The Dramatic Arts, Film and the Destiny of Humanity (part 1) by Bradford Riley
100 Years of Eurythmy Part ONE took up the Introduction to Eurythmy with an emphasis on the CONSONANTS. (CLICK LINK) Part TWO-A took up a study in SATURN and Western Cosmology (Part TWO-A Completed click this link) Part TWO–B of the Vowels (not completed) Part [ . . . ]
Vowel ‘UH’ – SATURN – a study in Western Cosmology by Bradford Riley
100 Years of Eurythmy “The ancients identified each of the seven original modes with one of the Planets, whose power to influence their destinies they were thus enabled through music to invoke at will, as a nation or as individuals, The Greeks of Hellas adopted [ . . . ]
Eurythmy, Speech, The Word and the study of Etheric Phytology (one) by Bradford Riley
100 Years of Eurythmy Part ONE takes up the Introduction with an emphasis on the CONSONANTS. (completed) Part TWO will take up the VOWELS (Part TWO – A Completed click this link) Part TWO – B of the Vowels (not completed) Part THREE will address [ . . . ]
“The Green Mile” Life-Spirit, Budhi and the Bread of Life by Bradford Riley
Paul Edgecomb: What do you want me to do John? You want me to let you run out of here, see how far you can get? John Coffey: Why would you do such a foolish thing? Paul Edgecomb: On the day of my judgment, when [ . . . ]
Poem Studies from my Speech School days by Bradford Riley
These pale efforts were cast when I was a student at the Goetheanum and were written before 1980. They are a bit dry and stilted but I was learning the Sonnet’s secrets which are wonderful to see. Iambics with TWELVE LINES and + TWO giving [ . . . ]
“Dick Cheney, Judas and The Etheric Christ (part II)” by Bradford Riley
This is part II in our examination of how immense Divine Beings prepare for their incarnations into the historical stream of human evolution. In part I (for part I click link) we examined how Christ chose his core disciples and how Christ needed a key [ . . . ]
Dick Cheney, Judas and The Etheric Christ (part I) by Bradford Riley
Rudolf Steiner “Who betrayed the Christ? He who had the 30 pieces of silver, he who is the representative of material possessions. At the beginning of the Christian era, the Divine Spirit descended. The Christ came to heal this vale of Earth and those who [ . . . ]
“Fukushima Dai-ichi and the Karma of Japan” by Bradford Riley
Rudolf Steiner “Ahriman-Mephistopheles who has subjected him (humanity) to the influence of far more deadly powers and the civilizations immediately to come will see the appearance of many things connected with Ahriman’s influence. Through this influence the seeker for the spirit who does not stand [ . . . ]
“Embryology-Astrosophy and Cosmosophy 1” by Bradford Riley
“There are many ways of studying embryology, as with anything else. Rudolf Steiner, for instance, did on one occasion demand that embryology should be considered afresh in conjunction with astronomy. Well, if one considers that on one occasion he did state quite definitely that from [ . . . ]
Pineal Neuropsychology and The Christ Event by Bradford Riley
“Our task is to harvest from the mortal world fruits for the immortal.” – Rudolf Steiner Who with the eye of reverence may discern How crystals form within the soul of Earth, Watch in the quickening seed the clear flame burn, In life see death, [ . . . ]