Chapter 1 “Star Embryo and the Vesica Piscis of the Oval Office” by Bradford Riley
Our Angel’s Work in the Cosmogony of the West “It is then revealed that these Beings of the Hierarchy of the Angels — particularly through their concerted work, although in a certain sense each single Angel also has his task in connection with every individual [ . . . ]
“Knights of Sophia and the Tree of Life Quests for Christian Rosenkreuz” by Bradford Riley
Knighthood of the 21st Century “There is a knighthood of the 21st century Whose riders do not ride through the darkness of physical forests, as of old, but through the forest of darkened minds. They are armed with a spiritual armor, And an inner [ . . . ]
Tracking the Wonders of Christian Rosenkreuz (One) by Bradford Riley
In Lazarus/John we have the beginning tracking of a mysterious Eternal I AM who has been authorized by Christ and placed above the realm of human death and forgetting. In Christian Rosenkreuz we see how this Son of Sophia gives Birth to his own [ . . . ]
“Threshold Entities and Problems of Initiation” by Bradford Riley
“Sensing as we do the dawning of the great new Cosmic Day of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch, at whose beginning we stand” Rudolf Steiner Testing at the BOUNDARIES and BORDERS of the Spiritual World “In order to perform valid spiritual research, one must bear into [ . . . ]
“Practical Problems in Setting the Foundation Stone for a New Earth” by Bradford Riley
“Let us here and now lay in the ground of our hearts the dodecahedral Foundation Stone of love. Our own hearts are the proper soil in which to lay this Foundation Stone — our hearts, in good will, imbued with love, working together to [ . . . ]
The Culmination – of the American Psyche (part 4) by Bradford Riley
American Age Sea-Goat, Capricorn 5733 – 7893 AD 7th Cultural Era = Budhi or Life Spirit “We know that some day the Moon will re-unite with the Earth. This is known by abstract astronomy and other sciences, but they push the time far into the future [ . . . ]
Nourishing the Star Seed of the Child
This is Bradford Riley’s WORKS site. All new materials are being prepared here. Our current, intense focus of study (CLICK LINK) is on the DESTINY OF AMERICA. Novalis and the West are currently, immediately, in our cross-hairs. Video is in English with subtitles Palabra de [ . . . ]
“Grappling with the monsters of the American Psyche” (part 2) by Bradford Riley
SOPHIA OF THE STARS “The single stars composing the Zodiacal constellations around that ancient Saturn were scarcely to be distinguished from each other. They glittered only very faintly, like beams of light streaming out from Saturn. The best way to picture this is to think [ . . . ]
“Grappling with the monsters of the American Psyche” (part 1) by Bradford Riley
“One important aspect indicated by Rudolf Steiner is that Sophia is a cosmic being, whose nature embraces the whole cosmos. Thus, when we contemplate a map of the galaxy we gain insights into Sophia, who holds the blueprint for creation.” Novalis Hymns to the Night [ . . . ]
Texas Aggies, Athletes and the Phantom Horse by Bradford Riley
“If I’m a Heisman voter I’m riding the dark horse wearing number 2 from Texas A&M to the finish line.” “That evening the slave came in and Aeson took the child from the arms of the mournful-eyed mother and put him in the slave’s [ . . . ]