this empty space left from the destruction of the Twin Towers with consciousness, we can study this legend and see what became of the FIRE SPIRIT.”
Manhattan is filled with swirling ART – Music, Drama, films, dance, it is a hive and hub of massive influences to sustain 10 million people. So it is unfair to say that Manhattan is the hub of highly developed Ahrimanic global financial machinations only. It is unfair to view these massive spires rising skyward as powerful spikes of power that Ahrimanic forces thrust from below upwards, to the sky. There is so much magnificent Art that act as antidotes to cold Ahrimanic Greed that one would have to admit that there is a fusion and combustion intensity between Lucifer and Ahriman constantly surging through all souls in Manhattan.
Between fashion, theater, film schools, concerts, opera, dance and the bustle and jostle of mixing so many wonderful and different people going uptown, downtown, cross town, and the different character and Soul of those who live on the East Side compared to those who live on the West Side, one can define the regions on a CROSS or by the dense and specific accents. Tight, compressed and compact regions all mixed and mingled in the most People Centered swirl of exuberant life one could imagine.
The precision of North -South streets and East -West streets, the rich, poor, the young, the hookers, the cabs, buses and underground rumble of subways, makes for a constant stirring potpourri of magnificent opportunities for germinating, raw destiny events, to occur. Five Boroughs all clashing together in a feisty fiesta of daily foaming froth in all four seasons makes Manhattan a vortex of human and Angelic, human and Luciferic, human and Ahrimanic, human and Asuric and most importantly human to human intense, in your face, exchanges. And New Yorker’s don’t mince words.
I had an Anthroposophical Arts Center down just below Canal Street, near the World Trade Center. An Anthroposophical doctor and her husband, a saxophone player, bravely opened up shop, in a loft, in lower Manhattan. I joined as Art, Theater and Speech therapy coordinator. I would sometimes commute from Spring Valley and sometimes stay up on the sixth floor loft, at the Arts Center in my sleeping bag.
While struggling to pay the bills I drove a yellow-cab in Manhattan and tooled around the 5 Boroughs by night, for a whole year and by day for a whole year. I would commute back to Spring Valley over the Tappan Zee bridge and through Ramapo and onto Rockland county. This commute went on for several years, through snow, fog, rain and beautiful summers. I would sometimes teach Speech to Teachers at a Waldorf School, give actors Speech and Drama lessons all over Manhattan and direct, rehearse and conduct classes downtown at our Arts center called THE MANHATTAN HEALING ARTS CENTER.
The Manhattan Healing Arts Center was on the sixth floor at 386 Broadway, below Canal Street. I conducted study groups on Occult Science an Outline in a conference room that Dean Witter provided for us to use at the World Trade Center South Tower. I was sorry to say that I had only about 25 to 30 people involved and some of them worked at the World Trade Center and would come by to see the Anthro Doctor or have classes with me on their lunch hours.
If our little ARTS CENTER was locked or occupied, we could take our study groups and meet at the restaurant at the top of the World Trade Center and wait for an employee/anthro student, to get off work and give us access to a comfortable, corporate, beautiful Dean Witter conference room. Our study groups were always after hours in the financial district. Dean Witter’s headquarters had been in 2 World Trade Center (South Tower) occupying floors 59 through 74.
At times I would park my cab at a special cab stand at the bottom of the WTC, take out the meter, and take those elevators, which we had to change at certain floors, to grab another elevator to go to the top. The swish of the express elevator and the different sound of the local elevators made a powerful impression on me.
Both the Dean Witter conference room and the top of the WTC restaurant had amazing, stunning views looking North over the city. Manhattan, as a mystery center, presented itself to me in the grit, bustle and struggle for survival, that was constantly interspersed with specific uncanny coincidences, as a potent destiny hub.
My Angel seemed to know my location and my location varied from darkness, danger, wrong place – wrong time, with sometimes an Ahrimanic tangible threat to the more Luciferic spontaneous strange fares that just happened to hop into my cab. Dungeons, meat markets, addicts, kind people, crazy people, business people, artists tossed me hither and thither through dark dens, flashy bars and restaurants to towering corporate businesses.
In other words, in the vast population and circumscribed movement of the karma wheel of daily life, there could be read, remarkable and intimate patterns that literally swirled around me and found me, no matter how many millions of people there were. These strange patterns happened to me and has happened to everyone who has ever lived in Manhattan. Just ask Woody Allen. While terribly alone I also felt incredibly close to the daily workings of my Angel. For without my Angel I have no idea what might have happened. Manhattan taught me how to read the clues arising and disappearing daily in the unpredictable, predictable, incalculable, calculable-ness.
A band of mountains that rise nearly one thousand feet along the northwestern margin of the Newark Basin in New York and New Jersey are called the Ramapo Mountains. The Ramapo fault runs 70 miles northeast from Morris County, through Ramsey and Suffern and the Hudson Highlands, to Bear Mountain, N.Y. It follows the Ramapo River through the Ramapo Mountains and is actually a “braid of faults,” or a system of cracks. Along this line — to the point where Routes 17 and 287 now converge — fierce quakes exploded daily and the Earth’s crust split open to welcome the Atlantic Ocean 200 million years ago.
In New York, the 125th Street fault begins just south of the George Washington Bridge on the Hudson and heads through Harlem, then south across Central Park and the upper East Side, across the East River, and under Queens. Visible at the surface, Ramapo Fault that borders the western Newark Basin presents an obvious if not unlikely threat, already having a record of modern seismic activity.
Which brings us to one of the most startling occult connections to the Ahrimanic side of the Mystery Center known as Manna-Hatta. Part of the mystery of how the fragmented, severed island of Manna-Hatta arose brings us to the sub-sensible elemental kingdoms. As an aside, we can re-review how Nathaniel Hawthorne described a nymph and elemental Water Spirit of a pure Spring, in his marvelous tale of the “Marble Faun”.
The subtle mystery of wineries and specific regions where the region, the water, the grape and the wine call forth Earth rich elemental associations and histories of the land and water are intimately woven in Hawthorne’s “Marble Faun”. Napa is a cultivators geographic revelation of how the West received sprigs and shoots and developed a resurrected science of an infinite variety of elemental tastes and textures, brought to the West, transforming ancient traditions, working with new elemental beings, into a western organic-science of elemental-geographic cooperation.
Bio-Dynamic Agriculture in the West and over the whole world has become a secret redemptive ingredient in the new elemental cultivation of New Wines. Bio-Dynamics is a secret unspoken infusion among growers, having to do with certain wines and the re-enlivening of the soils. In fact we are positively in the center of how Water is changed into Wine and how the grape and the blood of the Christ, not only flows etherically through the Earth but the pure Olive Oil, olive orchards, where such profound Christ Events swirled through the elemental kingdoms, from the Garden of Gethsemane which meant Oil Press to – This is my Body, This is my Blood transubstantiation.
The garden of Gethsemane, near the foot of the Mount of Olives, is named in the New Testament as the place where Jesus went with his disciples to pray the night before he was crucified. The garden, about 1200 square meters in area, was well known to the disciples as it is close to the natural route from the Temple to the summit of the Mount of Olives and the ridge leading to Bethany.The name in Hebrew means “oil press”. Oil is still pressed from the fruit of eight ancient and gnarled olive trees that give the garden a timeless character.
In the forming of Manna-Hatta we have to do with a SALAMANDER Fire Spirit that was from the lofty Archangelic community of Beings. It is called The Ramapo Salamander (click link) but, but, and here we must be startled by what we discover. This Salamander Fire Spirit, was enchained as an Elemental Salamander by Ahrimanic Beings. The Ahrimanic Beings of Volcanoes, of Forges, of the Sixth Layer of the Inner Earth, had got themselves a lofty Archangelic Being, above humanity and compressed, imprisoned and corrupted it with Ahrimanic intensity. That is part of the profound origins of the mystery of the geographic location known as Manna-Hatta. But that is not the end of the story. The legend of “High Tor” (click link) inflames the entire Geographic Manifest Destiny of the Super Power of the United States.
The sixth layer of the Inner Earth and the volcanic forces of the Ahrimanic Fire Spirits struck Manna-Hatta in the very core of the Financial District. Incineration, cremation and the forge of metals and the core fire spirits of the sixth layer of the inner Earth were evoked and opened a fissure to release the horrific horde of demonic fire spirits that were enchained in the core of the Earth. And this is where the gruesome ignorance of America, or the United States, invited catastrophe to the central mystery of Manna-Hatta (CLICK LINK).
The temperature at the core of “the pile,” is near 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, according to fire officials, who add that the fires are too deep for firefighters to get to. “This is how it’s been since day one…and this is six weeks later. As we get closer to the center of this it gets hotter and hotter – it’s probably 1500 degrees.” “Out on the rubble it’s still, I believe, 1,100 degrees. The guys boots just melt within a few hours.”
In perfect conditions the maximum temperature that can be reached by hydrocarbons such as jet fuel burning in air is 1520° F (825° C). When the World Trade Center collapsed the deeply buried fires would have been deprived of oxygen and their temperatures would have significantly decreased.
Why was the temperature at the core of “the pile” nearly 500° F hotter than the maximum burning temperature of jet fuel a full seven days after the collapses? There were no infernos in either of the twin towers before they collapsed, so what caused the hot spots deep in their wreckage?
Molten steel did not exist in the WTC buildings prior to the collapses, but…Molten steel was found “three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed [from WTCs 1 & 2],” Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon.
For 6 months after 9/11 the pit of the World Trade Center buildings 1,2 and 7 were filled with molten, smoldering metal, that had been melted from the iron girders, and support beams of the World Trade Center skyscrapers. 6 months the steel continued to melt and drip. Millions of gallons of water were pumped into the molten sea, but still the steel girders dripped red hot.
There is simply no way to wiggle around the facts. In all 3 buildings THERMITE CHARGES were set long before any planes hit those buildings. Which places the Monsters of the American Psyche as our own collective national guilt, for this event was staged by our own government. There are no other alternatives.
“Underground fires raged for months. O’Toole remembers in February [2002] seeing a crane lift a steel beam vertically from deep within the catacombs of Ground Zero. “It was dripping from the molten steel,” he said.” [Philadelphia Inquirer]
A high intensity, molten metal sea made of the ashes of bodies, computers, office furniture, walls, windows, doors, parts of planes, wires, steel and concrete burned with nearly the heat of the sun. It was a feasting and release of the Salamander Spirits, the Ahrimanic Salamander spirits at the central core and mystery of Manna-Hatta.
Startling it is to discover that for all the lies we swallow, we cannot fathom that at the core of the World Trade Center was a smoldering molten sea that burned for nearly 6 months after the collapse of the Towers (CLICK LINK). We have to accommodate and tolerate the density of the mental delinquency of brainwashed humanity that could possibly imagine that these molten fires, that melted steel and iron, were caused by Jet Plane fuel. What a grotesque calamity of consciousness was carefully engineered to suspend any further examination into the depths of a truly occult event. The only excuse we can fall back upon is that there is a complete failure to lift our intelligence to the true meaning of Fire Beings.
Here we are in the United States creating massive Fire, Sorathian, destructive global nuclear events and poisoning the entire world with deformity of etheric life, DNA and chromsome decimation of whole regions and populations over the whole Earth, but we cannot understand the Fire of the Spirit Man and the Etheric Christ vs the Fires of demonic Sorathian and Ahrimanic beings from the Sixth Layer of the Inner Earth.
It is disappointing to remind people that St. John was Boiled in Oil and this boiling fire and the vicious Salamander Fire Spirits, used against St. John, boiling in a cauldron, did not harm St. John. In fact Domitian, the emperor of Rome, was so frustrated with the Fire Spirits, that all he could do, after attempting to murder and melt the flesh and bone off St. John, was to exile Lazarus/John as far away as possible.
This is part of a Spirit-Man mystery that, as we might say, how thin skinned and how sensitive St. John must have been made to experience fully the Apocalypse and Revelation of the higher astral devachan and Christ mysteries in the giant panorama of Revelation. This boiling in oil was just one stage in the unfolding revelation of the Initiation that appears in Christian Rosenkreuz.
“The fifth room was set open to us, whither we got too after the former manner, and tendered our service. In this room a bath was prepared for our bird, which was so coloured with a fine white powder, that it had the appearance of mere milk. Now it was at first cool when the bird was set into it. He was mighty well pleased with it, drinking of it, and pleasantly sporting in it. But after it began to heat by reason of the lamps that were placed under it, we had enough to do to keep him in the bath. We therefore claps a cover on the kettle, and suffered him to thrust his head out through a hole, till he had in this sort lost all his feathers in this bath, and was as smooth as a newborn child…”
To be a Knight of the Golden Stone, to be the chosen candidate for directing the education of humanity toward Immortality is a journey we are all embarking on. What happens in such an Initiation event when your entire outer skin is licked clean by Salamander Spirits of Fire? You are taken from the frying pan into the fire, and the Christ Being supervised the cleansing of St. John in the fire to prepare him to absorb the loftiest Revelation humanity has ever received.
Now this breath of the Spirit-Man Fire is very different and follows a completely different path than the demonic fire spirits from our nuclear breeder reactors and the incineration and cremation of human beings in furious burning white phosphorus – ” the U.S. government indiscriminately rained white chemical fire down on the Iraqi city and melted women and children to death”. White phosphorus that melts our skin off, or the horrific fires that penetrate our bone marrow and cause birth defects and deformities through our use of Depleted Uranium weaponry and shells are grotesque abominations of Ahrimanic intents channeled through well dressed suited monsters. These are monsters.
The Fire Beings of the risen Etheric Christ had a whole regiment of unfolding stages of Initiation destined for St. John. Being boiled in oil, without harm, reveals an entire higher realm of Spiritual-Fire that Christ wished to reveal to humanity. Christ chose Lazarus/John, that is the duel union of the Novalis/Rosenkreuz study that is flowing under the Super-Power Being of America that we have been studying in this essay. If Lazarus/John was unharmed by the Boiling Oil, as a real event, this Fire was deflected, so that it could be used, the Fire Beings could be used by higher beings for a later Initiation Event in the 13th Century.
Through the united Initiation forces of Novalis and Christian Rosenkreuz, humanity may find the way to Love as a higher spiritual fire. America will be tasked to claw their way to immortality or, and without a doubt, find the deep forces that awaken and stir human love and immortality from the depths of our beings.
The pressure is being created in America to find the Spirit-Man fire that will unlock, transubstantiate and release matter, and release our higher Initiation into immortality. It is also part of the higher schooling presented in the Novalis/Rosenkreuz schooling of Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. In other words that baptism by fire and those transformed and transubstantiated devachan fire mysteries of higher birth were literally used for the Birth of Christian Rosenkreuz in the 13th century.
“…a “College“ of twelve wise men came together. All the spiritual knowledge of the world and its secrets then existing was gathered into this College — distributed as it were in different sections. By means of certain occult processes there had been transmitted to seven of these twelve wise men, the wisdom that had passed over from Atlantis into the holy Rishis.” (Click Link)
Earlier in this study, we glanced at why the Beatles expanded their consciousness and went East to India. What enormous generational changes were wrought in the far west, are all but forgotten. But their expansion and very lively inner development was passed on creatively to countless impulses in music, Woodstock for instance, to science, to expansion of psychology and literature, education, were all enhanced by the fact that the Beatles went to India and brought something back to the West.
However we can only comprehend the depth and meaning of the FAB FOUR Companions, by comprehending what the infusion brought and why it had to be brought. “When the Spirit of the Age of India had fulfilled his mission, he was promoted to the guidance of the entire evolution of post-Atlantean humanity.” Those germinal impulses and the discovery of America in the Fifth Age is set to unfold for centuries to come and immortality, Spirit-Man is the ultimate pressure facing us in the 6th Age and the 7th Age. That means the germinal impulse of music and creativity was fueled by the power of the New Holy Rishis, mighty Archai Initiation, of Christian Rosenkreuz himself. Christian Rosenkreuz has fused into his being the entire Holy Rishis, the full TWELVE STREAMS of the Christ Being’s mighty impulse into the core of his very being. Christian Rosenkreuz is a living, walking Immortal amongst us.
It is good to have the higher Salamander Spirits as our human friends and companions. In Eurythmy, Speech, The Word and the study of Etheric Phytology, I examine the Sylph Spirit we all have in training with us. Hawthorne illuminates the Nymph and Undine mystery of the Water Spirits for us in Chapters 26 and 27 of his wonderful Novalis Schooling work, “The Marble Faun”. I attempted early on to wrestle, several different times with the destiny of the gnomes and dwarfs of silicon and our ‘chip- techno culture’ mineral-mythic mysteries.
Now we may look into the sub-strata of the TRUE elemental beings and discuss the nature of wonderful, helpful, profound Salamander Fire Spirits or demonic, Sorathian and Ahrimanized fire demons. We know that the fire demons source is part of the Sixth Layer of the inner Earth. There these bound and enmeshed core of Titanic-Balrog fire demons bred at Breeder Reactors over the surface of the Earth are part of the assassins of the sun demon legion that are assaulting humanity in this FIFTH AGE, under the constellation of Pisces.
But let us back up a bit. There in the core of the World Trade Center collapse and catastrophe we have certified Thermite Fire Demon catalyzers that any Forge or Metal Smithy would have been amazed by. Even if the Smithies at the Forge were all trained in Fire Spirit handling and elemental ethnicity by the dwarves of the Earth. These mysteries of the Forge go all the way back to Cain and the establishment of metallurgy and the sciences that have to do with the planets and the sun.
The Gold of the Sun, the Silver of the Moon, the Copper of Venus, the lead of Saturn, the liquidity of Mercury, and the Iron of Mars, the tin and zinc of Jupiter,needed specific forge training. You can’t have the Tolkien story of the forged Ring of Power without the mystery of the Volcanic, demonic, Fire-Spirits of the Earth. Down in the Sixth layer of the Inner Earth were the Cain mysteries of the Forge.
“Tears of the Salamander by Peter Dickinson
“None of your ancestors, for many generations, since first we came out of Persia and settled on the mountain, had known it. I myself underwent much labor and danger to search it out. I traveled to the farthest East, to the Island of Fire, and there I found the last of those who speak that ancient tongue, and to gain their trust I underwent the Ordeal of Fire, so that they should teach me the chant, and other long-forgotten secrets…
“They are, in fact, in the sacred language of the Old Persian priests, who worshipped the sun . They used the chant to invoke certain powers that emanate from the sun. The ignorant call them demons, but they are in fact Angels of Fire, such as were seen walking with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar.”
(click link) THE SALAMANDER: byElizabeth Oakes Smith, a well-known author and a colleague of Ralph Waldo Emerson
“It had been the custom to put out the flames of the furnace once in seven years, for a tradition existed that more than a thousand years ago, amid the Hartz mountains, a terrible creature…
“We find this tradition of the Salamander current amongst the workmen of
furnaces, and always from some cause or other the forges are put out at
intervals. We are told the superstition has been made the subject of more
than one story, none of which have ever come under our own observation.“…had arisen in the flames, which, possessed of a wild and mischievous spirit, pursued the workmen till he clasped them in his arms, entirely consuming the parts which he touched; walking through them, as it were, leaving upon each side the scattered fragments of their bodies. A creature of such malice and so terrible was at length transfixed by a thunderbolt, and now may be seen upon one of the mountains, writhing in flames whenever a thunder storm passes over the country.
“Since which time the men were unwilling to labor unless the fire was extinguished the seventh year, for they feared some evil might come of it. But Hugo would not listen to the appeals of his people, and now as the night wore on they moved sullenly to and fro, doing his bidding, but with unwilling minds, for the seventh year had arrived, and yet the master bade them feed the furnace. So, as we have said, the men did unwilling service, and talked freely of the pride and perversity of Hugo.
“I have heard smiths tell strange tales about monsters that appear from an over-heated furnace. But I am weak of head, as you say, Peter, and Hugo our master is full of book learning, and despises the wisdom of poor unlearned bodies like us. But what a man’s fathers have seen and told to their children, to my mind is next to the book of truth in which is hid the secret of our salvation.”
“My lady dreamed that a bad spirit had obtained a shape upon God’s blessed earth, through the willful pride of her husband, and she awoke, crying, ‘ Woe, woe, woe!’ and bade me come hither. I pray thee look yonder, and behold.” Hugo laughed lightly, and said, “My lady is wont to have pleasanter dreams; methinks they do her husband small praise to-night;” and he took the hand of Margery, and would have led her forth, but her lips grew white, and she pointed to the furnace.
“Hugo and all the men looked that way; and from the mouth thereof half stepped forth what might have seemed a slender flame, but for the intense eyes that cast themselves upon every side. It drew in again, and as it turned itself about, a long, limber tail lay upon the hearth, and then was lost in the flame.
“Beshrew me,” cried Hugo, “but it is a brave beast, and I warrant me will give a new temper to the steel that shall glow beside him. Methinks the brand of Hugo will be one likely to be remembered.”
Present = Spiritual or Consciousness Soul
6th Cultural Era = Manas or Spirit Self
7th Cultural Era = Buddhi or Life Spirit
After Catastrophe = Atma or Spirit Man
From now till end of the Fifth Age and with a certainty, as we all straggle along, through the Sixth Age we shall be dominated by a kind of intense Fire Mystery. This fire of the I AM, shall presently and into the future kindle a Holy Ghost fire that has to do with the full intake, inbreathing of living Spiritual wisdom. This wisdom can be approached through many different channels and pathways. However the signature of approaching this Fifth Age and into the Sixth Age will have before us, facing us, challenging us and enlightening us, a new kind of higher fire.
1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
In the Sixth age, as the Sun rises in the Spring from the constellation of Aquarius, on the big clock of the stars, the Novalis/John the Baptist mystery will also begin making itself more apparent. The fire we are digesting now, that which we are wrestling with in terms of a higher schooling of the soul and spirit, will be called more and more into an active, individual, Manichean reality. And that which we are absorbing and awakening to now, becomes as our incarnations progress, far more vivid personal and alive in each of us. We must intimately share the pain of our humanity as the literal key to awakening the enormous Fire Furnace of the Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart. Our intimate individual empathy, built on the substance of overwhelming, heart breaking compassion, will be inescapable.
Through these vivid experiences, where we will begin to see the choices in our most intimate karma, revealing in our physiognomy and written on our faces, those shaping forces that the dark magicians of materialism have succeeded in Ahrimanically imprinting by controlling the genetic and formative forces from cradle to grave, we will have our hearts torn apart.
John the Baptist, the Archangel that once hovered over the Hebrew people, who met, witnessed and played as a child with Jesus, he who stood at the transition from Jesus/Zarathustra, to THE CHRIST BEING, Novalis the poet, Raphael the painter, will arise once more and reveal a new curative path of FIRE that comes from the I AM. A new Baptism by the higher I AM will reshape us all in the forge of Initiation.
Each of us will feel Manichean Christianity in the overwhelming cauldron of the compassion of our hearts by having to face the rifts and shatterings of our karma, of those we loved beyond death. We will feel the vital school of Manichean sacrifice, for our loved ones, in an overwhelming individual, fire of love, to offer ourselves as Bread and offer ourselves as the fiery blood that heals the karmic divisions all the way down to the etheric/genetic tearing apart. Novalis experienced this with the death of Christiane Wilhelmine Sophie von Kühn (March 17, 1782 – March 19, 1797. We will ,of necessity, experience the depths that the Christ experienced and it will teach us the Fire of Love in a wholly new astral/etheric cohesion of the Science of Love.
Luke 3:16-17 – John answered, saying unto [them] all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:
We have the awakening of astral and Holy Ghost fires beginning to penetrate our consciousness, our thinking and our hearts in the 5th Age. These forces gain strength in the 6th age, as they penetrate slowly down into the etheric forces, that restore, and reverse the terrible, compelling powers that made us accomplices in Ahrimanic goals. And through this FIRE from our I AM, we will be trained to bring these higher forces into our etheric bodies and strengthen our Etheric Bodies from within our higher spiritual developments, wrought from great tragedies and confrontations that shall yet come to pass.
And purified astral forces of the White Garments for the wedding, soul and spirit purifications, enhanced and awakened, and with much weeping and gnashing of teeth, through courageous acts of compassion, sacrifice and redemption, whole new forms of penetrating Love will become known. Including new powers of the WORD itself.
By the end of the 7th Age, when the Sun rises in the Spring in the Constellation of Capricorn, from a massively changed humanity and a massively cataclysmic Earth perspective, gradually and with great resistance, the Fiery Secrets of Spirit-Man, a New Heaven and a New Jupiter Evolution of the Earth will have arisen and taken us beyond the heart wrenching lessons gleaned and garnered from the fading majesty of Earth Evolution.
Spirit-Self and awakening dormant faculties and capacities of The Grail in us, will re-kindle and transform the dead un-used portions of our soul life. These regions are presently subjected to demonic infestations and spider broods of fallen beings, all clamoring for the Spirit that humanity is endowed with. As Angelic understudies we will have to go in and clean house, purge our beings of these soul leeching parasites.
These new FIRE MYSTERIES OF THE I AM, have appeared here and there. We are in the Fifth Age and the Man from Room Five (Click Link), which is the title of the Rosicrucian mystery of Roman numeral ‘ V of this the AGE OF PISCES THE FISHES’. It is the man from room ‘V’ that goes through a FIRE INITIATION event born from the tragedy of Evil fighting against Good. This event foreshadows our own I AM awakening. I have mentioned that Stephen King often attempted to tackle very lofty esoteric themes. In Stephen King’s “Fire Starter” an anomaly of raw salamander inspiration and intensity emanates from a little girl. What happens if a lofty Archangelic Fire Spirit overshadowed an innocent but morally advanced child? That is why the gracious wisdom of heaven have required human beings to go through a ripening in their human souls to gain the conscious insights into these mysteries. We should be grateful for all the efforts of those who have given us some slender opportunities to explore these riddles before we are thrust into them blindly.
I cannot begin to express how grateful I am, and how fortunate it has been for my destiny to meet, share and carry in my soul the works and efforts of those in the Michael School and the Novalis School for ‘Schöne Wissenschaften’. The works of my colleagues saturate and illuminate the efforts of this research document. Without them I could not have intensified and compressed some of my own insights.To gain a broader and more intimate picture of aspects in this document it is warmly advised, and with great affection for our shared higher education, that those books and those links that have been indicated here, should be explored with great joy, courage and wonder of the soul and spirit. I have felt uplifted and rejoiced in my heart as I explored and celebrated the wealth of their immense spiritual contributions to my stumbling steps. May the future striving spirits take our feeble efforts and lift us further and deeper tomorrow than we have attempted today. It is you and our children and ourselves as we incarnate in the future that will harvest the benefit of raising and expanding our Consciousness Soul vision to the schooling of Spirit-Selfhood and beyond. May the Christ go with us all.
LINK OVER TO PART 2Consciousness Soul 5th Age – American Perspective -THANK-YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST.
If we study John the Baptist, we also begin to study something of the immersion the human soul takes into and through the threshold of the etheric/astral worlds. John the Baptist represented a WATER/Aquarius mystery. So if we wanted to see how a pupil of John the Baptist, Elijah, Raphael and Novalis and part of the the distant future of the Novalis School – The SIXTH EPOCH or Sixth Age Manichean impulse might appear – we could look at the film “CONSTANTINE”.
Firstly it is curious that “Constantine” was made at all. Secondly, some star name attached to the movie have Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBeouf, Tilda Swinton. (Swinton has a child in a Waldorf School). But the themes are much to do with the John the Baptist Water Initiation of the future Aquarius Age, when the Sun Rises in the Spring, in Aquarius. Gold as the Christ Impulse and THE SPEAR OF DESTINY (which I examine briefly here) which is associated with the wound of Amfortas of the Grail, are fairly extensive and liberal constructs, ahead of the Manichean Age of the transformation of Evil. So “Constantine” is most definitely an Aquarian/John the Baptist premature and awkward foreshadowing of a kind of Manichean Impulse. It’s worth a look if you are brave.
Brian Gray, Program Director of the Foundations in Anthroposophical Studies’ at Rudolf Steiner College, explains the complexity of death and reincarnation and the stages of life after death and the preparations of the spirit for the next life. (click link) This is so transparent, so Logos Imbued, that we shall and should take all the fiery sensationalism out of CONSTANTINE and study this simple tape over and over again until we understand or begin to sense how death operates and how do our higher bodies integrate themselves. Everyone in America needs to calmly and cleanly regain objective clarity and THIS CLIP is very good.
Hebraic names were Hananiah (חֲנַנְיָה), Mishael (מִישָׁאֵל) and Azariah (עֲזַרְיָה)
AGNISHVATTAS, Fire Spirits and Archai
3 King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide,[a] and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. 2 He then summoned the satraps,prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to come to the dedication of the image he had set up. 3 So the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials assembled for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up, and they stood before it.
4 Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: 5 As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. 6 Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.”
7 Therefore, as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp and all kinds of music, all the nations and peoples of every language fell down and worshiped the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
8 At this time some astrologers[b] came forward and denounced the Jews. 9 They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “May the king live forever! 10 Your Majesty has issued a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music must fall down and worship the image of gold, 11 and that whoever does not fall down and worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace. 12 But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.”
13 Furious with rage, Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So these men were brought before the king, 14 and Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the image of gold I have set up? 15 Now when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good. But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?”
16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”
19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual 20 and commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace. 21 So these men, wearing their robes, trousers, turbans and other clothes, were bound and thrown into the blazing furnace.22 The king’s command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, 23 and these three men, firmly tied, fell into the blazing furnace.
24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers, “Weren’t there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?”
They replied, “Certainly, Your Majesty.”
25 He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”
26 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!”
So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, 27 and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.
28 Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. 29 Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way.”
30 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon.
Creating a visible fire salamander spiral, does not have the requisite heat, after image and molten intensity for a true Salamander Spirit. But, the spiral is more like what we do by hand stirring bio-dynamic preps in clockwise and counterclockwise spin and vortex to invest and request the elemental community, via the vortex and inverted tornado invocation. CLICK LINK
Study in Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego by Louis Armstrong. Gold and the Fire Beings in the EXOTERIC context. (CLICK LINK)
I love your imaginations and ability to connect the dots between anthroposophy and modern culture. Most edifying indeed!
Kenthamaker, So many enormous souls have contributed their lifetimes, their blood, their hearts, their Art, their science, to America, that only the tiniest twinkle of reflected light could arrive through my frail lens. I am still pondering the line, the line drawn by the Alamo and the massacre of hero’s hearts that morally changed the very astral/etheric atmosphere of the Southwest. I am pondering still, reverberating in me, that a mysterious stranger voiced a heroic fiery speech when the founding fathers struggled with sedition and hanging. I think about George Harrison and John Lennon. I did not include the assassinations the political upheavals. I tried to reach upwards into our higher spiritual family and classify and identify our lower potent, upwelling cousins of the depths. In other words I haven’t even come close to doing America Justice, most of us can only sketch fragments and snatches of the things that have played out and the things that will certainly arise in the future.Thank-you for swimming out where the waves of the future are rising towards the shore. That takes a great deal of daring. Thank-you.
Excellent Brad, thanks for your dedication brother
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Such a wonderful Wordsmith, as you are, I am warmly appreciative of your golden heart. Companions on the path, thank-you.
What an amazing picture you bring dear Bradford! What a bright light you shine on the darkness for all of us. With you we can walk through the dark grove to the Temple. Many creatures may be there ready to ensnare us…ugly and bold and heartless, hiding behind rock and tree and copse. And yet we are not afraid because your light shines upon the straight path! When we reach the top because you have taken us there, we can see the entire vista and we realise that it had to be so. Thank you!
Deuteronomy 20:1; When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.
Be strong my brother, thank you for this brilliant posting
Thank you again dearest brother Bradford Hermes. You make us all quicken and put on our “Nike’s.” May we run swiftly through the American/Egyptian stride. And let us stay above the sand!
I have read the first part above, and will continue reading later. it is very interesting I came across this after I read Cosmogony, Freedom and Altruism by Steiner where he says that to arrest the declining forces of civilisation, the European, the Asians and the Anglo-Americans need to contribute their own inherent tendencies together to bring new forces in the world. Altruism from the Asians, true sense of Freedom from the Europeans, and a new Cosmogony from the Anglo-Americans. I am having a difficult time finding where the new Cosmogony is in the Anglo American Culture. I can sense the true sense of freedom from Europe, the altruism of Asians since I live in the Philippines, but I can’t sense the new Cosmogony from the Anglo Americans. These three forces must work together to bring somethign new that will arrest the decline of the world. One without the other will not bring these new forces in, the three have to work together, Steiner says.
Maybe that is why I am into astrosophy.
This is almost like a book, such energy and spirit you have poured in understanding the Guiding Spirit of American.
Marie, you have hit, touched upon the most interesting and potent undiscovered mystery of discovering Cosmogony. Firstly let me thank you for actually observing, understanding and realizing how important it is that the West do it’s part in the balance of the World. Like you, I understand the Altruism of the East and the Freedom that arose at the Goetheanum as the excellence of Middle Europe. Gifts, amazing gifts that the Super-Power of the U.S.A. are too gluttonous and unconscious to recognize their own true mission. I agree, but I also placed a link to the Cosmogony that carries this future.—- Well, the woman has published it, her work is in publication, it was connected to the link and you could down load it, Now it is a book. I will edit a bit of my own essay to accomadate for the changes. Thanks for reminding me. The woman who wrote this cosmogony is wonderful. http://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Geological-Planet-Formation-Nessenius/dp/3848218372/ref=cm_cmu_pg__header
S. Eva Nessenius
She was born in 1958 in Erlangen, Germany. At the University of Frankfurt Main she studied Biology, Palaeontology, Geography and Geology. After passing her exams she studied the Goethean natural science in Stuttgart. In addition to her profession as Biology and Geography teacher she continued pursuing multi-disciplinary research participating in lectures about Mineralogy at the University of Erlangen, about Earth-History at the University of Heidelberg and about Formation of Planets at the Max-Planck-Institute of Astronomy in Heidelberg.
She has offered a beginning in true Cosmogony.
Thanks, Bradley for bringing up this book, I saw it posted by you in Anthroposophy FB (or maybe it was the Anthroposophia FB). I read parts of it where she cited a work by another scientist which posits that the Moon came from the Earth!
Those who are into anthroposophy now must be aware of people like her who offer beginnings in true Cosmogony.
I read your recent post above at the time the country I chose to be born into in this lifetime is celebrating the anniversary of its PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION, (Feb. 22-25) when we finally gained freedom from the 18-year dictatorship of a former President (Marcos) without bloodshed.
It is as if there are these co-vibrations in our thoughts. Maybe this is what Steiner means when he said that those who are into anthroposophy will/must connect in myriad ways for the future of the world. (I have to find that quote from Steiner.)
My friend and I are studying the Philippine Folk Spirit using spiritual science /anthroposophy.
You see, my country still continues to be mired in the corruption of government officials and it is only last year, 28 years – SATURN RETURN- after our freedom from dictatorship , that we are able to do something about the corruption in unexpected ways – a direct witness and participant to the corruption decided to come forward and tell his whole country about what has been happening.
As a way of thanking you or co-vibrating with you in thoughts, please let me share this from our study:
In the book Mission of the Individual Folk Souls by Rudolf Steiner, he explains how every nation has a specific goal that is related to the fulfillment of the common mission of humanity. This means, he added, that every nation has to gain self-knowledge to know its goals :
” It is especially important, because the fate of humanity in the near future will bring men to…gether much more than ha…s hitherto been the case, to fulfill a COMMON MISSION FOR HUMANITY. But the individuals belonging to… the several peoples will only be able to bring their free, concrete contributions to this joint mission, if they have, first of all, an understanding of the folk to which they belong, an understanding of what we might call ‘The Self-knowledge of the Folk.’ In ancient Greece, in the Apollonic Mysteries the sentence ‘Know thyself’ played a great rôle; in a not far-distant future this sentence will be addressed to the Folk-souls; ‘Know yourselves as Folk-souls’. This saying will have a certain significance for the future work of mankind.”
In the individual path of self-knowledge, knowing one’s double or doppelganger (lower self) is part of the journey to self-knowledge. We can attain to our higher self by knowing our lower self. OUR NATION SEEMS TO BE GOING THROUGH THIS PERIOD NOW AS WE WITNESS THE STAGGERING MAGNITUDE OF CORRUPTION IN PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT.
I wish both of us energy and goodwill to learn more about our nations’ Folk Spirits!
Greetings Bradford,
This is a wonderful insight into the challenges of America. I have been pondering my place here (in America) and have been asking what is this place and how am I to move about in it and what destiny tasks await me here in this life. I have at times been ashamed of how the nation bullies its way through the world by exclaiming to do as I say and not as I do yet also struggle with the notion that I belong here and through my own growth and work can somehow help to be part of the antidote that will forward the aims of the powers of the good. Thank you for your efforts and risks that you take to swim in the deep end of the pond. Your work here provides an insight into the destiny and strivings of this nation and the beings that are driving it.
Tom Loofbourow. I apologize for not answering sooner. We both and any sane person in the entire world, who looks WEST, or who incarnates in the WEST and most dramatically and tragically, those who have decimated by the arrogant WEST, must wish to vomit, now in the 5th Age of Pisces. Because as you have encountered in THE FINAL 4TH ESSAY, The Culmination, The American Age will make us all Americans because the intention of America and the forces in this new West required us to face Ahriman and discover, because we are explorers and discovers, discover the I AM in ourselves. I gave this indication in the brief summary I wrote regarding this 4th and final summation of the Goals of the American Age. ICH BIN. So isn’t it Ironic? It was all there in Founding Fathers Intentions, but the rough, wild, horrific, tragic, Initiation Trials to arrive at the 7th Age? Literally beyond our comprehension. Yet it clearly was the goal of discovering, founding and creating AMERICA in the Age of the Consciousness Soul. We have a couple of enormous phases we have yet to undergo before every proudly can say, Ich bin ein American.